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Addressing the Culprit of Social RP: Player Robberies

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Let me just say something. I'm a newer player returning after some 6 months or so. I brought 5 friends with me. We absolutely love this server, and fun interactions within the community. Its by far the best role play server in our eyes. That being said, after 5000 xp the game takes a considerable nose dive. I mean, i'm talking getting robbed hourly. Who robs a fisherman/farmer in rl? 

Devs, I cant thank you enough. You've addressed the number one concern for me and my friends group and i'm happy to see such an active development group. Thank you for your hard work and well thought decisions. Its appreciated by many!



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i'm wondering how this affects house robberies. does this mean i  can enter my home without getting houseraided now, because realistically there would be many people around in a residential area? it'S a good rule but probably needs more clarification

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8 minutes ago, sophy16 said:

i'm wondering how this affects house robberies. does this mean i  can enter my home without getting houseraided now, because realistically there would be many people around in a residential area? it'S a good rule but probably needs more clarification

i think

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Well the server is very "Cops and Crims" based. I understand that it is the players' jobs to create new roleplay opportunities (jobs, events etc.), but I think the higher-ups need to step in and actually change some physical features and functions to the game in order to influence people to steer away from cops and crims. By all means, keep the cops and crims but I think eclipse should steer towards a more well-rounded shape when it comes to roleplaying opportunity. Yes, there is more than just cops and crims. But it doesn't stick out like cops and crims does. For example, when I hopefully get to play eclipse again, I am going to try and branch out with some different things. 

If we change the weights on the scale, we can see different results. 

Saitama C. ////// Los Santos Hero Association
previously: Front Yard Balls + Los Santos Customs


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I returned to the server over the weekend, and the reliance on robbing players really stood out to me. So this is a great amendment to the ruleset. Although, I feel the wording and interpretation of rule could be improved. There's been many times, as still a new player, an experienced player has ran up to me with his gun and then put it away because he saw "new player". That's how I realised how much of a problem this was -- in my first couple days of playing.


The intent is good, however the wording leaves too much room for interpretation. There should be outlined places where exactly robberies cannot happen. Just saying "populated areas" does not suffice, as everyone's definition of this will be different due to there being no NPC's around to differentiate from areas that would usually be populated.


Furthermore, there should be a limit on how many times a day you're able to rob other players. As regarded in the post, some players use player robberies as their main source of criminal activity - this should not be a thing. Maybe adding a limit or 3-5 player robberies a day, on top of this current rule adjustment, will help tip the scales away from the constant amount of robberies that happen on the server. 


I will say, however, the server has a lot of potential. The script is really good, and I'm having a lot of fun playing with friends, and other players on the server. If we can iron out a few of the rules, and the "cops and robbers" feel to the server. You could have yourselves an RP server that pioneers the way forward for roleplay on GTA V.

Edited by LeeG
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The rule is vague by design, to avoid ruleplay.

We don't want to outline exact places people can rob others or create borders and by virtue 'robbery zones'. The purpose of the rule is to make robberies more engaging and more realistic and like all rules precedents will arise and staff will have discussions on what is acceptable and what is not.

Creating examples or creating specific locations in which robbery can occur will result in ruleplay, where people just drive around a certain area or wait for somebody to cross an imaginary border and then instantly pounce on them. Peoples mentality to a robbery should be "Do my actions seem realistic? Does the location make sense? Would someone really get robbed here? Am I getting something I actually need or am I just robbing them for whatever loot they might have?". We don't want peoples mentalities to be "That person crossed the border, so I can just rob them now", people should be focused on their characters and their character motivations, not rulebook definitions. 

We also want peoples mentalities to robbery RP to be "I'm going to give this player a memorable experience" and we want robbery victims to leave thinking "that was fun". We don't want people to have the mentality of "quickly rob this person, so we can get to the next" and we don't want victims to think "oh, this again. Hurry up so I can go do something more fun". Robbery RP should take time, it shouldn't be some routine thing you're doing very often and players should leave the RP feeling like they just did something fun, not feeling like it was a speed bump on their way to better RP opportunities. 

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I appreciate your response and also understand your decision to not outline areas where you can and cannot rob. Time is the main factor here, this rule is a good start. Let's see how this affects the general attitude around robbing over the next few weeks, month, and further action can be taken going forward.

9 minutes ago, Aldari_Tagril said:

We also want peoples mentalities to robbery RP to be "I'm going to give this player a memorable experience" and we want robbery victims to leave thinking "that was fun". We don't want people to have the mentality of "quickly rob this person, so we can get to the next" and we don't want victims to think "oh, this again. Hurry up so I can go do something more fun". Robbery RP should take time, it shouldn't be some routine thing you're doing very often and players should leave the RP feeling like they just did something fun, not feeling like it was a speed bump on their way to better RP opportunities. 

Again, I completely see your vision, but there's also a need to be realistic about the players on a roleplay server. I've been in and around SAMP roleplay servers since 2012. 95% of the time, the motivation around player robberies is a quick buck, rather than "let me make this memorable for the other player".

As aforementioned, let's see how this rule plays out and I'm sure you'll have good feedback from players/admins on how to proceed with the player theft rules.


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I don't play here anymore but this change has been introduced far too late, however, better late than never. As others have said, this server was and is a cops v crims server and I can't help but feel that Eclipse will be forever known as this due to this late arrival. I hope the future of this server does have a positive change though.

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3 minutes ago, LeeG said:

I appreciate your response and also understand your decision to not outline areas where you can and cannot rob. Time is the main factor here, this rule is a good start. Let's see how this affects the general attitude around robbing over the next few weeks, month, and further action can be taken going forward.

Again, I completely see your vision, but there's also a need to be realistic about the players on a roleplay server. I've been in and around SAMP roleplay servers since 2012. 95% of the time, the motivation around player robberies is a quick buck, rather than "let me make this memorable for the other player".

As aforementioned, let's see how this rule plays out and I'm sure you'll have good feedback from players/admins on how to proceed with the player theft rules.


Fear-RP amplifies this, if you're in a clothing store selecting clothing and you get pulled up on. It's not interactive at all for the player getting robbed, and in return people robbing need to fear the fact that they are doing so in a public clothing store, etc. It's gotten to the point where people were getting robbed in the parking lot taking out their cars when they login. SAMP servers never had the initial concept of FearRP so it would always result in someone dying but the idea of being able to defend yourself was still there.  

This should provide a good solution, and add an extra layer of thought process for players before robbing. 

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