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The Firm

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We were founded in 1977 and use to fight across all of the UK against the biggest and best firms around but we always came out on top we were the best around and remained the best and always will. We started fighting at the age of 16-18 for the pure love and passion for our football club and the love for the firm its self we wanted to show everyone around who was the best and we sure did that. Now we want to move onto a bigger scene and put our fighting to use and grind our way up in a different city.  

We came to Los Santos for one thing and that truly to take over and make it to the top with the best whilst earning respect from other big gangs who have done the same we are here to show that we are here to stay. 

Our leader Hugo had many war scares and knew all about what it would take to bring the firm over from the UK but he knew he had strong men behind him and was ready to take on the challenge Hugo had faced many challenges in his life time and knew what it would take but he was willing to risk it all to give it a chance. 


The Firm is currently operating out of a little spot near the butchers in a industrial estate and is holding down a solid spot looking to purchase the warehouse at the location. We will be operating in all different aspects of crime such as hustling people, robbing stores and also cooking drugs we will always be looking for ways to make money to purchase different assets such as warehouses and properties. 


Recruit a more solid base of members  

Become a more recognised organisation among the city  

Create relations with other gangs across the city  

Establish a property/warehouse 

Acquire heavy weapons more frequently and more easily  

Establish Neutrality/Allyship with chosen selected gangs  


Don [leader of the gang and sorts out financial side of things and also gang diplomacy] 

Ultras [Underbosses helps the Don with decisions and other gang related tasks people who can take over when the dons not around] 

Shotters [More established members of the gang and can help and take over when no high command is around and someone who is trusted] 

Youngers [someone who has proven themselves to get passed the trial stage and showing good willing and wanting to ensure the gangs goes in the right direction] 

Yute [someone who has been given chance to prove themselves and looking to climb the ranks and learn more]  



We will be wearing casual clothing such as jeans and hoodies and mostly joggers and jackets. We will be wearing this as this is culture for us back in the UK and would be worn mostly when fighting for comfort and durability.





Edited by KOP
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As The Firm Slowly started to build up there numbers they decided that they would start doing more activity among the city and started to show there numbers. they met up at a place they decided to call there home there new HQ and discussed many different aspects of what they wanted to achieve. Hugo lay down what approach he wanted us to take and decided that he felt he could trust his brothers and it was time to step up and be on the scene a bit more and try to gain reputation slowly.


The Firm all agreed that they wanted to succeed and would give there all to make this gang work and would not let anything get in the way and continued to represent the gang and the mask.


Hugo and his brothers would continue to build on what they had already achieved and would slowly try to climb the ranks and get the gangs name out to more people and establish connections with other gangs.


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Building Relations 

As The Firm grew stronger they started to build relations with other gangs across the city and building there reputation up.


Certain gangs had crossed The Firm in the wrong way and Hugo and his brothers made sure consequences were served he made sure that certain gangs that had crossed them would pay for their mistakes.  


As of them consequences The Firm charged 2 gangs tax for wasting there time one gang was charged 140k and one gang was charged 50k and put on strike system if the gangs caused any more problems they would be put on a tax system.


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The Firm and MoreBlood Leaders both met up in prison and had a idea to make money on the inside as well as the outside. Hugo and Kane both decided that selling drugs inside was the best money making method and both agreed to give it a try.


slowly but surely Hugo and Kane started to take over the prison scene and slowly started to make a name for themselves and showed the other inmates that they were powerful and not to be messed with.  


one of the inmates owed Hugo and Kane money and decided he did not want to pay. One way or another Hugo and Kane would get their money no matter the consequences. The inmate had to be shown the hard way and was dealt with very easily and paid Hugo and Kane. 

Hugo and Kane remained on top until their time was up in prison.

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