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About E4GLE

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  1. Just change my nickname to E4GLE, ty in advance. For secondary just put E4GLE-010 If first one is taken.
  2. Exacly this, there is no point of forcing every good roleplay situation to stop because of stuff like this, nor staff can always react that fast to make solution for situation. Players should be forced to finish any kind of roleplay situation whenever, then after situation IC is resolved ( being put in the prison for criminals or such ) they can make report here on forum for situation to be properly OOC resolved with all important evidence.
  3. My point of overall sugesstion is actuall OOC solution for the problem with players. Yesterday, we literary had suspect, driven from SD to DoC. In moment when SD parked the car, he exited car himself and started running, we literary catched him on the other side of the prison cuz. he was doing bunny hop with handcuffs on him. We can't taze him because of his fast movement. Like, there is now RP aspect, like you would have balls to exit from PD / SD cruiser as suspect while other sheriff / PD is beside you on seat as well another one on driver seat. In fast paced situations like that, we literary can't wait for staff but need to deal our self. That's why this system would be more then useful, to prevent cringe Roleplay overall. Yes, idea with ,,chance" of being tazed would work, but still, if we know like, baggy clothes can help with tazer shot, everyone would wear it to abuse system. P.S range of tazer is literary small af, it's like range of standard PD cruiser i guess, overall, very minimal just like it should be. Someone above said, just use batton, well, we can't even do that, when we taze someone, and like start writing /me command for cuffing and stuff, in that time their tazer effect will pass already and they will be gone, while we need to turn off chat then unholster tazer again ( animation is too slow ), and then run after him to catch him. With system like i suggested above it would be kind of prevented since they can't actually run. I gave refference for the devs / staff how it should look like with thirst / hunger example. But after all it's on them.
  4. I don't want to make this long... Overall, i would suggest kind of buff for tazer on server. Currently, when you taze someone, he will get stunned for 10 seconds and that's all, when it pass, he can run freely, it's really annoying since most of players actually don't even Roleplay tazer properly, like, they literary got shoot by high voltage stun bolts, and they would just run away until we catch them / taze them again. I know, we should report them on forum for Non-RP, that's an option, but as well not valid a long term strategy to prevent this from happening, what i suggest is actually, when you taze someone, he will get stunned for 10 sec, yes, but after that, make tazed player incapable of moving freely, or better said, put him in thirsty / hungry state, you know, when you are thirsty / hungry so you can sprint / run full speed. It would prevent situation like explained above from happening etc. T.L.D.R. - Lower their thirst / hunger after being tazed so they can't run like they are supposed to.
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