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Parking Permissions

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Parking Permissions Suggestion

My suggestion is pretty simple, I think there should be a way to give people access to your vehicles that are in parking at both Los Santos and Paleto.

/addParkingPermission Firstname_Lastname - Gives a player access to your parked vehicles, they can take them out if they have keys
/viewParkingPermissions - Shows all the players that have access to your parked vehicles
/removeParkingPermission Firstname_Lastname - Removes a player's access to your parked vehicles

If a player does /park at the parking lot and doesn't own the vehicle then it should park it as if the owner did /park as long as they have parking permissions.
Players should be able to click Y on the parking marker and they should be able to see both their vehicles and vehicles that belong to other players who have given them parking access.

The reason I have suggested this is because I have a number of vehicles in parking that my friends regularly ask to use and I do not wish to keep them in my houses as my house garages are full.

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I'm going to +1 again and if were on the topic of vehicles I want to suggest something else.

Say player A has their jester in player A's house, and player B with keys to both the house and jester takes it out. When player B is driving and using the jester and say the server crashes. Apon login the jester should summon back once player B and or player A joins back into the server after a crash. 


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