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Everything posted by Harveyyy

  1. +1 I personally don't assist anyone with the transfers unless I really knows them, and I would ask for a screenshot of the approval too. But still, people can find ways to lie and the approval can easily be fabricated in numerous ways.
  2. I remember when someone's RV was being towed to the impound and the guy was inside of it's interior, when the officer impounded it, the guy POOFED to a different dimension xD But yeah, NCZ shouldn't be abused and if no one is in the interior, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to park it in the main garage. So +1/-1
  3. That's normal, it's bugged since last year.
  4. I would like to add one more thing, when you get arrested, the police gives your items to DOC, the DOC will store them in the "evidence room", what's bad about this is that they drop your items in the room, meaning if the server restarts, all dropped items will disappear. So I think the new system (/accesslocker) should be accessible by DOC, not just PD and SD. Another thing, we don't gain any benefits from stealing your items, more so it's an IC issue.
  5. I just had this idea, okay so if I player dies in prison, they respawn in dimension 1, meaning they won't be able to interact with anyone in dimension 0, and that's only for 30 minutes, after the 30 minutes have passed, they get teleported back to dimension 0 - if this is a good idea, it will require development.
  6. Hello everyone, I would like to make a game changing suggestion that will be very helpful to everyone. (It will require some game development though!) So we all encounter game crashes while playing on the server, and we've all been in that situation where your game crashes while driving your car/bike and you quickly hop on ECRP discord - #crash_reports and you post " your name, location, your car, (DO NOT TAKE!) ", you restart the game and you spawn back in, and "SHOCKER", your car has been yeeted and at that moment, it's probably getting chopped. Some people are new to the server and they're not aware of #crash_reports, but some people ignore it and they don't even check the discord before yeeting a car. This happened to me multiple times, I was driving a Neon, which is 1 Mill car, then my game crashes and I do the procedure above, but no luck. You have to pay a good amount of money to Mors, which in my case 17500$, and you have to wait 4 hours IRL. Some people gets lucky and they do /report and an admin quickly responds, but sometimes, an admin wouldn't be available for numerous reasons. This whole thing and how it happens is extremely unrealistic and nonRP, because realistically, if you "didn't crash" there would be no way that someone got into your car and drove off while you're "driving it". With that being said, I would to suggest a fix for this issue : 1- If the car/bike was unlocked, no one can access it for 15 minutes after the owner/player who has keys to it had crashed, (a timer would show up when someone tries to get inside of it, showing how much time left to be allowed to drive it), excluding moderators and admins. 2- If the car was locked, it can't be picklocked for 15 minutes after the owner/player who has keys to it had crashed. ( a timer would show up when someone tries to picklock it, showing how much time left to be allowed to pick it), again, excluding moderators and admins. 3- After the player spawns back in, there would be a 30 seconds mark, after the 30 seconds have passed, the car/bike would be accessible for everyone. (This 30 seconds would give time to the player to have their game fully loaded up.) 4- In case of the car/bike has been stolen and the guy is on his way to the chopshop and his game crashed, the car/bike won't show up for the owner when using /showvehicles for 15 minutes, also, it won't be accessible to anyone for that time frame. This will allow him to finish his RP. If anyone would like to suggest some changes to this, feel free to do so! Cheers!
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