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Modify ((Tabbed Out)) Toggle or Make it a Command.

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100% agree with this suggestion - I'm not sure toggling it is the way to go though. There are so many reasons tabbing to different screens / focusing on another window is beneficial, especially when trying to hear VOIP over game audio. It just makes it seem like we're uninterested or not dedicated to the RP we're involved in.

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I feel like it breaks immersion a lot. We need less OOC text, not more. I like the idea of having a /toggle command to show/hide it, but have it be disabled by default. 

In my mind, the command would be client-sided, similar to pressing F7, if you do the command, you will no longer see other players' (( TABBED OUT )), they can still see yours unless they toggle it as well.

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Having what would normally be a great RP experience is ruined when everyone is constantly (( TABBED OUT )) , changing the way it works to a toggle option so you don't have to see when everyone around is tabbed is a great idea or maybe a simple color change to the persons name/ID  IE: the ID is green/yellow/red while speaking it could be blue or grey when they are tabbed, sure the visual is still there but its far less intrusive on the immersion.

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If removing it is not something that will be done, I could see an argument for something like Xoza said changing it to light gray being ((...)) for better immersion

Another option could also be for it to only activate with a timer. So tabbing out for say 10-20 seconds would not show it (common occurrence for a dual-screen set-up to maybe switch to a discord channel you're pinged in but can still see the screen and hear people approaching) but if it's prolonged then it shows up as an indicator they might actually be busy with something.

I can understand from a technical point of view that it does not differentiate between people who move over to another screen whilst the game is full screen because as far as the game is concerned it has lost focus technically. I also agree with the ideas mentioned by alex of making it toggleable similar to f7 to see others tabbed out status.

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I feel people have already begun misusing this feature by both targeting players with it shown above their head (e.g., people who are 'down', highway patrol) or purposefully alt-tabbing in a sticky situation to give themselves more time. I like both ideas for having a command and the option to set an AFK tag above your person (used sparingly of course). 

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I like the idea of changing it to a light grey (( ... )), like the current (( Typing )) is, for things such as typing or tabbed out. To me it implies the person is busy doing something OOC and doesn't put emphasis on the tabbed out aspect. (( Lagging )) should remain as it only appears when people are lagging or game crash.

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I think this is immersion disruptive. It can also be metagamed to a point (i.e. I see a cop ((tabbed out)) I know I don't have to slow down passing him at high speed). I'm not sure exactly what the purpose of putting this in was, though I can see it's uses. But, I think perhaps it should only be available for admins/staff to see and maybe in certain areas. Overall though, I think it's distracting to immersion and honestly not very nice to look at in the UI and should be gone or a lot less obtrusive. 

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As a DOC officer when Im in the cellblock and I tab out for a second, I often hear, "Quick, get him" followed by punches. Its clear metagaming and also DM. Its very disruptive to immersion aswell. I would, at the very least like to see a command to toggle the tag, so I dont see it everywhere, espicaly in areas with alot of AFKing, such as Prison.

Don't get me wrong, it has its uses, but its also incredibly annoying. Even making it smaller, like instead of ((TABBED OUT)) it could just be a little red dot next to their ID.

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+1 it doesn't really represent anything, as some are tabbed out but can still see stuff on their main screen or even still move around if they use a controller. 
Atleast make people able to put in some command where they can see for a moment if people are tabbed out or not.

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