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Everything posted by kenichis

  1. @Jones42 congrats on Shotcalla well deserved.
  2. You do realize a gun sale at THE BANK is breaching the no crime zone rules right.
  3. Currently there is no age requirement, however all community members are required to remain mature at all times and be respectful of other members.
  4. Chapter IV: So Help Me God “I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Correctional Officer of Blaine County, acting to the best of my ability, so help me God.” A quote taken straight from the Correctional Officer’s Oath. Charles following up from his last visit to the DOC, decided to follow up with another trip there, this time for a job interview. He came to Bolingbroke and met with Herbert Butler, the Commander at Bolingbroke. Charles formalized it a bit and came to Bolingbroke with a buttoned shirt and a nice tie, it must’ve worked considering that he came back the next day to attend an academy. After meeting with James Jambumpkin who was going to do his academy, they went off to Paleto Bay. When they arrive, Charles instantly saw the obstacles that were awaiting him. James started to explain what they were going to do and not long after Charles was on his own to do the course. After over an hour of exercising at Paleto, it was time to head back to Bolingbroke and finish the rest of the academy. After a short hour of learning and a short quiz to follow up, Charles was accepted into the position of Correctional Trainee and received the badge number #364. Charles overlooking the inmates gossiping during his first shift. The first day at work was pretty straightforward, Herbert trusted Charles with processing inmates on his own right after his first one. Charles came back the next day to meet Jett Albright, one of the staff members at Bolingbroke. After some introductions, Jett invited him to go to the shooting range to practice some shooting for Charles’ upcoming certification test. He agreed and they emptied out more than 100 rounds each to some targets before continuing on their day and the rest of the shift. Charles firing some shots to the targets with his P2000.
  5. This itself has been suggested multiple times on its own. But, the issue is not relevant to actual "stock" on citybees.
  6. -1. This will lead to random people putting civilians at gunpoint and forcing them to strip down. This was also an issue with randomly cutting peoples hair when you rob them. I don't want to have to go to the clothing store everytime I get robbed and having to avoid the people camping clothing stores.
  7. Its not that the faggios aren't there. RPly thats what they say but in reality, if a Taxi driver is on duty this will disable the ability to spawn citybees. This was done to increase the amount of taxi calls.
  8. Please read the underlined. Not all staff want to be consistently tagged.
  9. Simple, there should be a command in the ECRP Discord to add you to the role “Question Answerers.” This being so that if anyone needs help, they can’t tag staff and sometimes it can be annoying to have to wait for someone to notice especially if the problem is urgent. I suggest this role should be implemented so that people are able to @Question Answerers in order to receive help soon. The tag should only be for people who are willing to be tagged consistently and not be forced to anyone who doesn’t want to answer questions or maybe prefers not to be tagged. Why should this be implemented? Faster help for people who need answers Question answerers are able to respond faster Question answerers are able to know if anyone has a question instead of consistently checking Little to no effort needed to implement, just a new role and a bot command to add you to the role (we already have #bot and EC bot) this post was made by the question answerer gang. Leader: @Aieos
  10. Plenty of times where I was dying of thirst and all we had were the RP only vending machines. +1
  11. First jump would've killed you haha
  12. Refunds for conditions like this are not really given unless done through the loan company script.
  13. I believe this is a feature and not a bug. You are able to retreive the car again from the scrapyard similar to how you would from Mors. I may be mistaken though. If you want to get rid of it and open up a slot, just press scrap on the scrapyard menu while the car is there.
  14. I did exactly what you said. I tried criminal RP and yeah most people want to always win there. I found that legal factions are the way to go in terms of just quality of RP. Nothing against gangs that have great RP as I've had alot of that before. But what I'm saying is that it seems most of the problems involving ruleplayers etc are mostly revolved around crim RP players, and in the end its crim RP players who complain against legal players. However, what I'm saying is that no matter who that person is you should trust him to do his best to RP, not simply suspect him of metagaming or breaking rules in general. Especially if he's a part of a faction that actively enforces people to maintain a high level of RP.
  15. The kind of mentality that bothers me sometimes. Always suspecting something bad of a person. I mean we're literally all here to just RP and have fun. Why do people always predict that cops are "metagaming" because they're on Tac just because they can't proof it didn't happen yet have no real proof it did happen anyways.
  16. Its metagame to "know" where the lab is IC as an on-duty cop. Same with MD, SD and I suppose DOC (should we ever get the chance to go there). As a medic, I get calls everytime from labs telling me to save them. Its not my fault if I inform PD that someone is making drugs there after someone brings me there. Also, if you think that cop is metagaming the labs location, maybe then its worthy for a forum report or IA report.
  17. Chapter III: ゴジラ Gojira Having found a cheap yet stylish vehicle to get started, now that Charles had more spare money its time to pursue a new hobby. Charles was thinking of starting a car collection, and what better place to start than with JDM cars. He decided to go car hunting to find one suitable to fit inside his planned collection. While on duty as an EMT, Charles found a patient who offered him to buy his car. After they got to the hospital, he saw what kind of car the person was offering. A 1989 Annis Elegy. Charles fell in love with the car at first sight, or he would if the owner didn’t butcher the car with hideous modifications. Nevertheless, once he was off-duty they met at the Bank to make the deal. They eventually settled for the price of $115,000. While he maybe could of gotten it for cheaper, he took the deal while it was there. Charles handing over the money and receiving the papers for the vehicle. Almost immediately after the sale, Charles took the car straight to Bayview. After consulting with the mechanics on-duty, Charles decided to keep the tuned engine and single turbo setup the previous owner installed. However, the matte paint and hideous-over-the-top spoiler had to go. Charles told the mechanic to go for a simple classic approach, and after it was done the results were stunning. After the remake from butchered to classic beauty Charles finished it off by adding a custom plate that read “ELEGY.” Charles outside the police impound after registering the new plates. Lastly before calling it a day after driving the car all the way around the state, Charles took it to one more trip. This time all the way up to Bolingbroke Penitentiary. He went to talk to a few Correctional Officers before after a long wait in the parking lot, at least he had the stereo system he installed. Finally, Charles drives the beauty home after a long day. Charles outside Bolingbroke inside the Elegy.
  18. +1 I hate going out my car, realizing I should store my gun inside my car before going on-duty, then going inside the car realizing I have to be OUTSIDE to do so then go outside, equip it drop it and finally go back INSIDE the car. Just a lot of QoL updates should be implemented.
  19. -1 Its already NRP to cop bait and it will be even more NRP to have squads of people ganging up on patrols to take their guns / armor. This will also lead to more corruption, as people might abuse spawning weapons and taking them home then repeating the process. One last thing, cops don’t loot criminals as that would be OOC Corruption since they are committing crimes on-duty.
  20. Chapter II: Saving People One Call at A Time The wind blowing, engine purring, motorcycle speeding. It was a good day for a job interview. Charles arrived to the medical department or LSEMS to be precise. He parked his bike up front and headed inside. Charles talked to the Paramedic standing at the front desk, who just happened to be part of the HR team. Charles explained what he was there to do, and they both headed to the offices upstairs. Once they got their, the Paramedic Jack Frost introduced himself to Charles. Introductions aside, they began with the interview. Around half an hour later, Charles exits the building quite cheerfully, he was confident in his interview. Later on that day, Charles received an e-mail inviting him back to LSEMS in order to sign his employment contract. Charles was overjoyed, he finally got his first stable job. Paperwork aside, Charles was now an EMR. However, this did not last long, as just a day later Charles is able to finish his training and certification in 1 day and is officially an EMT-B. Browsing through the many job openings within the LSEMS, he found one that caught his eye. The CRU or Crisis Response Unit was opening applications for a CRU-Recruit. Charles sent another e-mail regarding a job application towards the head of Psychology within the LSEMS. After a brief period, he was accepted into the CRU. He was now an EMT-B as well as a CRU-Recruit. Charles getting his picture taken for his CRU profile.
  21. Chapter I: The Good Samaritan Charles was in a bit of a tough position. He needed a job and he didn't have a vehicle to go to work with. He was always riding with the DCC to get to places. One day he was taking a ride with the DCC as usual, when he met John Jackman, a senior member of the cab company. They had a good conversation and John helped Charles find the best dealership. The eventually got to Motorsport which is when Charles fell in love with a one of a kind bike, the FCR 1000 Custom. While already on the way to checking out with the clerk on the spot, Charles was short on funds by $10,000. It was disappointing, but he had to come back another day. Having quite the disappointing day, John and Charles went back to the Bank without any new vehicle. However, John was feeling extra generous that day. He decided to give Charles the extra $10,000 to buy the bike. He figured it was better to hand it to someone who needed it rather than gamble it away. Charles was grateful to John for the good thing he did and they stayed in contact after that. Charles and John right after they buy his bike.
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