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Everything posted by Bala

  1. Bala

    Gang Run Drug Labs

    There you go devs, Eclipse's Pablo Escobar likes this idea so what more do you need?
  2. Bala

    The mask discussion

    I came from a smaller server where people using masks excessively was seen as a problem and that it didn't make for good role-play in a role-play server. There was the idea that the mask was supposed to be used to hide your face only when doing illegal activities, not to walk around mostly anonymously. Here it's widely accepted and practised by a lot of people, so I think getting rid of it or going the full way with it might potentially split the community further. Personally, I just accepted that everyone masked up and I got on with it. It doesn't really bother me that someone wants to dress up like a post-box or wear a halloween costume on their face, I just continue on with my roleplay. That being said though, here are some potential suggestions. Have the mask auto-remove for people on foot in the no crime zones. I don't know honestly if it's a rule or not but there are that many people masked, it becomes impossible to enforce or report everyone and having a mask walking into the bank or the police station is frankly stupid. Assign someone a 'Mask ID' when they put their mask on in the server so players have a reference point to report people if necessary but their player id is independent of their mask id. So for example, Player ID 8 masks up and there are already 45 masked people on the server, he'll go from "8" to "Masked 46". When he puts his mask on, it records it in a log file that admins can look at and see who was masked using that id. Have a cool-down of sorts for masks, where-by you can only use it for x amount of time before you can't use it for x period of time again, could be similiar to the health/hunger system in that it decreases when you use it and increases when you don't use it. Have your /alias of someone be wiped when they name change but also limit the amount of times an individual character can change that accounts name. To me the name change feature does get a little undercut by the fact that even if you are roleplaying someone completely new, they will know you on /alias as the previous person. Also add a /pn command to allow you to write a few notes about that player. This would become exceptionally handy for factions that see lots of people, as like an RP way of remembering people that you've encountered. For example, I'm a cop and a taxi driver and it would be nice to be able to write a few words about how i met someone and how they acted so i'd be able to remember and use that in the roleplay. It's all IC knowledge anyway and knowledge i'd have, it's just when you are meeting 50-100 new people every day it becomes difficult to keep track even if you have their names aliased.
  3. Proud to have given the big homie Bivins my last $500 yesterday
  4. Bala

    Gang Run Drug Labs

    Well, see here is the thing, the actual lab equipment in itself isn't illegal, so I suppose you could just buy it from a location in the city really, like you do with furniture. My suggestion would be to buy the equipment from Humane Labs. It's not an area that has much traffic around it and in RP terms, the building is full of the kinds of lab equipment you'd need. As for the system itself, I don't think there is any need to change the recipes. If it ain't broke, don't fix it unless you're sure you can improve it, right? I wouldn't be opposed to allowing people to grow weed in their own properties but also, I feel like the whole point of the suggestion is to give the gangs a little more control over things. If you want to grow weed, get in with a gang. Also, I'd like to suggest if you cook the hazardous drugs without a mask on, it does some small damage to your health.
  5. Then again, i feel like that might encourage people not to log in and it's like.. if you know you won't be logging in anyway, you could do something and then when it comes time to play, you've not really served anything. It also takes away from the whole element of the prison as well because you can just bypass it.
  6. Bala

    Gang Run Drug Labs

    Right, they can just make the drugs themselves and keep the location in-house but the responsibility to shift the product is on them then or they can rent it out to people to make extra bank.
  7. I love this idea, even opens up the possibility for people who haven't dropped their clothes to make some bank. You could go to just the mine alone and pick up like 4-5 bits of clothing to sell. Hell even make it a business for someone to own as well.
  8. This thread isn't about individual situations, it's about reducing crime through the deterrence of prison sentencing. The idea that perhaps if the sentence cap was lifted off, people wouldn't be so blatantly reckless with how they commit crimes. What PD did or didn't do to you in individual situations is irrelevant to the topic. You might not believe this @Tomvd682 because it doesn't fit your anti-PD rhetoric but the PD are players too and while there are occasions we will get things wrong, the vast majority of arrests and things we do are lawful, both IC and OOC and proper. Rather than derailing this thread with your own personal issues with the PD, maybe contribute something positive and on-topic to the discussion?
  9. I'd like to make a suggestion about the drug labs. Right now, they are out in the middle of nowhere in Blaine County. Anyone can stroll by, use one free of charge and cops are alerted really regular to a lab and they'll close it down, have to forget it exists and then be back there again the next day. My suggestion is to remove these server-spawned, server-run drug labs and replace them with labs that the official factions can set-up themselves wherever they want on the map. Criminals could set up their drug lab at any non-taken residence in the city, it would just have to be enabled by a staff member in-game so we don't get labs at non-rp locations. They would pay a modest fee to create the lab (RPly to cover the drug making materials and equipment) The lab creation would take like 4-5 minutes to fully set up. To use the lab, people would have to rent it out to make their drugs. (That's how the gangs make their money, they'd set the rental price) Rival Gangs would be able to steal the money from the labs and the PD would be able to confiscate the money as well. You could deassemble your own lab but this would take 4-5 minutes also. Rival gangs and PD/Firefighters could destroy your lab if they found out about it. There would be a max of 2-3 labs in the city at any one time and each faction could only have one lab running. This is so it still gets used. Drug Labs would exist until they are destroyed or disassembled. Your faction could only create a drug lab, once every 24 hours to prevent abuse. The idea here would be that something like the drug system would be controlled by the gangs, not the server and also, it's encouraging person to person roleplay. If you are a drug maker and you are small time, you've got to make contacts with the gangs of the server to do your thing. The same thing goes for the gangs, you've got to sell your lab to people and create contacts with people looking to make drugs. It also takes away some of the ridiculousness surrounding these labs, where you gotta have selective memory and stuff. In terms of Law Enforcement, we have to be a little more clever about how we learn about these labs (involving Investigation Bureau more) and how we shut them down. For me, this suggestion promotes competition within factions, allows them more control over the crime in the server and also, makes the drug labs more of a challenge for law enforcement.
  10. Maybe I can put it in perspective for you. If you do all that dirt @DGanja and you roleplay with cops, you get 2 hours. If you do all that dirt and you flee as well, you get 2 hours. If you thinking about the time, you'll think about the crime. You're always going to do dirt but you are going to fight harder and smarter to stay out of prison if you know more time is coming your way.
  11. Always like it? No. The problem is that there is a really wide spectrum of roleplay on the server, from hardly any to quite a lot. You won't hear about the good roleplay because we're all supposed to roleplay well, but in circumstances like you described, of course you are going to wonder what you signed up for.
  12. I did say in my original post that I can understand people not wanting to vote for suggestions that made their time in the server more difficult but if people can perhaps have an open mind and see that we can increase prison times if we do it the right way. The goal isn't to fuck over criminals here, PD needs criminals, but it's to make crime make more sense and mean more to both sides. No point in having a massive prison interior and a Corrections faction if we got no prisoners, but at the same time, we gotta make sure that the arrests are legit AND that people are getting the sentences they deserve for the crimes they commit.
  13. I think given people's attitudes to driving and the amount of sports vehicles in circulation, increasing the highway and rural limits by 20mph each would be fine. I think 80 is probably a good number for the city personally. You aren't too fast but then you don't take the fun out of driving either. Unfortunately an IC thing though.
  14. I realise that there is going to be stiff opposition to increasing prison times because hey, no one wants to vote to make things more difficult for themselves do they, whether they are a cop or a criminal. I am a cop in this server and I do think that the two-hour sentence cap leads to a lazy attitude to crime which lessens the impact of committing crimes or catching criminals for both sides. If you are doing illegal things out in the open because you don't care if you get caught then there is an imbalance that needs to be addressed there. What I'd like to achieve in with this suggestion Major Criminals Factions to have to re-think how they operate. There is a reason why they call it the criminal underworld. Criminals are far too obvious and brazen with their activities, partially because they know that at most, they'll do two hours in prison and that's that. I want to see Criminal Factions make it harder for cops to arrest them, not easier. The reality is, it's often harder to catch a serial speed violator than a gang member in this server and that's pretty backwards. The Investigations Bureau, SWAT and Department of Corrections to have a bigger role in the catching and looking after of suspects. The Investigations Bureau can spend days, even weeks building a case on a target and when it comes time to arrest them, they go away for 2 hours? The same goes for SWAT, you can spend half that person's sentence trying to find them. As for the prison and Corrections, that faction is never going to get any better than it is while it has 3-4 prisoners at a time. They have this gigantic new interior and all these members, but they spend half their time outside twiddling their thumbs waiting for scraps of role-play with prisoners. Prisoners are their roleplaying currency, like crime is to cops and gangs. People will say there is nothing to do in prison but then what is the point adding things if no one is in there to use them? It's a constant wheel. Prison sentences to reflect the crimes the person has committed. The higher the risk, the higher the punishment but still capping it at something that is fair and manageable on all sides. Under the current system, three Reckless Operation charges gets you the same time in prison as an act of Domestic Terrorism. Prisoners not being subjected to double jeopardy when it comes to prison time AND the accompanying fine. As everyone is aware, when you get charged with something, you also get a fine that comes with it. I think a compromise of getting more prison time would be that your fine is reduced. Catching suspects using script means for PD to be harder. I understand some are upset about the 5% tip-off on imports so I feel that applying that same logic to police tapping your phone for example wouldn't be unreasonable. Police should be tested when it comes to catching criminals, the same as criminals should be tested when evading. The Suggestions
  15. Thanks for doing this Audrey, I wish the retro Issi was on there, then i'd consider donating.
  16. 10 seconds after being tazed and you need your arms when running to have any kind of speed.
  17. Am I allowed to use the It's a Game excuse for this? I was involved in the second video and the reason why both tunnels weren't blocked off is partly because we wanted to give those in the tunnel the chance to yeet. It is even the side of the tunnel where you just drive straight out that we left open IIRC. It's probably not acceptable that these barriers stop cars dead in their tracks but then it's also not acceptable that people can sprint off immediately after being stun-gunned or sprint at full speed with their hands cuffed behind their backs but bippidy boppidy.
  18. Bala

    My situation.

    I don't know you personally but my mother has serious health issues in the past so i know how it feels. Best of luck to you and yours.
  19. 1. Oh no, not a challenge! Whatever will the biggest gang on the server do? Maybe use their heads to approach situations with more than just brute force? 2. The strength of PD.. my guy, they hold us back so much. You have no idea. Police eventually always win in real life so the whole "its unrealistic" argument doesnt really play.
  20. You and me, rap when?

  21. Of course you don't like it, you have the opportunity to lose lol. There is a 5% chance that we'll receive a tip-off of your shipment and act to try and seize both you and the product. But, it's not an automatic win for the PD. No one is stopping you from coming as a group to secure your package. You talk about this 100k dropoff as well, i've been to these raids three times and on two occasions, it was just some SMG ammo. If you are buying 100k's worth of stuff at once, you are taking a big risk for a big convenience. The numbers game suggests doing more imports but for less would be safer for you but obviously, you want the path of least resistance. The only thing automated about this system is that it's set at 5%. We still have to deploy SWAT and organise ourselves more extensively than you think. You just have to scout your location properly beforehand, leave it on the ground for us to seize or come tooled up to the drop-off to fight for it. If you are sending 1-2.. even 3-4 guys to pick up the mother-lode, then that's either arrogance that no one will dare try to stop you or stupidity on your part that you think no one would think to. You guys have a small militia, use it for more than just standing outside the 24/7 playing music and painting your cars blue. I don't think it's fair that you can only go to prison for two hours when you guys commit mass-murder but bippidy boppidy, life is unfair right? Zetas are practically unopposed by other criminal factions so you need a challenge.
  22. We'll trade you this for higher prison sentences. No?
  23. Bala

    New Homes

    They could do an apartment complex, like the parking garage system. You'd just select which apartment you wanted to visit. If the door was open, you could go in. If you wanted to ring the bell, you could do that also. You could set up a number of these apartment complexes across the city, have them cost less than a house and boom.
  24. I think all they need to do is have some consistent CPU made deliveries to non-businesses, which pay slightly less than the user ones. People will still do the business ones, as they pay more but when you don't have them to do, you can still grind away.
  25. I can see why they wanted to incorporate the job into the business updates. But, yeah they need to not rely too much on user driven decisions for the job.
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