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Everything posted by Wizzidy

  1. I dont even work there and I think this should be a given...
  2. -1 I would agree with this, EXCEPT that there are no systems for government expunging of records, no ability to fake id's or hide identity's... there are lots of ways IRL to get a new ID for an amount of money, but since we don't have criminal jobs like "hacker/id forager" and the government is literally a skeleton I am going to have to -1. Maybe someday, but at current system there are just too many instances of a person getting pushed into criminal charges that ruin the entirety of a character they've built over months.... CK is not a viable solution to everything... it shouldnt be taken so lightly...
  3. Nobody is getting 3 weeks, again weve had shootouts and breakouts result in 4-5 hours.... we have not seen any crazy times (that were not a bug)
  4. We have policies in place about solitary now. If you feel somebody is abusing solitary since the update, make an IA report.
  5. I made this suggestion when they changed it originally, it still hasnt been adjusted. I assume its just on the to-do list because it had overwhelming +1s
  6. I love how people keep comparing prison to kidnapping.... lets do a quick comparison Prison -> Avoidable through many means, the easiest of which being... don't do crime Kidnapping -> unavoidable element of surprise always in favor or the kidnapper and fear RP locking their actions Prison -> Served on your own time, whenever you wish, can be broken with authorization... Kidnapping -> Forced to go on for as long as the robbers wish by server rules, not breakable, served on the kidnappers time frame Prison -> A punishment for a choice to do criminal activity that is completely logical and happens extremely frequently in real life Kidnapping an officer -> Does not happens frequently in real life, a consequence of a legal day job... Prison -> Really not affected by a lack of people to respond to you, it may be boring to you but at least its not intrusive Kidnapping -> Your only hope of escape is if there are more PD units on than the criminals that took you They are literally night and day.... stop acting like you have the high ground because you want to kidnap.... the rules were changed because robbing was overwhelming the RP of civilians, you really think anyone besides criminals want more legal killing RP... Los Santos is the wild west and its non rp AF.
  7. +1 on a lot of things except the dinka thruster... using a motorcycle as a repair vehicle would be non RP. My mother worked as an office manager for a tow/repair company for 20 years, they use vehicles similar to the "dillitante" it would be some sort of resilient hybrid vehicle to save gas. Also a towing/repair shop would not have a hellicopter. Fast response yes but towing is not emergency response.... the vehicles should be realistic for the services provided... you can't load a battery into a motorcycle and carry your tools...
  8. I think ignoring the very large possibility that this is the case after they have been playing different sides of an RP situation for a while and there will almost certainly be bias there is a more toxic mentality. People are human, I think there should just be death RP rules involving EMTs but mostly just things like if I get shot in the back 4 times I am allowed to request my character dies from those gunshot wounds instead of being hefted bleeding into a trunk and driven to the hospital so they can get the big W, it happens, im not even a criminal and I know that while there are a lot of good PD players, there are just as many abusive ones.... We cannot ignore everyone's feelings.
  9. +1 for charges based on severity and time that reflects it, good or bad. Also +1 for DOC being able to place charges... its pretty goonish that the most lawless place in the server is the prison because they know we can't extend time even if they murder the entire cell block...
  10. Meh it would be a good idea but ive had a bike ride through me and flip me million dollar car up off the road into a pond.... so no thanks -1
  11. Did you just compare "whenever I want" 10 hours to a forced 3 hour ordeal? haha okay have it your way, we can do forced kidnappings, but we have to be able to pause whenever the person wants, and it can be stretched and scheduled over 5 days
  12. This is short sighted. You are saying "allow them to wait until its 2am and kidnap the 1 officer on duty because they know there are only 4 people..." Sorry but if we make an IRL comparison, if a city PD officer was taken there would most certainly be police, FBI, Sheriffs, Fire Department, SWAT... scrambling to find this person.... unlike criminals who often wouldnt know their boy got popped until the drugs didn't make it to the delivery... You are equating numbers when you should be looking at the realism of organizations... Also arresting somebody for something they CHOSE to do, is different then FORCING a person into extended RP.... at threat of rules.... for just "being a cop" I am not PD and I think this is a dumb idea from an OOC standpoint. Sure there should be decent reasons for resisting RP oocly, but I think server or not if I were told "I am going to kidnap you" and I was like "I got dinner with my girl in 20 minutes" then after that 20 minutes is up, rp is over or im out... sorry... life comes first, that's why ooc rules exist.
  13. +1 for boats and fishing... I love those...
  14. +1 I enjoy the timers, but it takes a person 0.0 seconds to reach down and pick up our box or bag... while we spend 4 seconds opening it? How much time does it actually take to aim your eyes at an open box.... I feel like the timer should be on "picking up" bags and boxes, and not "looking in" them.... also house cabinets... my stash is on an open shelf.... its not exactly hard to open.... also I understand a 3 second timer to unlock the door (fiddling with keys) but I dont understand taking 5 seconds to walk through the door...
  15. As far as the DOC goes we do the best we can but the government has us capped at 40 people, thats 40 people for all hours of the day.... and we have to assume 10 ish hours a week.... and we spend most of it processing... you know this because you have an alt that works there, we are underfunded, understaffed, and under-supported for our job... also prison RP once they reach the cell block should be 90% criminal on criminal, guards don't play ping pong with the inmates at real prisons... and honestly when it comes to kouris spending the entire 2 hour sentence in prison solitary, that is after a nearly hour long RP for putting her in prison. We cannot stop and RP for 2 hours with every criminal while also processing and dealing with bugs that have been unfixed for months, people abusing jumping over walls, falling through the floor... not to mention dealing with the revolving door of applicants because most of our guys go to PD because they have the ability to yknow... place charges... and we have to go through the whole process again and deal with visitations and attacks on the building...... People keep pointing at the DOC, but it can't be more without the respect and support of the other law enforcement agencies. Its pretty shitty when somebody kills someone in our parking lot and we have to let them go because no PD answer the call to come add charges... the whole system is lacking... and honestly I started at 40-50 hours a week but now im down to like 20 because I really cant be fucked to do 6 jobs at all times and fight PD, the Government, and Criminals....
  16. What it comes down to is a lot of criminals want to RP half of something. Robbing, drugs, being a big man with a gun sure... going to jail and surviving that horrible shitty ordeal for (by the way the highest served sentence we have had so far was 4 hours and that was for a fucking prison break with hostages) is something they want to ignore. Fun parts of RP, I like to RP being an official, but that means I have to also do the boring shit that comes with it. Nobody loves their whole job and this is RP dont try to get the stuff you want all the time. A criminal was boasting in here that "It took them 6 months before they caught me last time" So 2 days every 6 months? Cry me a river... act like a criminal... keep your head down... stop flaunting your weapons all over and work in the shadows...
  17. Wizzidy

    Archive Please

    -1 Are we forgetting something? This is an RP server... you don't have to KOS me.... if you have a big grudge on a cop or somone for putting you in prison, you can hold that grudge... take a gun, get them on their knees, then ask for OOC permission to kill them or torture them.... they are already being robbed, I would allow it... and I know quite a few members of legal factions that would as well. KOS is just an excuse to get OOC revenge because somebody made you do something you dont like.... almost any RP is allowed if it agreed upon by the parties involved... find me out in the wild and get me on my knees? Know I did something to wrong you, talk about it, make my character beg for his life... humiliate him, then make him dig his own grave and oocly tell me and ill agree... and finish the job... ROLE PLAY people... this needs to be the focus...
  18. I think the answer is yes... you said it yourself.... you run most of the time and it took 6 months for you to go to jail... escaping jail time does not mean "I win less jail time yay" it means I serve my jail time when they catch me if they ever do. You put off 6 months of charges? Its probably going to be a long stay... but you could have chosen not to run and served 45 minutes to an hour... you made that decision and now you and a lot of other people are mad that this means you spend a day or two in prison. RP with each other... civs do it trapped in houses all day because of chain robberies.... I think criminals can both benefit and deal with the amount of time. A cap is just an artificial fuck it/safety net for a person... if you had that many charges you would generally go away for life... you could always CK and let that character spend life in prison while you start fresh, and forget everyone you know.... but I would just do the time... Like I said the average employee of any job spends like 6+ hours a day on... its not unreasonable for you to sit out 4 - 6 hours for evading shooting people stealing and cooking usually all in the same run.... Nobody is making you idle, it an RP server, RP... I keep hearing people say "But there's nothing to do"... guys... has anyone here ever played RP on any other game? Ever played D&D? ROLE PLAY, use your imagination... if you don't like doing that then you probably didn't want to RP in the first place and were part of the problem....
  19. +1 this, if you like the current server norm it is probably bad for you, but for those of us who want to have engaging storylines without so much hands up wild west shooting looting, this change is a welcome break from those that would make us feel less like "Just another day in LS" and change the feeling to "whoa you don't see that every day"
  20. I keep seeing this.... but I have to say... everyone has time to be in prison for 24 hours... this is an RP server, most people average 24 hours in a 3 day span(many of them more than that)... Im sorry this inconveniences your want but you have to remember... crime inconveniences the wants of others as well... You know how many times people have had to wait 4 hours to get their vehicle after it being chopped? Or spend time walking back into town, or have an hours worth of fish stolen in 15 seconds of sloppily managed RP. There are some good criminals who dont target civilian rpers, but we can't separate that way... unfortunately crime is crime, and 3-5 days of RP behind bars might make people rethink frivolous crime, you can be a criminal and not get caught.. I have worked a day job while being a criminal in the past... the two can coincide... just be more careful and start taking the penalties seriously.
  21. Its less that, and more people robbing for the sake of inconvenience. I am not saying make the map and gps not a thing, I think its cool, but having to carry it as an item in your inventory means it is A: an inconvenience to jobs like mining and fishing, and B: just a target for troll thievery... make it an item like the phone battery, still there but not in your 50 slot inventory.... connect it to the phone or somthing... your telling me I have a phone with a bank transfer app, but I dont have a gps on it? Or local map?
  22. The new map and gps system is just a recipe for toxic disaster. All it is going to be is people robbing and stealing them for no reason just to spite people... It just seems like another way to inconvenience civs for the rampant robberies... My suggestion is that we are allowed to memorize a map, and install a GPS in the car... so the escape map would work always and the minimap would only work in a vehicle with it installed (like the phone charger)
  23. Wizzidy

    SADOC Map Blip

    +1 its the only major government faction we have to give directions to... very frustrating...
  24. People abusing something is not a legitimate reason to make it then normal. You want a crosshair play an fps...
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