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Everything posted by Harveyyy

  1. Hello, as mentioned by the member above, you can submit a ban appeal so it can be properly investigated. Locked and archived.
  2. Hey, this should be fixed now with the new release of RageMP update which supports the new GTA version.
  3. I totally agree with the timer suggestion, however, I believe the player shouldn't say the exact time that the UI shows to them. Collecting the cash from the NPC should be a thing, since realistically, once the mechanic finishes chopping a vehicle, he hands you the money. This would fix the issue where some players hide very far away from the NPC and the cash magically gets in their pocket once the vehicle is chopped.
  4. There's no ETA for a response from a Head Administrator, please be patient. Archived.
  5. Hello and welcome! Here's a tutorial on how to join ECRP. Also, make sure to join our Discord server!
  6. Harveyyy


    Yooooooo good stuff! Good luck!! <33
  7. Hello, I'd like to add something here as I was present on the scene. You stated that you kidnapped a cop; that was done without any valid reason and DM rights were not obtained against that cop. You got shot in the chest, but then you ran back to his cruiser and stole it. I was flying the heli above you and I was following you the whole time. You were seen pulling bus drivers over and trying to kidnap them on the highway without any valid reason and without any DM rights. If you wish to kidnap someone, per rules you must have DM right against them. Lastly, you tried to death RP and stated that you were already shot by the first officer with a 0.50 pistol and that you would be bleeding, yet you decided to ignore that and continued pulling people over and tried to kidnap them. Have a great day!
  8. Hello, It's not a bug / glitch. I saw you withdrawing the gun, that's why I decided to have an interaction with you and arrest you.
  9. +1 Currently the picklocking animation is used for almost every action. It would be nice to see different animation for each action you do.
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