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Everything posted by Harveyyy

  1. Players that were banned for nonsevere rulebreaks always end up getting unbanned. The appeals section is there for a reason. If you wish to comeback, just post a ban appeal.
  2. 3075957 - Selling for stock price - 1 Million @High End
  3. Harveyyy

    got one

    Still looking? so sad so bad no comet retro for you
  4. Date and time (provide timezone): 14/OCT/2023 Character name: Harvey_Keller Issue/bug you are reporting: Prison time limit script doesn't work after being prisoned at DOC. I was prisoned for 3.5 hours (With VIP) and received 4 additional felonies. Ended up having 6.5 hours when my character can afford paying the fines. Expected behavior: prison sentence should not exceed 5 hours if fines can be paid. Edit: lowered from 5 hours to 3 hours per the new update. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:
  5. Harveyyy


    Submit a refund request and ask for the credits to be added to your account. Here: https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/forum/70-refund-and-transfer-requests/
  6. send offers to 3075957
  7. send offers to 3075957
  8. I play legal (SD) and crim (CSB) and this is my personal opinion: Honestly, it's not about the AP, it's about you making this really bad decision and expecting an outcome. The gun update really balanced things out for crims. Prices are much lower, heavies are everywhere. I personally destroyed @RedHot with an AK mk2 when he was wearing 200AP. Blud couldn't do nothing but lay on the ground, and roleplay his injuries. What I'm trying to say is, use the right equipment for the right situation. If you really wanna fight a cop and expect that you'll win the fight, before doing so, make sure you're not outnumbered, have the right weapon and have a plan to dip after shooting them.
  9. Harveyyy

    [BUYING] Plants

    Go to Paleto Forest and collect them? There's loads of different kinds of plants there bud.
  10. Harveyyy


    Thread locked and archived at the request of the original poster.
  11. Been in PD for the past 2-3 months, never seen it happen once. Played LEO for the past 3 years, never seen it happen without a valid good enough reason. Cops don't "push labs" like crims and your view is straight up fallacious. Don't turn this into a crim v PD thread :)))
  12. If you think the raids are not fair or imbalanced from an OOC perspective, you can reach out to a member of Legal Faction Management. In terms of server rulings, there is nothing wrong here. LEOs can raid any place on the map as long as they have sufficient IC evidence/investigation. I'm not gonna say "deal with it IC" because obviously you can't do much at this point, but maybe you should think of other ways to reduce the loss per-raid...
  13. If someone is directly under gunpoint with demands already been given, and they decide to breach FearRP after acknowledging the threat, they are liable to be shot at. For example, someone is on their knees getting robbed and they decide to stand up and run away.
  14. Why would I interrogate someone that committed a crime when I can just review my bodycam footage? It's there for a reason. Like it or not, I don't think it makes RP sense to not use it as evidence - it could also fall under ooc corruption. If the bodycam footage provides sufficient evidence of the crime committed, then the charge can be placed, but that's an IC matter. Also, this is not FiveM.
  15. ((Alright how about you stop calling us pedos and homophobes? @ryanlove))
  16. Btw @hrxvey is gay, he's an ally. No one here is a homophobe, nice try tho lol
  17. Ryan: Stop coming in here and trying to defame me for no reason other then fun. Please just go be toxic some where else. Also Ryan: Scammer + groomer don't buy What happened? What went wrong??
  18. @Osvaldon Looks like you've fixed the issue!
  19. The thing is, it's a grey area - someone might say something that you might find to be a hateful comment, but in their view, it's just a personal opinion, or it was said without malicious intent. That's when you're supposed to ask them to stop in OOC chat and that only applies to comments that 'you' believe to be hateful speech. Obviously if someone is shouting LGBTQ slurs, you can report them as it would be a direct breach of the rule. If someone is refusing to stop, then they'll receive a punishment for their behavior. Ultimately, all situations are reviewed by staff on a case-by-case basis and staff have the final say to either deem them as appropriate or not. I think the rule is fine and has served its purpose since it was implemented.
  20. Buff civilian jobs that allow for more interactions between players. For example, fishing. Buff the prices of the fish and make it worth the time. People love money, use that to push people, even some crims, to do it. Create a drop-off point near the Pier - doesn't have to be on the pier, but somewhere in Vespucci where it's close enough so people won't have to use their cars. This isn't the first time someone propose this, but I figured I should propose it again cuz why not..
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