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Everything posted by JakeInnit_

  1. NCZs are RPly highly secure areas with CCTV and armed guards/police, for example: city banks, police department, hospitals, big nightclubs and impound lots. Furniture stores don't typically have armed guards. The issue you're experiencing is because of the "rob hands up" meta that exists on ECRP and adding NCZs won't fix this.
  2. It doesn't make RP sense to make a furniture store an NCZ?
  3. You sure hit a lot of long distance shots without missing much
  4. Would this mean the player loses their credit vehicles, walking styles and house/vehicle slots that are bound to the CKing character?
  5. Personally believe its best to remove the fear rp part from the DM rule, just because your in a car doesn't mean you should be protected. I agree with the consistency, different staff interpret the rules differently which causes confusion amoung community members which in turn can lead to accidental rulebreaks.
  6. JakeInnit_


    This group disbanded.
  7. Gone too soon, rest easy. Thanks for the fun times.
  8. Makes sense, seems like it would further encourage good roleplay.
  9. Looks good and makes RP sense to have this. I think anyone with a lot of items in their stash has felt the pain of reorganising their stash since the update, this would definitely help.
  10. Most modern cars have keyless ignition and keyless unlock/locking. You simply have to have the key on your person and then you can unlock/lock the car using a button on the door handle and start the car by clicking an ignition button on the dashboard. Unlocking a car takes less than a second so I am unsure as to why there is a timer for it.
  11. I support everything you have written. Nice suggestion.
  12. I think there was a tennis mechanic in singleplayer too, would be cool to see these added
  13. Go into first person when this happens and you get you can see properly.
  14. This gang disbanded a short while ago. The members either left the city or moved onto new gangs and companies.
  15. Thread looks dope, best of luck.
  16. In that case we need to enforce the DM rule more harshly on prisoners randomly attacking guards without a valid RP reason, this explains why guards detest RPing with prisoners. I agree there needs to be more repercussions for poorly behaved prisoners such as prison time extensions and solitary. This will prevent or at least deter prisoners from randomly DMing guards which will allow guards and prisoners to interact more positively and partake in prison activities.
  17. From my experience: I get put in a cell, I get uncuffed, guards walk outside, I wander around for a bit looking for people, find nothing and then AFK. I hope that once some fun features are added to the prison then people will feel less inclined to AFK their sentence. Yes I admit there will still be a few that choose to do that but you could easily remove the AFK timer to prevent this. Some guards often don't feel the need or even want to RP with the prisoners once their jail time has started. I am unsure as to why, maybe getting some feedback from them would be useful. I am a strong believer in the fact that we should trial features before just throwing them in and seeing what happens. This is my final recommendation: 1. Implement new features to the prison so prisoners have new and exciting features to use while serving their sentence and remove the AFK timer. 2. Fix bugs and wait for suggestions how to improve the features. 3. Once the features are running smoothly then slowly increase prison times.
  18. On a whole some great ideas which would definitely make prison RP more enjoyable and add some challenge for both criminals and police. The only thing I don't agree with is the prison time extensions as prison can be quite tedious. However, if your above suggestions get accepted and there is a drastic improvement in prison RP I can't see why sentences shouldn't be extended. In short, prioritise developing prison RP, see if the state of prison RP changes then make an educated decision on extending jail sentences.
  19. It depends on how they're used.
  20. Would be useful for criminals too. Often we have to ask our victims to oocly drop their weapons after we have RPed taking them. Would make frisking much easier. +1
  21. https://panel.eclipse-rp.net/public/login Login using your account details Go to the buy credits section, using the nav bar on the left hand side of the page Select how many you want and hit purchase
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