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Everything posted by Harveyyy

  1. To be honest, this is fair. Perhaps the rule could be changed at some point in the future!
  2. I can see where you're coming from. A lot of people just want to roll with their friends and also not worry about the OOC side of things, like running a faction, OOC meetings, managing faction threads/posts, etc. I personally don't see the issue with having a 40-man faction cap. Some might say "It's too much" but like.. and? What's wrong with that? If the argument here is "More people for the clap" - then that's a completely different subject. We have FS to deal with factions RP standards. I think the faction cap rule should only be applied to factions with questionable RP standards, instead of making it a blanket rule for all factions; it should come as a form of punishment.
  3. LoL you're a brokie
  4. Harveyyy


    What's a scount?
  5. I'll be testing it again tomorrow.
  6. Harveyyy


    Date and time (provide timezone): 30/Jan/2024 Character name: Harvey_Sutherland Issue/bug you are reporting: /randomplates is not working as intended. Expected behavior: When using /randomplates, you're supposed to get a civilian plate without the "SA Exempt" tag. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Spawn a faction vehicle and run the command '/randomplates' Vehicle license plate number*:
  7. This would be nice to have. And maybe every time you get close to a player or you're within their proximity, it adds up the time by 1 week. Maybe doing this will make people walk around in public without being masked 24/7.
  8. Thank you for your contribution!
  9. Harveyyy


    Date and time (provide timezone): 12/Jan/2024 Character name: Harvey_Sutherland Issue/bug you are reporting: /unfollow resets your character's position, removes the tazer effects, and un-ragdolls you. Expected behavior: /unfollow shouldn't remove any active effects on your character. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 1) Get your character tazed and while the effects are still active, do /unfollow. 2) Jump off a building and spam /unfollow. 3) Ragdoll your character and spam /unfollow. Vehicle license plate number*: N/A
  10. As mentioned by Bala, Ash, and the others, there are IC consequences. You lose access to your assets that you grinded for, and you lose all RP and relationships that you have done/had on your original character. Also, the work that you do for a faction isn't just IC, it's also OOC. The people that have been part of a faction for years and contributed positively are welcomed to go through that OOC process. Their effort, which is OOC, is considered hence why the process is OOC. At the end of the day, it is completely up to the faction leaders to decide if they want to accept that individual back into their faction or not. This shouldn't be a concern for you as it doesn't really affect you in any way. I have to say, the timing of this topic is a little odd. To avoid having this thread going way off topic, I'll be locking and archiving it.
  11. 3075957 for offers
  12. not really... that's likely the regular specter, not the custom variant. Stock price for Specter custom is ~412k at the dealerships.
  13. Specter custom or Retinue mk2 - can do 400k each
  14. stock price most likely, you can text me or call me if you wanna discuss the price
  15. Novak 8F Drafter Specter Custom Comet S2 Cabrio Kamacho Retinue Mk II All maxed Eclipse Apt penthouse interior #72 with 6 100vol safes and 4 50vol safes 2G House next to garbage ((/setgps 7 El Rancho Blvd)) contact 2028499 for offers
  16. More charges (resisting arrest, failure to comply, etc.)?
  17. Maybe deduct the time spent starting from /cuff to /prison? This will literally not affect LEOs, it's a crim-only feature. At the end of the day, why would LEOs care about your prison sentence? They won't, or, shouldn't. PS. Respectfully, if you never played crim before regularly, you will never understand. I'm talking about being part of a street gang not some low tier criminal group.
  18. Being an ex-Royal and in CSB right now, I can confirm I did shoot cops after analyzing the situation and determining that the reward is higher than the risk - before I shoot cops, i must ensure that 1) It's worth it. 2) I must have good numbers and we outnumber the cops heavily; I'd say ratio of 1:4. (That's the only way to win the fight) Also, don't shoot cops lmao bad idea bad idea, the consequences are severe even though you think it's over after killing everyone, it's not LMAO.
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