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James Sakamoto

The Dojin-Kai

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  Shootout in Kyoto




Continuing to grow from strength to strength, The Dojin-Kai gained the attention of another Asian organisation, The Los Santos Triads. The night started off as a normal night, the vehicles had just returned to the Dojo from unloading at the foundry and everyone was beginning to wind down. The increase of Triads moving into the area went amiss. I approached a triad who was mounted on a Hakuchou Drag, the man riding it was known to me and I started a normal conversation with him, he replied 'I cant talk to you'. Knowing something was up i radioed through announcing that something was about to go down.  This radio transmission was followed by one of the Triads shouting 'Red Niggas hands up', I began to run towards my car for cover drawing my Pistol .50. Paleto boulevard turned into a war zone, the Triads were mounted on top of opposite buildings from the Dojo and put up a heavy attack. The smoke settled and the sheriff department had arrived on scene, I had taken a round to the chest whilst killing the 'Triad' that was opposite me. 


The Meeting

After the random attack I made my way to The Triads operating base, I was surrounded by men with white masks and one with a grey camouflaged one, I asked what was the reason for the attack, the reply i got was 'y'all are free 50's', I responded to the man telling him our situation and what we are doing, he didn't care and from the looks of things fell asleep during the meeting. On the return journey i was followed by a convoy of Triad cars, I was told by the same man who fell asleep that he wanted 100 pistol 50's or they will keep hitting us.

I returned to the Dojo to gather the family for a meeting.


I informed the family about what had happened in the meeting, I instructed them that demands of that calibre would not be met, the soldiers had a sense of confidence after standing victors from the first assault.


Round Two

I informed the family to sit outside of the Dojo in vehicles and prepare for another attack, I wanted to adopt the tactic of keeping us moving as we didn't want to fight them as I knew what would come of it, It didn't take long, The Triads had returned in similar numbers to the first attack, this time a member of their Higher up's approached my vehicle and we began to discuss the current situation. Feeling optimistic on improving our relations with a natural ally of the Yakuza, we were told by a Triad mountain master that they had issues with the colour of our vehicles and mask, and that if we change it, the Triads would stop their attacks. I discussed the issues with the High Command of the Dojin-Kai, we held no attachment on the colours of our vehicles, or our masks so the option the mountain master gave us was one we could follow. The Dojin-Kai turned to Black.



 A Time for Games

Two days after changing to black the Triads pushed again, constantly scouting our headquarters looking for an opening. The Oyabun James Sakamoto returned to the Dojo after dealing with business in the city, he was met by six Triads on the roof of the Dojo with a gun to his partners head, the Triads took the Oyabun hostage, during the hostage situation, James was told that the reason we are being hit was because of the movie IP man, a fictional action film amongst other reasons.
A few days after the Oyabun was taken and another string of hits by the Triads, the Oyabun decided to go to Triad HQ to try and find the actual reason for the attacks, he was met by a higher up called Vince Draco, he stated that the newly purchased building we had acquired belongs to the Triads and they were scammed out of it, so whilst we own the building we will always get hit, James asked for the reason we were being hit before we purchased the building, He was told that the Triads are the only Asian gang in this city... Is this the real reason?


You don't want smoke, You just pick and choose.

The construction of the new Dojin-Kai Dojo was well underway, a couple of our members were around the back of the building fishing, our backup word was shouted over the radio, it was Triads robbing those that couldn't get into vehicles in time. I was having a rough day to begin with and this was the icing, I instructed the family to arm themselves the next attack from here on will be met with gunfire. The attack in question happened little under fifteen minutes later, the Triads had amassed and were heading for our Dojo, they were greeted by an overwhelming number of Dojin-Kai, they began to fall back and unknown to us, called for backup from their allies 'The Los Santos Zetas', having only one encounter with the 'Zetas' (being a bad one) I knew they were a force to be reckoned with, I called off the stand as I knew it would of been a massacre now that the Triads had called their ally. That evening the 'Council' declared war against WCA, a group that has been their for Dojin-Kai on many occasions, a High command meeting was held and the decision was made, the Triads have been unreasonable and are giving us the impression there isn't a way to stop the random attacks, so we decided to join in, in-favour of our friends in green.


The Unlikely Friendship


To be Continued....

Edited by Jones42
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War Report


"The history of these days will be written in blood" Jake Sakamato Briefed the family. With the Dojin-Kai receiving the full force of the council, with an unwarranted attack on the dojo, previous bonds made would come into play, a meeting was had with the high command of the "West Coast Assassins", in the meeting it was made aware that they had received an unreasonably high taxation that they were not willing to pay, a common problem was shared, although the Dojin-Kai had made good progress getting to know prominent members of "The Los Zetas", The ongoing random attacks from their ally the "Triads", and them refusing to negotiate a seize fire, The Dojin-Kai vowed to enter the war in favour of the "West Coast Assassins". The following days saw the city turn into a battle ground, with fights erupting all over the city, headquarters being raided and losses felt on both sides, The war continues....






Edited by TrueGenerationZ
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ソーシャルメディア (Social media)

With the recent addition of a Social Media website in Los Santos, Frank was eager to sign up and connect with others (for better or for worse, mostly the latter). In the coming weeks, Frank will be posting updates regarding the Dojin-Kai, and perhaps some photos of his time in Los Santos.



Gotta rep the Dojin-Kai online



Had to happen



For obvious reasons, this post was deleted shortly after being posted






Not a single lie here


Edited by FrankieP
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Proving Myself

Within the war I made sure not to only handle myself, but to handle my fellow brothers and sisters which join me into battle, we wouldn't just arrive on time, we would leave with our heads held high, they followed my lead and began to realize why I was once the Wakagashira of The Dojin-Kai. I started to feel like myself again, I thrived in the battlefield, after all, I always enjoyed the adrenaline rush of war, Not many people can handle it but for me it's like drugs, I can't get enough of it. I began to make calls controlling the Dojin-Kai over the shared radio frequency with the "West Coast Assassins", The Dojin-Kai showed there perseverance, strength and mental stability, even those who have never been to war before proved why they're a member of the Dojin-Kai. With war comes time to prepare and with the time to prepare there comes meetings. A meeting was held to promote people who have proven themselves during the war, to my surprise, one of those people were me.


I was promoted from a Honbucho to the rank of Saiko-Komon by my brother "Jake Sakamoto", "One step closer to Wakagashira" I thought to myself, my family stood behind me looking proudly at me, I rise as a Saiko-Komon, due to being level headed and showing strength when it mattered, I was promoted to my previous rank of Wakagashira during times of war, I was a War general, this is my time to prove myself and to become a better me for my brothers and my family, It's time to show them who Brian Sakamoto really is. My next step was to assemble the Wakagashira-Hosa, the most loyal strong and independent fighters.





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拷問 (Torture)


Frank was working in Paleto when he heard Sufyaan Khan talk over the radio about a Zeta vehicle parked outside a property in Mirror Park. Frank quickly drove down to Mirror Park, where he would join a few members of the Dojin-Kai in attempting to raid the property. Intially, all was well as the owner had left his house and was being held at gunpoint. Suddenly, the crew found themselves under automatic gunfire from multiple directions, which was followed up with the arrival of many Zeta, Triad and Azetca vehicles. Apparently, Frank was a person of some value to his enemies, as they treated his wounds and hauled him into a trunk, despite finishing off the rest of his house-raiding crew. After a short ride from Mirror Park, Frank found himself in an old warehouse in the docks of Los Santos, surrounded by Skinny Gambino, Flint Capone, an unidentified Triad and an unidentifed Azteca.


Whilst on the floor, injured, Frank's, mobile phone was searched by Skinny Gambino for potential contacts that would be willing to pay ransom. First of all, Dante Kalshnikov, former

underboss of The Rooks was given a call, as one of Frank's latests texts was from him. Slowly realising that Dante was not a member of the Dojin-Kai, Skinny moved on. This time, it would be Brian Sakamoto, Wakagashira of the Dojin-Kai, that would be receiving a call. Making it clear that the Dojin-Kai would not bow down to demands, the ransom was refused, as it had been with other kidnapped members; Frank had accepted this, agreeing when a previous ransom for a lower-ranking member was not paid. Due to this, the unidentified Triad began torturing Frank.




there was more torturing before these but I only had 15 minutes of footage 😪

As a part of the Dojin-Kai's background in martial arts, members are put through rigorious training to discipline  them mentally and physically. The purpose of this is to strengthen them on the battlefield and allow them to withstand the most brutal of torture, compose themselves during interrogation and hold a sound state of mind in general. Consequently, Frank would show no vocal and little physical reaction to the torture; his captors believe he could handle the pain due to excessive amounts of cocaine in his system. Soon enough, it was time for Frank to die. He was given some last words, which he used to warn the lone Azteca about the brutality of the council and what they had done to The Rooks and West Coast Assassins in the past. Hoxton's carbine rifle did not work, so a knife was plunged into Frank to finish the job.

Frank would wake up hours later, remembering little from the situation. He was found by paramedics who would promptly rush him to hospital. Although discharged from the hospital, Frank is much too injured to continue fighting, and although the flaying was somewhat painful, Frank will always take pride in the fact that his Dojin-Kai tattoo remained untouched and on his body. "something tells me that in another life, we'll catch you", were the words stated boldy by the Triad, although something tells Frank, that will not happen.

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19 hours ago, FrankieP said:

拷問 (Torture)


Frank was working in Paleto when he heard Sufyaan Khan talk over the radio about a Zeta vehicle parked outside a property in Mirror Park. Frank quickly drove down to Mirror Park, where he would join a few members of the Dojin-Kai in attempting to raid the property. Intially, all was well as the owner had left his house and was being held at gunpoint. Suddenly, the crew found themselves under automatic gunfire from multiple directions, which was followed up with the arrival of many Zeta, Triad and Azetca vehicles. Apparently, Frank was a person of some value to his enemies, as they treated his wounds and hauled him into a trunk, despite finishing off the rest of his house-raiding crew. After a short ride from Mirror Park, Frank found himself in an old warehouse in the docks of Los Santos, surrounded by Skinny Gambino, Flint Capone, an unidentified Triad and an unidentifed Azteca.


Whilst on the floor, injured, Frank's, mobile phone was searched by Skinny Gambino for potential contacts that would be willing to pay ransom. First of all, Dante Kalshnikov, former

underboss of The Rooks was given a call, as one of Frank's latests texts was from him. Slowly realising that Dante was not a member of the Dojin-Kai, Skinny moved on. This time, it would be Brian Sakamoto, Wakagashira of the Dojin-Kai, that would be receiving a call. Making it clear that the Dojin-Kai would not bow down to demands, the ransom was refused, as it had been with other kidnapped members; Frank had accepted this, agreeing when a previous ransom for a lower-ranking member was not paid. Due to this, the unidentified Triad began torturing Frank.




there was more torturing before these but I only had 15 minutes of footage 😪

As a part of the Dojin-Kai's background in martial arts, members are put through rigorious training to discipline  them mentally and physically. The purpose of this is to strengthen them on the battlefield and allow them to withstand the most brutal of torture, compose themselves during interrogation and hold a sound state of mind in general. Consequently, Frank would show no vocal and little physical reaction to the torture; his captors believe he could handle the pain due to excessive amounts of cocaine in his system. Soon enough, it was time for Frank to die. He was given some last words, which he used to warn the lone Azteca about the brutality of the council and what they had done to The Rooks and West Coast Assassins in the past. Hoxton's carbine rifle did not work, so a knife was plunged into Frank to finish the job.

Frank would wake up hours later, remembering little from the situation. He was found by paramedics who would promptly rush him to hospital. Although discharged from the hospital, Frank is much too injured to continue fighting, and although the flaying was somewhat painful, Frank will always take pride in the fact that his Dojin-Kai tattoo remained untouched and on his body. "something tells me that in another life, we'll catch you", were the words stated boldy by the Triad, although something tells Frank, that will not happen.

Best of luck for you lads

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It was dark, the wind cold, his lungs would start to fill with air. His fingers twitched, eyelids flickering. James thought, ‘’This isn't hell. Where am I?’’  His eyes started to open, the pain in his body made him feel very weak. He began trying to get his thoughts together, gazing at the area near him. He could see sand, dirt, and lights in the far distance.dNUS4wv.png


He attempted to get up off of the ground, his hands struggling to lift his body weight. Pain shoots throughout his body, reminding him of the amount of torture that the Triads had put him through. Adrenaline shot through him in the form of anger, empowering him to at least lift himself and move forward in a crawl. The anger was focused on Bruce Wong and the Triads, knowing that he must push forward for his brothers and sisters in the Dojin-Kai.  



Crawling and dragging himself through what felt like a never ending fight to find a road, James Sakamoto finally stumbled upon concrete. He fell back down onto the cold tarmac, his eyes fading away, fighting to stay alive with multiple cuts and stab wounds on his body that shouldn't be possible to live through. Just when he thought he couldn't fight anymore, a light in the distance approached, a familiar voice fearfully screamed “James… James!” It was Arabella Kirk, a medic friend of the Dojin-Kai, on her way to clock out of work.



Looking over James, Arabella could see all of the injuries that he sustained and knew she couldn’t stabilize him due to the punishment his body had gone through. Arabella had to act fast, so she grabbed a stretcher to get him in the ambulance where she would take him to Central Medical Center in Los Santos. James asked her to leave him because he was as good as dead if Triads found him to be alive at Central. She panicked, not knowing what to do. She made a quick phone call to her friend, Liam, from the Shelbys. She told Liam that she is taking James to them to get treated.  



Rushing to the Shelbys, Arabella repeatedly called back to James, making sure he was staying alive and awake.


Once they arrived, they put James onto a bed and started treating him to the best of their ability.  With so many injuries, the guys brought towels and water to clean the cuts. They began taking the glass from his hand that was lodged there from the broken bottle the Triads had used to stab it. Arabella began sterilizing and treating the stab wound on James’ chest.   



While they treated him, the Shelbys reassured James, saying things like “We will find the fuckers that did this to you, my friend. We will stand by you.” After some time, James was finally stabilized. Arabella told him that she’s never seen anyone survive so many injuries. The Triads had performed one of the deadlest torture techniques on James. It was called ‘’Lingchi,” or Death by a Thousand Cuts. It was a very slow and painful way to die. After they cleaned him up, James had to rest. The Shelbys kept men at the door to keep James safe from further harm. James laid in the bed, thinking about his brothers and sisters in arms back on the streets. The Dojin-Kai would fight till the end. He was sure of it. James Sakamoto will return. This wouldn’t be the end, but simply the beginning of something greater.


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7 minutes ago, James Sakamoto said:




It was dark, the wind cold, his lungs would start to fill with air. His fingers twitched, eyelids flickering. James thought, ‘’This isn't hell. Where am I?’’  His eyes started to open, the pain in his body made him feel very weak. He began trying to get his thoughts together, gazing at the area near him. He could see sand, dirt, and lights in the far distance.dNUS4wv.png



He attempted to get up off of the ground, his hands struggling to lift his body weight. Pain shoots throughout his body, reminding him of the amount of torture that the Triads had put him through. Adrenaline shot through him in the form of anger, empowering him to at least lift himself and move forward in a crawl. The anger was focused on Bruce Wong and the Triads, knowing that he must push forward for his brothers and sisters in the Dojin-Kai.  




Crawling and dragging himself through what felt like a never ending fight to find a road, James Sakamoto finally stumbled upon concrete. He fell back down onto the cold tarmac, his eyes fading away, fighting to stay alive with multiple cuts and stab wounds on his body that shouldn't be possible to live through. Just when he thought he couldn't fight anymore, a light in the distance approached, a familiar voice fearfully screamed “James… James!” It was Arabella Kirk, a medic friend of the Dojin-Kai, on her way to clock out of work.




Looking over James, Arabella could see all of the injuries that he sustained and knew she couldn’t stabilize him due to the punishment his body had gone through. Arabella had to act fast, so she grabbed a stretcher to get him in the ambulance where she would take him to Central Medical Center in Los Santos. James asked her to leave him because he was as good as dead if Triads found him to be alive at Central. She panicked, not knowing what to do. She made a quick phone call to her friend, Liam, from the Shelbys. She told Liam that she is taking James to them to get treated.  




Rushing to the Shelbys, Arabella repeatedly called back to James, making sure he was staying alive and awake.


Once they arrived, they put James onto a bed and started treating him to the best of their ability.  With so many injuries, the guys brought towels and water to clean the cuts. They began taking the glass from his hand that was lodged there from the broken bottle the Triads had used to stab it. Arabella began sterilizing and treating the stab wound on James’ chest.   




While they treated him, the Shelbys reassured James, saying things like “We will find the fuckers that did this to you, my friend. We will stand by you.” After some time, James was finally stabilized. Arabella told him that she’s never seen anyone survive so many injuries. The Triads had performed one of the deadlest torture techniques on James. It was called ‘’Lingchi,” or Death by a Thousand Cuts. It was a very slow and painful way to die. After they cleaned him up, James had to rest. The Shelbys kept men at the door to keep James safe from further harm. James laid in the bed, thinking about his brothers and sisters in arms back on the streets. The Dojin-Kai would fight till the end. He was sure of it. James Sakamoto will return. This wouldn’t be the end, but simply the beginning of something greater.


This was one of the most fun deep RP stories i have been involved in, in my time on Eclipse. It was emotional moving and so well thought out. The RP standards from both James Sakamoto and the shelbys was high standard. Cant' wait too see more from the Dojin-Kai!

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The Dojin-Kai emerged as something of a small unknown group, and in a very short amount of time made a great name for themselves with their activity, determination and RP quality.

It's very obvious that a lot of work is being put both in-game and on the forums for these stories, and your overall RP, and I'm very happy to see it getting noticed at the level it deserves.

Well done.

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42 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

The Dojin-Kai emerged as something of a small unknown group, and in a very short amount of time made a great name for themselves with their activity, determination and RP quality.

It's very obvious that a lot of work is being put both in-game and on the forums for these stories, and your overall RP, and I'm very happy to see it getting noticed at the level it deserves.

Well done.

Thank you bro 

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Amazing group of people have not had a single bad RP experience with them and I doubt I ever will considering their high standards of RP that's been shown this past month that I've known them. Best of luck boys! Glad to be able to call you boys family. ❤️

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