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Everything posted by Harveyyy

  1. @Thunderboss where is part 10???????
  2. I think private labs should get fully removed from the server, however, before doing that, stores and chopping must get a decent buff so things are balanced for smaller crims that cannot hold a lab without getting robbed. Once that's done, create a self-refunding command like the attachments one and allow players to refund/sell their tables and vents and get their money back. Simply purge the server. Players should focus on having interactions with each other, not hide inside a property and print money. Just get rid of the private labs and encourage people to do stores, chop cars and do other activities. Stores are fun, but they're not worth it at this moment. Also, now the Public labs are buffed, it makes total sense to use them instead of the private ones. I personally own a private lab and I only used it not because I don't wanna get robbed at public labs, but because it used to take so much time to cook there, but as of now, that's not the case.
  3. As Osborn states above, right now, you only see 4-8 SD on duty and we get overwhelmed with one situation. And if there are multiple, we most of the time won't have numbers to handle these situations. I've never seen SD rolling 30 people across the county. I'm certain if we apply what you said above, you will never find any cop to release your car from impound.
  4. 1.1 cash and you give me the bike first
  5. This won't fix the issue. The issue is how the radio is being used while injured. Having the ability to speak on it will lead to the same NonRP behavior that we've seen before.
  6. While this could sound realistic that you'd be able to speak on the radio while injured, it doesn't really work here. Some players used to give CSGO callouts while injured in big shootouts like nothing just happened to them. I don't think there is any reason why this change should be reverted. It will cause issues.
  7. Pull up with the blicky fam!
  8. I think it would be a great idea to reward people who provide good RP with time reduction. As you mentioned above, it sucks to spend 30-45 minutes sitting in a cruiser waiting for charges to be placed, or responding to /Ldos. Yes it's RP, but who am I kidding here, it's not fun, especially if it happens too often, or you get arrested almost everyday for IC reasons such as gang suppression. Some people may argue it's not supposed to be fun, but again, for the millionth time, this is a game and people wanna have some fun, not stare at their monitor for 30+ minutes. If someone sits in a cruiser for that long just to respond to /Ldos or whatever, they should get time reduction as an "OOC" reward. Of course this will require script development as it would be an OOC thing, ICly this doesn't make any sense.
  9. His drags worth 6 mill! You should take his offer!
  10. yep! they're tryin' to fuck up the drags market lol - still none of their drags got sold
  11. I don't think any of his drags were sold tho LOL no one in their right mind would buy a drag for 2.5 mill. I appreciate that he's putting a lot of effort into this, but like, he's just wasting his time..
  12. I think the argument here is IC actions, IC consequences. The reasoning behind this suppression on Division 6 is the instances where cops were shot and killed. That makes total sense in my opinion and I think no one can argue that this gang suppression is invalid due to their "IC actions". I think the issue boils down to these specific situations that resulted in approving this gang suppression which by the sound of it, there was breach of the server rules. I remember when I was in Irish and we were robbing LifeInvader, we parked our bikes Infront of the bank to make it clear that there are 15+ Irish inside. Unfortunately, mistakes were made and 4 cops hopped out on us and aimed guns. One of us managed to hold a cop at gunpoint and take them hostage, however, one cop decided to start a shootout, by shooting the hostage-taker and the hostage in the crossfire that was at gunpoint which resulted in us shooting back and killing them. After this bank robbery, we started getting gang suppressed and when we asked why is this happening, a detective said "you guys killed 4 cops at LifeInvader, what do you expect?" - if that situation was reported, it would've been voided. But no, we didn't report it as we didn't lose anything, and little did we know, this was going to heavily affect us on the long run. Now I'm not saying this happens very often, and if it does, you should report it, but it seems that similar situations happened which led to this suppression to be approved by a 3rd party. I think the way to fix this, and make it fair for both parties, is to review these situations and void them if confirmed by staff that a rulebreach occurred. Because I've personally seen it when 10 Division 6 were robbing chumash store and 2 cops hopped out and started blasting everyone and obviously they died because they were heavily outnumbered. 5 days later, they're being gang suppressed for their "IC actions" because that wasn't voided. I'm not just talking about Division 6, but in general. Furthermore, if you think someone is trying their best to ruin your experience and constantly charging you with baseless charges for OOC reasons such as gang beef on their alt characters, you should bring this up to LFM so it can be investigated properly.
  13. I think he meant that cops rarely switch frequency unlike crims who does that plenty of times, hence why this will affect crims only, for the most part.
  14. If the miss-click is the issue, why can't we change the keybind for placing your hands up to something else or adding a new hotkey that switches the radio to the previous frequency instead of adding an action timer? From a realism point of view, I can see where you're coming from, but there are a lot of things that are unrealistic but it's there causing little to no effect on the RP quality in general. I'd prefer getting other QoL updates or even the guns update first..
  15. Spawn rate for these items doesn't change which means, If there are lots of inmates, you'll end up with less work, which means less money. I don't see a reason as to why this should be nerfed. Also, why would we nerf this which would potentially make people tab out again because it won't be worth it?
  16. Price decreased to 1.28, currently at high-end.
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