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Everything posted by HighTV

  1. -1 With a good reason you can still rob people in public with RP like '/me discretely points his gun by hiding it under his shirt' I don't think this rule was created to eliminate all public robbery and create a city wide NCZ. I think it was created to stop the "hands hands hands" culture from spilling into the public streets from the labs. The server feels much more realistic when civilians can pump gas without having to have "/stoprefueling" copied and ready to paste to avoid robbery (even in the middle of the city).
  2. +1 I would like to see guns that are in your hands when you die fall on the ground.
  3. Waking up at pillbox should be accompanied with a /time command automatically. IMO.
  4. Thankfully I think we still allow fingerprints and DNA to be used for conviction if evidence via /ldo exists right?
  5. I think this ruling is a integral part of protecting the RP value of criminals. Whereas the prison system is integral in applying a reasonable punishment to deter individuals from crime like it does in real life, there is no easily accessible system of justice designed to prevent wrongful convictions like real people have. We are in-trusting in officers to be the Judge & Jury. In a court room if 'I heard his voice' was the only indication of guilt then even a crappy public defender could get the case tossed. An officer should give the benefit to the legal defense of the person being investigated in these situations. Obviously you should be able to use these things such as tattoos and voice to conduct an investigation and then submit the information as part of an overall case, but in the case files you would say 'probable suspect' rather than 'guilty beyond doubt' based on them.
  6. I don't understand why we trust staff to make Official factions like Taxi services/Weasel but then we second guess their judgement on an Illegal factions? We can assume this is a plan pushed from high up in staff, its not like any low level staff members are are doing this alone. To verify what @MrSilky mentioned, it was explained to Factions leaders that these groups were eventually to be passed down to the community as stable factions to RP with. The addition of new Illegal Official Factions has no impact on others abilities to get into Illegal Official status. Likewise, the dismantling or disbanding of a current Illegal official faction doesn't open up a new 'slot' for one. This just me speculating fyi: I imagine the largest step to becoming official is gaining the trust of Staff that on an OOC level the people in the factions leadership can self-correct RP standards and essentially 'moderate' their own members to be up to standards at all times (especially when no one is watching). Taking that into consideration, I truly understand why a 'Staff' led team would have great recruitment standards and have that level of trust much faster.
  7. +1 To making a system where the criminals have some sort of control over the likely hood of snitches. +1 To making PD's interaction with scripted snitches more engaging and interesting for them.
  8. HighTV

    Los Chapos

    Looking fantastic! Awesome graphics and well thought out faction. I wish you guys the best of lucky!
  9. HighTV


    I wouldn't mind a /RPonly command that just shows the /me's /do's. Cant stand weasel ads messing up my forums post pictures.
  10. +1 If they are limited in some manor so that they are selectively used and not applied at every scenario. An officer should gain/lose value based on their use of them. For example: Officers 'loan' attachments from the Armory and get reimbursed upon their return. Officers who die in the line of duty would not be able to return the attachments therefor not receive the money back. This would also add 'material value' to the officers life on an OOC level as an additional and Optional risk to create a more 'intense' interaction with the RP. This loan should come from their salary, because IRL its not realistic for cops to pay for their own stuff, however continuous loss would result in an investigation or signed for resulting in loss of pay. I would love to see this implementation *in some way* resolve the argument about 'cops need to lose something on death'. The current imported armor only gives a half bar, is extremely noticeable, costs $400,000 for 10, and has an unavoidable script chance of being compromised by criminals and SWAT. Needless to say its not worth it for one .50's worth of protection. I would love to see them buffed.
  11. I do not support lowering taxes on the wealthiest of people! I think the money gap is large enough. ^ This
  12. +1 Yeah plenty of cars could use this update! See; Guardian
  13. +1 To removing misdemeanors/felonies from /payticket. Its abused more than it should be. Instead I would like to see /checkwanted that uses an action timer and your phone turned on to check your status. -1 To removing /payticket from anywhere. I'm not sure why it should be harder to pay tickets. Governments should encourage easier methods to pay tickets and find criminals.
  14. In this post I will attempt to resolve the current stagnant RP that takes place in prison. In My Opinion prison is stagnant primarily due to its time dilation in conjunction with 'resetting' prisoners upon entry. This is simply my opinion on how it could be made more interactive and I am sure there are many other ways to accomplish the same things! Overall the idea is to make your choices and time inside of prison have a lasting effect on your prison experience. I encourage anyone to mention their own suggestions below! Main issues with Prison this post aims to solve: • Your economy is reset every prison sentence. • Gang affiliation/time served means nothing ICly. • Lack of RP Objectives/Consequences once inside. Potential solutions: Persistent economy My suggestions is that prisoners have 'books' as well as the 500 stamps they enter with. Stamps can be transferred to your books at 1:1 ratio and visitors can also add to your books from their bank with a 50:1 ratio. Your books would stay on record after your release and become accessible again your next prison sentence. This would open up the poker table as well as create a social-economic dynamic in prison. It makes since that people who have been in prison longer have more economy/value inside. Prison Imports A fantastic way to give gang affiliates and long time prisoners a distinguishable difference similar to the one they have in real life would be to incorporate an import system that uses the players 'books' to obtain goods that get smuggled into the yard. Such items could be a Knife, radio, or phone. (or my personal favorite; drugs that speed your prison sentence up, because drugs eat away time) Personal stash-spots Giving prisoners a form of storage space that is persistent to their character is an extremely good way to add character development and build a story-line in prison. These stash-spots could be raided by other prisoners members or guards in a search if suspicious. Good behavior/Additional punishment At the moment you can stab people in prison and the guards cannot add more time to your sentence. DOC guards should be able to /strike prison members. Prisoners without a strike could get out a small % earlier for good time and people with strikes would get a slightly increased % time per strike. (These %'s would go off the original punishment so its proportional to the crime) I encourage anyone to mention their own suggestions or leave comments below!
  15. -1 Its a very well thought out and done post. I just think it would feel weird to have street gangs making high quality Ak's. It wouldn't be the end of the world, I would just like to see a different solution to the problem. (Requiring a warehouse is asking for abuse given their extreme price and limited availability. It's far to easy to camp and isolate your competition if needed.) +1 To doing something with the current system to encourage player to player weapon sales. Currently most illegal factions don't get enough to supply their own people which means there is no 'trickle down' effect like you would expect. I'm not sure if player made weapons are the answer, but its clear there is room for improvement. Love this mechanic.
  16. -1 Fixing the code 0 issue should take priority rather than an alternative solution. Commands such as /pw and /swat should have realistic timers added and be done next to a trunk with it open or something. Its realistic for a swat member to carry gear in their trunk for faster deployment to a scene.
  17. That would work! The current system is far to easy to abuse everyone agrees on that.
  18. +100 Also the one that says the phone is off should be removed as well!
  19. +1 To changing the tax system -1 on reducing taxes on the top 25% of players. Currently the 'asset value' of certain things are very disproportionate. Drags= 200k, 1G's= >50k. If asset values were fixed with more accurate numbers then I would love to see more diverse tax brackets going up to 5m or so! Overall I think the economy is very mature at this point and decreasing taxes on people like me would disproportionately benefit the veterans who are established already. Taxes inadvertently help criminals and reducing taxes on all citizens would hurt criminals further by reducing there purchasing power across the board. The consistent/reliable money being made by legal government workers is offset and balanced ICly by paying taxes. Criminals don't report our income, because its illegal, and therefore do not pay INCOME TAX on any of it. Buying Guns/Drugs and stashing them in a house is a classic Criminal way to keep money out of the banks and keep your tax bracket low. TLDR; Reducing taxes nerfs tax avoidance crime. Most people will hate what I am about to say, but I think its worth mentioning: People that own business' are hiding millions inside them to avoid paying personal taxes on their own income, despite having no real intent on leaving that money inside the business RPly. Legal citizens and police that own business' are doing this as well. Car dealerships (last i checked) do not pay taxes on cars sold.
  20. Love this faction post. Great work!
  21. HighTV


    Best of luck with your faction!
  22. +1 well thought out suggestion! I would love to see 'effects' from marijuana to increase player to player transactions.
  23. HighTV

    Phone Overhaul

    +1 A phone overhaul is surely needed!
  24. For clarity: No one is required to remove members over this, they just cant recruit past 40. I find this topic very weird because there are issues with Criminal RP, but only really recent changes are mentioned and none of the actual 'Long term' issues have been addressed. 99% of people complaining about crime RP are looking for a way to justifiably shoot each-other again without catching a report. Shootouts have been slowly removed over time and the majority of criminals on this server love shooting. They use to reliably just hit drug labs in a circle over and over and find a shootout, but now the labs are essentially empty. Adding script support that forces player to player interactions among criminals is a key way of providing justifiable shootouts. For instance the drug 'steroid' gives you a benefit of speed when consumed giving it a "player to player" trade value. This sort of player to player interaction is what criminals need in my opinion.
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