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Everything posted by Wizzidy

  1. Except I could compile a 30 minute video of police giving charges egregiously and with no tact. However fake identity system is not like masks because it wont cost 1000 and wont take 30 seconds to buy, so again another fallacy. The suggestion is to give people a fairly expensive lengthy process to change their criminal identity to legal for good if it is not extreme. Something like 150k and 7 days to come up with an identity, in which period a single charge of any kind will spook the identity creator and you will just lose your money. So lets stop acting like I am coming up with an "easy out" I am talking about a way for us to solve a problem that does exist. People are not NPCs for the police, there was a woman who was given 4 charges that didnt belong to her by an officer I wont name here when I was working at the prison and she was literally crying when she came to the prison because nobody believed her even though the CCTV and several witnesses placed her at a club for the entire day dancing when these charges were placed. IA denied her claim because "circumstantial proof" so now her character is literally fucked because of a human error. Sorry police are not perfect, I am offering an RP IN GAME solution to the smaller errors that happen. Nobody is going to hide criminal actions as a career criminal because hundreds of thousands per charge isnt going to be worth of it for them.
  2. You are right, RP is what we came here for. However saying criminals have 400k cars being evidence of them making good money is a fallacy. You can make that much money afk in 300 hours of play, also thats assuming you do NOTHING also most of them drive a 240k vehicle so that number is even smaller... and lastly and this is really important, most of them are making their money doing legal jobs, which is counter to RP for criminals but it is really their only option. I am not a criminal, but I have been there, and being safely sitting on a lot, or in intake and making more than a person who is risking their life to make drugs makes no sense.... Criminals should be big risk big reward, and yes some calls shouldnt be responded to... cops are not supposed to catch every criminal... this is not "be a cop" simulator They do crime and take a risk, if they dont get caught they should be adequately rewarded, right now you are better off fishing than being a criminal... and that just doesnt jive...
  3. I think this is sort of off topic. The point he is making here at the moment is that cooking drugs and risking going to jail for several hours yields on average less than fishing... its just... not worth it to be a criminal. I am all for long sentences and lots of police... I feel the police should be at an advantage.... but knowing that they are at an advantage people IRL dont choose crime because they think its "super fun" they choose crime because one big score means they sit pretty... it is a gamble with your time life etc... right now it is not treated that way, it is treated the same as your average job which if selling meth only got you as much as a minimum wage job, people wouldnt sell meth...
  4. @BrainDed So I was talking to a buddy of mine about this and he agreed with you on a lot of points (he works on clearance checks for contractors). It would be difficult, it would require a lot of money and careful execution to happen IRL but again, it can happen. I also like the idea of certain "tests" to make sure a person is really attempting to change, maybe even investigating them during the process (give the FIB something to do) I dont know exactly how it would be executed. I generally think the point is, a character that gets a criminal charge should not be locked as a criminal for life OOC. This is not Diablo Hardcore Mode... this is eclipse RP, the details and backstory and interactions we have with people are real and represent a large investment in time and an emotional attachment for many. I don't think this is a small thing, I do believe it should be a thing that is available... people change and the current stance of "Just CK and throw out 1000 hours of character development because we dont have a working government" is adequate. Thanks for your contribution, if they consider something like this that information will be important
  5. +1 this is good for RP overall.... I think both are good but the "automatic cruise" like cars have would really help my hands on long trucking deliveries
  6. +1 I dont go to high end to buy a 36k issei...
  7. This is a game, I should not need to lose hundreds of hours of character development over a charge that should not have been. Also I never said easily escaped the consequences, I believe I said the exact opposite "It would not be easy or cheap".... it should just be available... Criminal charges are becoming an OOC thing more and more and I am positing that it would be nice to have an alternative. If I have to pay a million and be clean for a month Ill do it, Ive already done it for 4 months.... but a player should not be ooc doomed to restarting their life in the server over 1 persons reckless application of charges... Also in reference to real life I am giving real life solutions, IRL you can hide your identity to get a job etc, you can also get your record sealed expunged or something of that nature.... You however are attempting to place that criminal activity IRL is unavoidable and IRL people should just kill themselves if they want to change.... You see where my suggestion makes more sense?
  8. Yea this is a really good suggestion, it should be a separate thing but I agree inmate rehab is important and we have none
  9. Since the most recent addition of rule clarification and attempts at script forcing name changes into character killing with no functioning governmental system. This leaves a major flaw. Right now a single charge (even an invalid one) can be put on a person and ruin their character RP and their in game life permanently. Banning them from legal jobs, weapons licenses, etc... I have said it before and I have seen it when seeing people come into the prison. IA is not sufficient policing for the police, they are human and should not be given supreme power over IC and OOC without challenge. This leads me to my suggestion. In real life if you have an identity problem you can hide yourself on a surface level from the police by creating a new alias/persona. This is of course a criminal activity, but if you are already a felon and can't get your life on track having somebody create a fake ID and adopting a new alias is a small price to pay. Also I checked with my cousin at the local sheriff's office, the average officer/company would not have access to the investigatory means needed to do research on a persons previous names.... I propose we have a criminal job that allows them to make fake id's, steal identity, etc... in order to counter the ability for police to permanently cripple a character and face no judgement. This would not be easy or cheap, nor would it be full proof (high level investegators could use means to dig and through RP gain the information they need). It would also create a really interesting activity for criminals outside gun sales. I am sure its obvious my feelings on police exerting so much OOC power... but I understand the server is big and some things need to be in place to make it work. I am just suggesting we have an alternative solution to getting yourself back on track that is not killing 700 hours of character development. Lets not make the argument that reporting to IA fixes this, it does not... it hasnt in many cases even clear cut ones, there should be an alternate solution.
  10. Wizzidy

    New rule

    I spoke to several admins/support who have all told me that looting a body without RP is "bad practice" but not punishable.... this is why I +1ed it sort of. I think the rule needs some tuning... thats probably it.
  11. So you gain money for the time spent playing.... and I dislike the speeding tickets for this server because cars are so easily and frequently stolen, people would just use stolen cars all the time. -1
  12. +1 I have a balcony that can't be reached without a truck.... let me build stairs....
  13. There are currently no rules pertaining to character killing cited anywhere in the rule book.... the only thing that pertains to CK is metagaming in which you cannot know things oocly so you would be forced to forget everything prior to the CK. Other than that it is fair game, if you all want to agree to and RP a CK (correct me if im wrong with citation please) as a gang hit, you may. RP that is agreed upon is encouraged and allowed as long as it is not nonrp.... or unrealistic...
  14. Yes, I am saying if CK is not your choice it is not ok. A job is a job, I dont think your police chief can kill you if you are late to work, unnecessary ooc validation exposure. You have also never played on a server with 300+ players all having their own interactions at all times... it cannot be monitored of a level that can justify force CK. There is nothing stopping you from rping a CK with a betrayer gang member, just ooc discuss it with them and stop looking for systems to PG them. In this system we are talking about a lot more than a name change and plastic surgery.... and lastly we are allowed to disagree, that is the beauty of the server.
  15. Respectfully disagree. A character storyline is something a person builds over time and expecting people to CK because you think it should be something that is not a choice is the kind of things eclipse frowns on. Everyone has the ability to decide their own story...
  16. Surprised I am not totally against this except for a few key flaws. Ill state them here... House sale: Currently the games idea of a house sale and the actual market value are different.... this wouldnt work, also as you said it wouldnt make sense for all adults to appear in the city with no pocket change, so why would none of them buy a home before coming to the city. It seems like a superfluous thought that is unnecessary. Name: While I do believe you should get a new name, dead name directory is kinda dumb, I live in a town of like.... 20000 people and there are 7 with the name Thomas Bayne just in the phone book.... Names IRL are not mutually exclusive, you dont get to copyright your name when you die. Inventory wipe: Again unnecessary... why would I move into a city and get off a plane without as much as a carry-on bag. Maybe removal or weapons because they wouldn't travel? Lastly and this is a big one.... Lag/Desynch: The number of times I see a person get randomly glitched under a car and die because there are no MD on duty at night and no admins will respond... is unreal... while I wish the system was stable and fair enough to support a forced 30 minute hospital RP with in game caregivers/doctors.... unfortunately weve seen that this system will fail by looking at PD having over 100 people and there being 0 on duty between the hours of 2 am and 6 am for the past 3 nights... MD being empty during late hours, DOC not having enough personnel on off hours... Aside from these glaring flaws I think a system like this could work. However I think it would just require a lot of support and change in a server that still has huge issues with the activities that are available for RP and the way that things work. Rewriting the system in this time of flux is probably not the best idea... Just my thoughts.
  17. Okay so as an avid miner, I am going to say this. The mining times are fine, what is not fine is that people can slurp up a crate in .02 seconds.... or that you spend 7 seconds "looking" into the crate... I dont know whos eyes take that long to adjust but its far too long. Mining got destroyed by the timer system. Ive made this suggestion before but ill post it here. The timer should not be on "looking into the crate" it should be "lifting the crate" it takes no time to chuck something into a box but getting a good handle on one and lifting it could take some time. It means if a person wants to ninja gank a box he has to time it, and it would cut down on how fucking agonizing mining is because of how often you have to "look into box" I did the math, just in opening and closing boxes, a mining run takes 17 minutes longer... making it almost the same money as fishing with twice as much risk and 10x as much annoyance.
  18. Wizzidy

    New rule

    Ive gotten downed from a trip over a log.... sorry I actually agree with this.... when you are role playing a sprained ankle and a person comes up and searches through your pockets while you are armed with a knife/gun... thats fucking nutty and nonrp. There are a couple other rulings in this server that just feel convenient at the time of the ruling that have long lasting consequences that negatively affect RP. I am not saying all injuries, in fact I think the best solution would be a system that allows a person to resist an attempt at looting until they reach the 25% marker... if they are 25% they are probably bleeding to death from the injury... but when a dirt bike glitches over a hill and daintily bumps into my person and I am running on adrenaline and shouting and holding my broken arm.... is it reasonable for a person to come near me while I have a knife?
  19. -1 NCZs are meant to denote highly populated areas with ample cameras and quick emergency response... so people would not attempt crime there.... a farm off the highway is not that.... we cant go making everything an ncz so people can play money gathering simulator, ive been robbed plenty of times and it sucks, but criminals go to jail and pay for it, it should be handled IC not OOC.
  20. +1 I think the biggest problem is two things, 1 the pickaxe making it so you can only hold 4 is cancer... pickaxe is a cool idea I wanted to suggest the same thing but you beat me to it.... the second thing is it should not take you 7 seconds to "look into" your box or "look into your car" the timer on that if there should be one at all which I would say no because there is none for your actual inventory and it just feels frustrating not realistic.... make the timer on "picking up" the box not on "opening the box" this would reduce theft and the amount of times you have to wait the timer. It would also get rid of the current bug that requires to relog because the "open box" timer started while your "mining" timer was also going causing you to be stuck with a jackhammer in your hands...
  21. re-read my post, i never said PD would control it, however PD currently has the ability to lock people out of jobs, licenses, and pretty much existence with no legal check in place. Making a system that justifies their current mentality of "just CK" is not something I want to have happen until that situation changes. That is all.
  22. -1 on any regulations CK related until PD stops making it the only way to resolve a record.... Locking down CK would just another troublesome to increase ooc authority of law enforcement.... Unless an alternative is in place I cant respect it.
  23. lol get a gun license, good luck
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