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Disable Idle Camera

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Currently when you don't move yourself or your camera for 30 seconds the game enables its "idle camera", which kind of zooms onto close vehicles or players. It can get rather annoying and distracting especially when you're typing or you're just standing at a meeting and the camera turns itself on.

There's a simple way to disable this in RAGE MP. Calling these native functions reset the internal timer, so if they're called at least once in 30 seconds the idle camera gets never enabled:

https://alloc8or.re/gta5/nativedb/?n=0xF4F2C0D4EE209E20 (CAM::INVALIDATE_IDLE_CAM)

https://alloc8or.re/gta5/nativedb/?n=0x9E4CFFF989258472 (CAM::_INVALIDATE_VEHICLE_IDLE_CAM)

This small snippet of code does essentially what I described:

setInterval(() => {
    mp.game.invoke('0xF4F2C0D4EE209E20'); // Disable idle camera
    mp.game.invoke('0x9E4CFFF989258472'); // Disable vehicle idle camera
  }, 28000);


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+1 -  I would love to see this being questioned.



1. When your buying items for example, clothes. I have to press F2 or move my mouse numerous times as it goes into this annoying "Idle Camera" state.

2. During LSPD, as a ASD Pilot.. when you are chasing suspects or just generally flying around. The camera will turn adjusting itself to the centre. When, you are idle for example hovering above an static scene. This camera also goes into this "Idle state".


As mentioned above, I would like to see this get debated and potentially implemented with a trial run. I understand this idle camera is great for cinematics ect, however this can be done by using the other camera modes selected via the keyboard key-binds.


I personally believe the PROS are far greater than the CONS this Idle Camera provides In-Game.

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When I first joined the server I was already digging through my own GTA settings to see if I could disable this. Sadly, that's not really a thing if you do it the regular way. Over time I kind of got used to this, always having my hand ready on F2 to quickly toggle my cursor as that will trigger the camera to go back "normally". 
I think this would be one of the small, but very appreciated things to "add" as I personally do not see any benefit of having this. Personally, it only annoys me.

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