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Everything posted by JakeInnit_

  1. JakeInnit_


    You can change this in GTA settings and it changes the waypoint distance shown on the minimap. Maybe this could be used?
  2. Had some great RP with you. Have fun with whatever your moving onto.
  3. JakeInnit_


    How would the amount of miles affect the vehicles worth? Are you suggesting the car degrades overtime, depending on the mileage? If the mileage has no affect I don't see why it would affect the price of the vehicle.
  4. JakeInnit_


    Then do "[Chinese Accent] Hello", not really difficult?
  5. JakeInnit_


    Marcellos and Triads manage fine using a mixture of /me, /do or [Chinese] Hello in chat. There is no need for an accent system? -Support
  6. We steal pistols from people we kill, sell them cheaper than gunstores. We import heavy weapons using laptops, fill them with imported ammo and sell them for profit. We dont craft anything. You need to be an official criminal faction to import heavy weapons.
  7. If you wish to steal someones possessions then perform an armed robbering. Provide the player with demands such as "Get out of the car, get on your knees with your hands above your head". If they dont comply then give them around 10 seconds before KOSing them. Once they are on their knees use /frisk id to check their inventory, take their items and RPly take their keys using /me and /do. Make sure to RP the /frisk and allow them the chance to respond to your RP with a /do success?.
  8. I sell stolen pistols ICly for profit.
  9. You make take the ammo out of a gun? If so +support, if you want to take a clip out of a gun then just right click on the gun and hit strip. It will take the extended clip off and make it a separate item.
  10. Some people make minor changes to their face, this wouldn't work too well.
  11. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t32pTy6QT9Lu7MBkqB4Eq7oKustLegT1/view
  12. I like the idea of: Donator only clothes Donator only weapon skins Gun store discounts Discounted/Free parking at the parking lots Being able to join two factions at once (Mechanic & Clowns for example.)
  13. JakeInnit_


    If you are so desperate for money take out a loan and pay it back when the bank is open. Most people just wait until it reopens.
  14. This is what needs to be factored into the current coma system IMO.
  15. Weazel Gas is just around the corner from that one? I don't think its worth opening one there.
  16. Jimmy Tatum had this issue at bayview before.
  17. Seems like a good suggestion. +1 I like Lis' idea, this might mean people use mechanics more often which increases RP for a wider range of people. As Demzyyy mentioned people IRL use high tech devices to unlock key-less cars, so maybe we could add an expensive device to stores so you can break into the more expensive vehicles? High investment, high reward. It would be good to make them expensive enough so people don't tend to roam with them because at the moment people just tend to roam with 10-20 bobby pins so they can lock-pick any car they see.
  18. Programs like bandicam require basically no processing or graphics power to run.
  19. maybe instead of car-name use the license plate? but +1 had this issue when being mugged and when mugging others.
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