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Mooks last won the day on January 28 2022

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About Mooks

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  1. Current: If you get put into DOC and a Weazel News employee posts an advertisement you'll see it in your chat which is treated as your phone for Weazel. You can also do /vieworders to see what orders have been placed in for the trucking freelance job workers. Example: New: Once you get put into DOC you would no longer receive Weazel News notifications/advertisements or have the option to view orders for the trucking job as RPly your phone would be switched off and in your locker, therefore you wouldn't be able to see any of those updates.
  2. +1 as mentioned before, I'd also love to have both a back and chest tattoo rather than just a back tattoo.
  3. +1 has happened to me a few times recently, have to restart rage to fix it.
  4. This happens to me pretty often, a PC restart usually fixes it.
  5. +1 ! and to add on potentially let the buttons PgUp and PgDn allow you to switch from cruise 50-80-120-145 or let it be customizable
  6. Olbrzym Kov - 6 Tickets https://imgur.com/a/QmOMOuf
  7. Looks very promising, happy for another hood gang hope to see big things from you guys!
  8. For sure a +1, realistically speaking you can move around the car from seat to seat without too much stuggle. To balance this in situations such as chases or whenever you'll need to switch seats you could have a little timer like when you drink water/eat food say for example 2 seconds so its not abused when PD need to identify people in a car etc..
  9. There was a post about this before, RageMP doesn't support NPC's so I don't think this is possible.
  10. +1 It just makes sense as you've mentioned reduces unintentional mixing and just a QOL upgrade. The only real problem with this could be metagaming with new players but im sure there could be rules implemented to counter this and make it known what it shouldn't be used for.
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