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  1. incapacitate - prevent from functioning in a normal way. (Is what Imeant to say)
  2. I have a neutral biased to this suggestion. I feel it's a great idea, however like mentioned above. A taser isn't always 100% reliable. For example: Someone wearing baggy clothes or thick clothes the taser would struggle to penetrate the skin to cause incapacitation to the muscles. Due to this example... I feel this suggestion could be edited slightly to make up a random system which implements the Taser being effective or not effective. Chance to Taser not being effective. (The person does not get tased and is able to continue) - Will have to wait for the taser to reenergise before shooting again. Chance of Taser being effective. (The player becomes incapacitated and has slowing effects of recovery) I feel this would add more realism to the Taser as a whole and would give players on both sides opportunities to Roleplay equally. Deposing the chance of Non-RP / Fear RP.
  3. Nice story! I really think you should try chaptering it and making it look fancy towards the eye so people want to read it. You know However, that being said. Hope you have a wonderful time here at ECRP! Looking forward to the updates!
  4. Great story so far! Welcome to ECRP. I will be passing by waiting for updates!
  5. Welcome to ECRP. Good luck with your story! I am intrigued to find out how it unveils!
  6. ATV

    Disable Idle Camera

    +1 - I would love to see this being questioned. MY PERSONAL REASONS; 1. When your buying items for example, clothes. I have to press F2 or move my mouse numerous times as it goes into this annoying "Idle Camera" state. 2. During LSPD, as a ASD Pilot.. when you are chasing suspects or just generally flying around. The camera will turn adjusting itself to the centre. When, you are idle for example hovering above an static scene. This camera also goes into this "Idle state". As mentioned above, I would like to see this get debated and potentially implemented with a trial run. I understand this idle camera is great for cinematics ect, however this can be done by using the other camera modes selected via the keyboard key-binds. I personally believe the PROS are far greater than the CONS this Idle Camera provides In-Game.
  7. ATV

    Elena Blake

    A very talented set of skills and post!
  8. I appreciate this comment a lot! It's about the majority.. not the "individual"
  9. I appreciate everything you do. All the hours to put into the server. I'm just expressing my concerns as well as being the voice of many. Thank you for trying an alternative. I hope this works fine and we can continue to increase the variety of Roleplay as a whole! Thanks once again. ~ ATV, and behalf of those who have less of a voice.
  10. AGREED, I'd love for it to stay ONLY if we could get the CPU side of things optimised.. It really takes a heavy blow on me, so I could only imagine what its like for people with lower end CPUs.
  11. Please don't use negative words such as "stupid". I understand your frustration, this is why i'm expressing my concerns for the majority of players. I'm trying to be the speaker of many! I understand your frustration, please don't become negative and loose the suggestion for me. Many of hours have probably gone into reworking the city outside of Los Santos. Appreciate someones hard work. However, I shall still proceed to push to see this removed. It's not necessary,
  12. However those 10 FPS may not affect your own gameplay, but for someone else that 10FPS is considered either playable or unplayable. I respect your opinion however, I look forward to seeing how you respond once you've tried streaming. I go from 100FPS to 40 depending on playerbase when at DOC.
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