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Dylan Ortiz


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Fowl Play

After meeting up with a potential new recruit, Alicia brought him to introduce him to the rest of the Vatos. He seemed like a great fit and had already made a great impression on everyone. 


The Vatos had an exhibition of wrestling and skill between Donald and Kevin under the watchful eyes of the Aztecas rooting and throwing down some bets. 

Once the fight was over, Gabriel and Thad had an epic battle, eventually Gabriel coming out victorious, much to Thad’s dismay. 


When the fighting was over, and the bets were paid up and some bruised egos, they wandered through the streets of Paleto. Eventually they came across an open building. Looking around they carefully opened the door and much to their surprise they found a perfect boxing ring. They smiled at each other and knew what had to happen. They asked on radio if anyone was bored to make their way to Paleto. Carlos drove to the chicken factory and purchased some crates of chickens and brought them back to the venue.



Some GD & LFM arrived with music and tequila and the night was kicked off. Feathers flew and bets were made. A lot of money was passed from hand to hand and some significant wins were made, along with a lot of laughs. 











People passing by could hear the commotion from outside and stopped in to take a look, have a dance and grab a tequila!




A deputy from the Sheriff's department stopped by after a call had come through of some disturbances. They tried to take a look inside but were swiftly stopped. 



After a few more rounds, a few more bets and the release of the chickens who survived, they left the building drunk and in high spirits before returning home and chilling on the roof. 


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Re-Establishing Relationships 

The most recent shipment of supplies had not arrived. 

Aztecas were waiting at the pier for the ship to come in but nothing ever came. They grew anxious, what if something had happened to the people bringing them in? Days went by and still nothing was heard. The Aztecas thought they would reach out to Dennis to ask if he had any information and would be willing to continue to grow and build the relationship with them. They enjoyed their time in Paleto and had grown  accustomed to the ways of the small sleepy town up north. 


They drove up to the spot and asked if he would be willing to allow them to rent the area that they were using and to establish an ever better relationship than before. They made commitments to work even harder than before.




Dennis Lawrence is a man of few words but he sullenly agreed knowing that extra eyes around is not always a bad thing and they had brought in so much money before being such good customers. He knew this was going to be a mutually beneficial relationship. Carlos shook his hand and the deal was done, he would allow them to stay in the area and protect Paleto, provided they put in the work. 



That night the Vatos chilled on the roof and reminisced about some of their previous encounters and laughed at some of the situations they had gotten into in the past. It had been a while since they had gotten together and just relaxed it was a nice change of pace from what had usually been going on around them. 


The next day there was a buzz of excitement as everyone got ready to drive their beloved Kamachos. Even with everything going on, they were still able to pull together for a ride through Paleto in their prized vehicles. 



After a quick catch up with La Familia Michoacana, Gangster Disciples and More Blood, the High Commands took a quick step to the side for some informal chats. As they stood the sound of a helicopter loomed overhead signalling the end of the festivities. 




They left and drove their beautiful cars home, where a masked figure was waiting for them with a stolen car. 

They brought the car up to Jeremy at Chilliad to see if he would still accept their deal. Jeremy grunted and looked at what they had brought for him, unsure if he wanted to strike this deal. He broke down the car admiring the parts he was able to get and sell on and happily handed over some cash to them. “No fucking around now” he scowled at them as they drove away in search of some more. 



Ever so slowly things were starting to pick back up again, but they have not lost sight of their familia vows and pulled together to support LFM in their daily operations. No one is perfect and everyone is human but now was the time for them to pull up their socks and lay down the tequila. It was now time for business to get back to normal.  

"Nosotros nunca nos rendiremos"

Mi Familia Sobre Todos



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Vamos de Fiesta


As the week turned crazier and crazier, things slowly started to settle down. Promotions were had, some illegal hen fights, chopping cars and business as usual for Aztecas along with the help of their friends and allies. Early one morning, while the homies were just chilling at the Church yard in Paleto, a farmer by the name of “Joe” walked up to them all and announced he was now their leader. They giggled and bowed to him, but when he said he had to go to the city they were all dismayed he was going to leave them. He was calling a taxi to take him so they called a bus to follow him, everyone of them in fits of giggles. Unfortunately the holy vato had other plans for Joe and he fell asleep. As they sat on the bus behind the taxi they thought well let's not waste the money we spent on getting this bus here and began drinking, it was never too early for a party. They asked the bus driver to take them on a tour around Paleto. They were in fits of laughter the entire time and had a beautiful sightseeing tour of the town and some surrounding areas. 

As they were chilling in Paleto, Alicia was called to the supermarket HQ in Paleto. She arrived to find Yuki standing there looking excited as ever. Yuki called her over and handed her a small envelope, inside an invitation to one of the most anticipated weddings of all time - she was to become Yuki Brasco! Alicia jumped up and down hugging her. This was going to be a good one. Yuki smiled even more and whispered to her; “would you be a bridesmaid?”. Alicia screamed “SIIIII MAMACITA” and danced around her. The vatos had spent all week chilling, partying and relaxing but this was one party they would have to make sure everyone was looking fresh to death. They arrived at the Church and an excited Yuki dropped in to see them all before they left. Angelo pulled out the Limo, Alicia took out her Tornado, Dan got his Windsor and they drove in style to the rehearsal ceremony before the big moment. A beautiful wedding it was, Yuki looked stunning in her traditional Chinese dress, the groom looking so handsome in his suit with all the groomsmen and bridesmaids standing behind them. Purm officiated the wedding and tears rolled down some people’s cheeks listening to the beautiful couples vows. A huge after party was held in a friend’s house. 

Rumours spread in this city like wildfire and every day seemed to be a new problem, but not ones that people cannot overcome. They had been working harder, as difficult as it had been with the cartels recent dissatisfaction at the police presence and involvement in their operations. But they just regrouped and ensured the relationships with their allies were always kept in order. They were also reached out to by <REDACTED> with information and a chance to form a new bond. This was something that was going to be interesting, both sides were cagey at the start but it seems this is growing over time. They were interested to see where this would lead. 

She grabbed photos of the last week and glued them in one by one. 





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"Nosotros nunca nos rendiremos"

Mi Familia Sobre Todos



Edited by MissDeeds
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"T H E Y ' R E   H E R E"

Part 2 / 2

Ryan Moraine wasn't sure exactly when it was that they hit the roof of the car below, but he did know that it was sudden, and that even with the padded cushion of the surely crazy and psychotic woman that he landed on...that it really frickin' hurt. He groaned, trying to blink his way through the pain as tears welled up in his eyes. They were kissed away by the rain as quickly as they formed however, the boy sitting up slowly off of the woman who lay limp underneath him. The roof had been dented in, the fox-mask clad female lay crumpled in a heap in the center of the wreckage. The car alarm was blaring, and from his position the boy could barely make out the silhouette of a bull mask wearing monster standing within the ruins of the window above.

Ryan turned his gaze back down to the woman, placing his hands on her and shaking her firmly, shouting at her through the torrential downpour. "Lady, hey wake up!" He cried, shaking her as roughly as he could. He took a look back towards the entrance to the apartment complex, knowing it wouldn't be long before they'd be back after them. "Come on....!" He breathed, slapping her mask around by the muzzle "Lady PLEASE, you gotta wake up!" Glancing back up, his eyes widened as he beheld one of the Bulls standing at the base of the stairs up to the complex, standing in its wide stance and staring straight at them. "NOW IS A GOOD TIME!" He shouted, practically slapping her at this point as the Bull started to take slow, careful strides towards them. 


Red gasped, wheezing a harsh set of coughs as the boy tried to pull her up into a sitting position, urging her to move as the Bull moved closer, only a few cars away from them. Red shook her head, trying to get her bearings as well as the ringing out of her head when she caught side of the impending monster encroaching upon them. "GOD you fucking bastards suck at dying!" She roared, grasping Ryan's hand and forcing herself off of the car, dragging him along with her. She nearly collapsed as she landed on the wet concrete, her body screaming in agony as she picked herself up and limped away from the wreckage. Ryan took a few glances behind them as the Bull picked up his pace, power walking to a near jog as he thundered after them.

Red huffed and heaved, pulling the boy along as she rounded one corner, and then another into the back parking lot. Her elegy rested towards the back of the lot, the woman fumbling for the keyfob in her pants and clicking the button quickly. She slumped against the side of the car as she pushed Ryan along, pointing to the other side and shouting "Get in the car! GET IN THE CAR!!!!" She looked over her shoulder, the Bull nowhere to be seen. She quickly stepped inside, turning the ignition and flooring the gas and together the two of them roared out of the parking lot. 

Just as Red made to turn left onto the main street, a horrendous blaring of headlights entered their vision, and a thunderous roaring of a powerful engine buffeted the inside of the car. She hydroplaned a moment, spinning semi out of control until she came to a stop, her windshield facing the cause of the disturbance. A black Kamacho rested there, the silhouette's of three bulls sitting in the cabin clearly visible. It revved its engine as Red revved her own, reaching over and grasping Ryan's seatbelt. She yanked it over and buckled him in, throwing the gears in reverse and slamming the gas. The Kamacho roared after her as she turned the wheel sharply, spinning the car about and slamming the gear up to surge forward. Moving from second to third in quick succession, Red pushed the engine harder and drifted around several tight corners.

Just as she rounded one corner, she could just barely glimpse the headlights of the kamacho in her rearview. She was gaining ground....but if she didn't get out of the city soon, she was going to drift one too many corners and either hydroplane out of control or fly straight in front of any number of the LSPD who were....really not so big of fans of hers. She could hear Philipe's demeaning 'Oh dear' from here. "Ok kid," Red huffed, the pain in her body almost becoming too great to ignore. "I think we're safe.....for now."


It was several hours later. After a few close shaves, the fox-masked woman managed to lose the Bulls, roaring out across the country side. They had taken brief refuge at a gas station, with Red going in to buy snacks and leaving Ryan out to pump the gas. She came back, limping, carrying not only snacks but several odds and ends of first aid materials. Back on the road, the drive was quiet for the first hour or so. Red had flicked on the radio for him, letting casual rock play softly as she drove them up the northern country side.

It was a tense, eerie situation between the two of them. When Red finally did speak, it made Ryan jump slightly as he turned his head sharply to listen to her. "They're called The Blessings," She said, staring out of the front windshield. "They're an old terrorist and information broker organization, been around since the Cold War." 

Ryan nodded slowly, swallowing roughly. Red had trouble reminding herself that this kid...he was just ten years old. He probably didn't understand what was even happening...or let alone what he had just gotten himself into. The scale of danger he was in now...could it even be comprehended to a child? "Well...what...what do they want?" He asked quietly, turning in his seat slightly. 

"Me," She responded, pulling over to the side of the road and sighing, staring at her hands on the wheel. She took a few long moments to slowly look over towards Ryan before she huffed a small sigh and reached up, slowly pulling her mask off. Her red hair furled around her as her face came into view, double black eyes with colors of silver meeting his own. "I...was one of them, a long time ago. I was brainwashed and forced into servitude until...well...I broke free. I destroyed a sect of them in Vice City, where you got all your newspaper clips from."

"But if you destroyed them..." Ryan asked softly "Then who were the guys in the bull masks?"

Red had to take a moment to get her nerves under control. She never did like to address them, think about them...or even acknowledge "They're The Enforcers....they're the ones that the leader of the Blessings, the Matriarch, sends out when she needs something or someone utterly destroyed. They're...something that used to be human, but anything human was scraped out long ago...replaced by mute, autonomous killing power. They have a high tolerance to pain, they're extremely resilient to fatigue, and killing one is almost unheard of. I mean, fuck, I had to throw one in front of a train just to kill it."

Ryan looked up at her in awe, reaching into his pockets and producing the plastic baggy with the newspaper clippings. "But...what about me?" He asked, looking up at her with such a begging look "Who am I...in all of this? The matrons at the orphanage...they know about these Bulls. Everytime I ask they punish me, tell me to stop asking, that it was just a Halloween prank that a bunch of men in bull masks were just parading around the orphanage, and that I was dropped off by other people..." Red slowly looked away, a pain in her eyes as Ryan shook his head at her "But that's not true...is it?" The red-haired woman shook her head, bowing it as Ryan whispered "Who...are you? Who are you to me?"


The air was tense, quiet....

It took several long moments for Red to blink away her tears, to still the fearful beating in her heart and with a raising of her head and a clearing of her throat, she told him.

"My name, is Rhea Devrim Moraine. I'm your mother. You...are my son." 

They stared at one another for a long time...Ryan at her, her at Ryan. Ten years she had been a prisoner of the Blessings...ten years had she been separated from her son. But now, at last, mother and son had been reunited. A thud pounded in Rhea's heart, her bottom lip quivering as Ryan nodded. It was then that she took a moment to get a tad bit more comfortable, nursing her wounds as she told him everything. She told him about how he was born, how she thought he was dead, how they took him from her and how she didn't even know that he was alive until only a few months ago. They stared at each other for a bit more before Rhea could no longer take it any longer, pulling her boy into a tight hug, letting out a shuddering breath and clutching him dearly. It was the most peace she had known in ages, holding her long lost darling to her. But even in that moment....she knew that such a peace couldn't last, not while they were still hunting them.

They pulled away from one another, the weary, wounded mother taking a moment to look at him before whispering "Now...I take you somewhere safe. And then...I go kill the Enforcers."

"But...!" Ryan protested, a look of concern on his face "You said t-that they're unkillable....what if something happens to you?"

"Ryan..." Red whispered, looking away for a moment as she took a breath "If I don't stand up to them...you will never be safe. We will never be free." She put a hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes "I lost you once...I can't lose you again. This has to end." He stared at her for several long moments before he nodded, settling back into his seat and together they continued north. They traveled for hours, with Ryan sleeping most of the way there. She drove them to Deerwood Pines, to a motel at the edge of town. She looked over the familiar building, sighing as she pulled into the lot. This motel in particular she had picked out a long time ago, keeping one of the rooms reserved as a safe house for just such an occasion. She picked it out for its remote location, but more so for the location that rested about twenty miles outside of town...the place where she'd finally bring this nightmare to a close.

She checked in at the front desk, quickly picking up a key and heading back to the car. She opened the side door to gently scoop Ryan out into her arms, carrying him along the sidewalk towards their room. After balancing him in one arm and carefully juggling the keys for a moment, she managed to nudge the door open with her foot. She took a few seconds to look around at the area behind her before quietly slipping in and closing it behind her. After leaving him on the bed, she took a quick walk out to the car, opening the trunk to ensure she had all the supplies she needed. She had been holding onto quite a few tools for awhile...up to and including the bag of C4 she still had tucked away, from the same collection she used to blow up the Blessings HQ in Vice City. She pulled one of the tarps over, revealing a manikin stuffed underneath a spare set of clothes and some spare spools of wire with what looked like a detonator. She huffed softly, going over her manifest twice before closing the trunk with a soft thump and heading back inside.


After what felt like an age asleep, Ryan finally woke up. He sat up groggily, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes and looking towards the only light that seemed to be on in the dinky motel room he had found himself in. The bathroom light was on, the mirror slightly steamed and the sink absolutely smothered in long, red strands of hair. He tilted his head, confused before a figure stepped out from the bathroom, finishing zipping up the red and black skin-tight leather suit it wore. 

Red stood in the doorway, her hair chopped above her shoulders and dyed a dark, grayish silver. The sockets of her eyes and the edges all around were absolutely smothered in eye-shadow and eyeliner, and in clutched in one of her hands was her fox mask. "You're going to stay here until I come back," she muttered, making her away around the room towards him and sitting on the edge of the bed, resting her mask next to them and turning to face him. 

They stared at one another for the long while, mother and son reunited at last...only to have to separate once again. It wasn't fair...it wasn't right...but it had to happen. Everything in her life was paid at the price of blood...why should this have been any different? She had fought the Enforcer's before, run from them and survived. But she could only survive...she could never defeat them in the past. With all that she had learned however, and the immense amount of experience she had gained over the time she had spent in Los Santos....maybe...maybe now was the time at last. "Are you coming back..." Ryan suddenly whispered, looking up at her with such a worrisome glance that she had to seriously consider perhaps not going at all.

She shook her head however, sighing "I don't know...but if I don't come back by the end of tomorrow. Go back to Los Santos, find Niki Zhou. She works at Los Santos Customs in the city, a mechanics place. Tell her who you are...and she'll take care of you until she can find you something more permanent."

"But...we only just found each other again," Ryan started to protest, only to be gently shushed by Red as she pushed a finger to his hips. "And maybe..." she whispered gently to him "Maybe that's been for the best. I'm not a good person Ryan...I am not one of the heroes...one of the good guys." She leaned forward, pecking the top of his head and standing, plucking up her mask and moving briskly to the door. As she opened it to step through he called out after her "So you're one of the bad guys...like the Bulls?"

She paused, taking a moment to pull on her mask and slowly turn her head, a mechanical whirring emanating from the confines of it and the eyes flickering for a moment before igniting with a soft glowing green.

"I'm worse."


The Enforcer's had tracked her cell phone signal north, having lost her for quite a few hours. When they finally picked it back up, the had traced it to an old ironwork's and refinery a few hours away. Getting there wasn't much of a hassle, the three of them quiet, near motionless save for the driver as they made their way north. When they arrived, they sat and watched the outside of the building for quite awhile. They could see lights flickering on the inside, sounds of metallic grinding and flashes of sparks and molten metal casting eerie glows towards the windows yet....there wasn't a soul in sight.

She was here.

The sound of a phone ringing sounded off from the dashboard, the Bull in the passenger seat slowly lifting a finger to press the green 'accept' button and listening as a text-to-speech style voice spoke through the speakers.

"Priority one. Locate and terminate Subject R-1."

The three Bulls exited the Kamacho without another word. Two of them headed towards the front, while the other headed around the building towards the back. The rear-bound Enforcer took his time moving around the building, slowly looking towards the windows to see if he could see any movement. There was none, nor did he expect there to be. Subject R-1 was a particularly interesting animal. More terrifying than even themselves on certain occasions though he'd never admit to such. No...she'd be further inside, probably near the heart of the building and lying in wait. He rounded the last corner, moving towards one of the doors he saw there, the rusted metal cracked open to where it was slightly ajar. Yes...she had become quite predictable in the last few years. Tracking her was no huge issue anymore, and neither would be killing her.

Though....that thought in and of itself was quickly tossed out the window as glaring light suddenly lit off from his right side, accompanied by the sound of a roaring engine. The Enforcer turned his head, watching as two mammoth headlights roared into his vision. He had only a split second to put his hands up before the semi-truck smashed into him, the vehicle driving straight through the wall and into the building. An explosion of metal and noise echoed across the surrounding area as The Enforcer was torn to pieces by the grill and the objects he was smashed into, mangling him into nothing as the truck finally smashed into a few steel pillars and stopped in an instant. 

The other two Enforcer's came to a stop as they had just entered the building, hearing the thunderous commotion on the other side. The sound of a truck door opening and closing echoed from somewhere within, the two of them looking at one another for a moment before silently splitting up, one taking to a set of stairs while the other remained on ground level, pushing further into the facility. The Enforcer moved through the building at a careful, precise pace...a hunter's pace. He turned his head slowly, scanning every are he could with his piercing gaze. The hulking brute was just about to round a corner to head back to meet the other Bull when a voice called out and taunted him with "And to think....I once considered you people the bogeymen."

He turned his head slowly, and set his eyes upon her. She stood motionless within a rectangular archway, with the dim eyes of her fox masked trained straight on him. He wasted no time, turning towards her and briskly thumping straight towards her, his fists clenching in preparation to deal out a world and a half of hurt. He'd never get his chance however, as he stepped through some straw before her and came to an immediate stop when said straw burst upwards with a metallic 'CRACK!', accompanied by the slamming of a metal grate in his face, separating him from her. He looked down, seeing that he had been caught in a bolted down bear trap, his leg bleeding horrendously from the jagged edges that crushed his skin and bone. 

He looked up without a word, throwing a hand between the bars and grasping her neck, twisting it harshly to snap it between his fingers. But instead of blood...only styrofoam burst forth from her wounds. The manikin he had successfully murdered crumpled to the ground, staring down at it for only a moment before a movement to his left made him to turn his gaze. Red had stepped out from behind a nearby corner, standing in much of the same sort of pose as they had often taken when staring her down. She slowly lifted her left hand, a control module pressed within her palm with a thumb overtop one of the buttons. She pressed it, quietly dropping the module and disappearing back behind the corner. The Enforcer looked up, helpless as he watched from above him, a vat of orangeish-yellow molten metal tip from an overhead vat, pouring itself down onto its immobile victim below.

The last Enforcer made his way slowly onto the higher levels, looking up towards a catwalk high above. He'd be able to at least get a good vantage point from above, probably even see her the easiest from there. As he ascended the metallic stairs leading up to said catwalk, he could hear a matching set like his from far over on the other side. Perhaps his brothers had the same idea? As he stepped onto the entrance of the walkway, he stopped instantly. Red stood on the far side, her mask pulled off and held in one hand as her other hand rested on what looked like a tape recorder on her hip. They stood there, brutal and bitter enemies facing one another without a word...without a single sound until Red pressed her thumb in on the play button, and waited. There was static for a moment until Red's own voice suddenly spoke out into the air.

"There's a reason you tranquilize dangerous animals before you walk into their cage....a reason why the Matriarch would send you after me when it was time to come collect me, when I was off mission." Red slowly raised her mask, her body trembling as she narrowed her eyes at the embodiment of her nightmares. "Makes sense...doesn't it? I mean, who in their right mind would want to go standing in the way of the creature they specifically bred and groomed to be the perfect killing machine? Have you ever seen it? Of course you wouldn't have....you're still alive. So, let's rectify that....let's put it out there, let you...'admire', yours and the Matriarch's handy work..."

It was an incredible moment...an unheard of moment as the Enforcer before her took a step backwards.

Red slowly shook her head at him, as if to say 'No....there's no running. Not anymore.' It was in that instant that her voice on the recorder finally breathed the words that put Rhea Moraine...to rest.

"Omega. Sixteen. Juniper.....CAROLINE."

Red's pupils dilated as she pulled on her mask slowly, her hands reaching behind her, and unsheathing the hatchet and knife she had on the back of her belt. "Now then me..." Red's voice went on, the fox-mask clad monster taking a low, crouching position. "Get in there...and do what you do best."

Red charged forward without a sound, rapidly closing the distance between them as the Enforcer reached down behind him, grasping a metal pole laying upon the ground and rearing it up to block the heavy swing of a hatchet down towards his skull. He broke free of her, ducking the knife and side stepping another wild swing of the hatchet before hurling the pipe around, catching red in the hip. She was silent as she staggered only a step before leaping back in with a furious flurry of blows. Back and forth they clashed, ducking and stabbing and swinging. She caught the Bull twice along his arm with the knife, and in his side with the hatchet, fresh blood quickly staining the leather. She had endured her own nasty set of hits, her bones aching under the assault of his blows as she caught on in the left shoulder, and another catching one of her thighs at the tip. 

But onwards they fought, moving back and forth along the catwalk with a graceful like dance, the best of their fallen order in the fight of their lives to finally decide and discover who it was who would prove to be the better hunter. Fate seemed determine to bestow its blessing upon one party in particular, as the fox threw her hatched up to catch a downwards swing form the Bull's pipe. She caught the pole under the head of the axe, yanking the tool town to slam the pole into the handrails of the catwalk and pin it there as she slammed her foot down into the side of his leg. A clear 'snap' was heard as its leg buckled, forcing him to one knee and giving Red the perfect opportunity to throw her knife forward in silence, pressing it up between the gap of its mask and into the side of his neck. She twisted it with a firm, single screw of her wrist, grabbing the back of its mask and rearing its head back. She flicked her hatchet, dislodging the pole from her grip and turning it upwards so she could slam the Bull's head downwards into the blade, throwing both her hands onto the back of his leather jacket, and hurling him over the side of the railing.

She watched him tumble, motionless, into the darkness below. There were no thoughts, no words....only silence. She gently turned, walking quietly and gracefully from the catwalk...down the several sets of stairs and eventually out of the ironwork's themselves. When she got about halfway up the hill she was climbing, the tape recorder suddenly chimed up again. "So by now, I'm really hoping we've killed them all...because if we haven't, well....I'm sure we did our best." Red said nothing as she paused, looking down at the tape recorder for a moment before her voice sighed through the tape and went on "Oh well...success or failure...we were always bound to face the music eventually. I just...hope it worked out the way it was meant to. I'd be ok if the stars had it written a certain way from the start. But regardless of the outcome...it's time. Wake up."

Red looked up, looking behind her suddenly at the ironwork's she left behind. A sudden torrent of pain suddenly rushed through her body, the woman hugging herself and letting out several gasps and shrill wheezes of air as she struggled to stay on her feet. She trudged up the hill, reaching its peak after a moment and weakly reaching down into the bag she had left there. She rummaged for a moment before pulling out her detonator, grunting in pain as she straightened back up and flicked the singular switch on the front of the panel. The red light beside it turned green, her thumb resting on a black button resting at the base. She gave the building a good, long look before she finally whispered "Good night Dad...." and pressed the button.


The ironwork's exploded with a thunderous kaboom, the shock wave nearly knocking her off of her feet, and sending a great plume of fire and smoke upwards into the air. She stared at it, the flaming wreckage, the now tomb of her most vicious nightmares. She only gave it a few moments however, before she silently picked up her bag, slinging it over her back. She pulled her mask off, her face weary and her eyes lightly fluttering before stuffing it in the bag as well and turning southwards...beginning her long, agonizing trek back towards the motel. 

Back towards her son.

Her Familia.

Her City.




Edited by Wolokai142
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El Combate y Las Arma

The Azteca’s Capitaz received a phone call from an anonymous number as they sat around their HQ roof enjoying some Tequilas and chatting to some people who were looking to help the vatos in their day to day operations. 

“Hola, who is this?” 
“Hola Vatita, are you and the Vatos free?” 
“We can be, what, where and when?” 
“The Vatos and the Lost MC are invited to the opening of our venue, opening in 10 minutes”. 

Alicia jumped and excitedly told everyone to get ready. They raced down to their cars, packed out Kamachos and Reblas and a couple of bikes and made their way across the streets of Paleto. They pulled up in a large group and saw <Redacted> waiting for them in the carpark looking fresh as ever. Slightly nervous at the amount of people who had arrived, Alicia put <Redacted> mind at ease and said “Don’t worry I will keep them all under control” and laughed. <Redacted> smiled and opened the doors welcoming everyone inside. As they entered the modern room was filled with people, an air of excitement and intensity was felt by all. The vatos dispersed through the room and began ordering drinks at the bar expertly made by the Goblins and enjoyed the laughs they had with Lost MC. 



The fights were a spectacle, everyone putting their heart and soul into winning and a few bets flew around. 


<Redacted> took Alicia & Arabella upstairs to show them the beautiful view from the balcony, “The best seats in the house”. 

The vatos, the Goblins and the Lost MC duked it out to music and enjoyed Tequilas, Vodkas and some amazing food that had everyone coming back for seconds. 



As the music flowed Alicia’s phone buzzed again, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and saw an unread message from an old friend. 


She was concerned, this didn’t sound like the usual conversation from this person so she leaned over and whispered to one of her best Asesinos, “I need to go meet someone”. He nodded and waited for the response. She nodded to Mike and he ran out to get the Kamacho ready. 

They jumped in and drove down to the pier to find <Redacted> waiting for her with a briefcase in hand. She could tell by the look on his face something was not right. 

I have decided that I am going to leave this city and continue my travels. Things do not feel right for me now”. 

He continued to explain to her some of the reasons and she listened intently to the man who had become a long term friend of hers and the vatos. He stepped forward and left the briefcase at her feet. 


Slightly confused she looked down and carefully flipped open the top of the bag and looked inside, and her eyes widened; guns, attachments and filled with ammo. Before she could even speak he continued, “I have more pistolas in the car”.  He stepped forward and handed them to Mike, who carefully loaded them into the back of the Kamacho one by one inspecting each one as he did. “But what are these for?” she exclaimed, “and what can I do to repay you?

“Nothing, I do not want any payment, I want to help out my vatos and give them something to help. I know they will be put to good use”. 


Alicia promised to uphold that and reiterated her sadness at his departure. 


He turned and walked looking up to the moon standing at the barrier of the pier. “Adios Vatos, Aztecas are to remain strong”. 


He got into his car and drove back up the road. Alicia and Mike shared a look for a moment, this was going to help them a lot and they knew it. They got back in the Kamacho and returned to the Goblins Fightclub to enjoy the festivities. A sadness in her heart of what was passing but an excitement towards the future. 



"Nosotros nunca nos rendiremos"

Mi Familia Sobre Todos


Edited by MissDeeds
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The Coyote (Part 1 of 4) 


With their expansion within the city and the growing number of relationships and businesses they had created, a new opportunity was on the horizon. As they maintained and held many areas, and had grown to gather a large amount of properties there was much business to be had for the Aztecas. One day they were approached by a woman quietly who spoke with a soft voice and a scared demeanor. She knew who they were and knew the risk of who she was speaking to. She let them know that people back home in Mexico were looking to travel to Los Santos to find new opportunities, but the risk of travelling was so great with the federales recently, travelling on fake documents via air was not going to be viable. They were not rich but they were willing to come work as illegals within the city and do whatever was needed to make it in this big rich town.

Travelling across borders has never been easy, it’s dangerous, and most of the vatos knew only too well how they would be extorted, even on arrival in the city. But they also had business to do, their chopshops, drug labs and warehouses needed maintenance for when they were busy and if the federales didn’t have tabs on these undocumented people, it would be easier for them to slip away when duty called them and know their illegal businesses would be maintained. As the vatos stood around discussing their predicament, Kevin Reyes’s eyes lit up and as smirk on his face. 



“You want a way to get people across the border? I know the best of the best.” 
“Oh yeah?”
“Si, mi hermana, she has a reputation as the best coyote from Mexico, she can get anyone across the border, and as many people as you need”. 
“Call her.”

Kevin stepped away and made a phonecall, pacing up and down the road as he did. He returned back with a huge smile on  his face. 

“She has the next flight to Los Santos.”

They checked the flight times and made some arrangements for her accommodation. They knew the dangers that were involved in this, not only for them, but for the poor people who were making this journey. They were coming for a better life in a big city, good people but their english barrier was going to hurt them, they were going to be discriminated against. That’s how this city was. Alicia drove back to El Burro to meet Senorita Mendez to let her know they had a potential contact to bring in her familia. The old woman jumped from her seat and kissed her on the forehead. 

“Oh niñita, gracias. They have some amigos who want to travel with them, they are good hard working people”

“I promise I will do my best.” 


The flight was due to arrive at 10am on Tuesday morning. Kevin had an excited look on his face, he had not seen his sister a long time. He told Alicia all about her, how professional she was and how notorious she was too. Alicia brought all the information back to Carlos to let him know their plans. 

“Senorita Mendez says she has 15 people who are looking to come, Kevin’s hermana lands in a few hours.”
“Take a security detail and travel to the airport and pick her up.”

She nodded to her Jefe. 

Alicia checked her watch, it was 8.30am. Kevin checked the flight time, it was on time and not delayed, a surprise in this city at times. 

“I will be picking up a delivery today”, she began on the radio, “and need my security detail. I will be waiting in my Tornado at integrity. Be there in 10 minutes”. 

As she waited she received a text from Kevin

"Her name is Jade"

The vatos arrived and as always formed like bodyguards around their Capitaz. Alicia drove the lowrider tailed by 3 Aztecas armed to the teeth with AKs and Micros in a Kamacho, 3 Drags and a Rapid, two times occupied, each one carrying no less than a pistola. She was always so well protected. Kevin pulled up beside Alicia and began to explain to her how much influence Jade Reyes had, and how proficient of a coyote she was. He warned her that she is a business woman, had even gone to business school, but sometimes the apple does not fall far from the tree and their family back home had strong ties to the criminal underworld. 

As they drove through the city, the vatos became confused as they made their way to the airport. 

“Are we not picking up a delivery?”
“Oh we are”,
she replied with a smile in her voice. 


As they cruised through the city, Kevin received a call.

“I have arrived.” 



They pulled into the airport pickup point to see a woman standing surrounded by bags. Over her shoulder was a long braid, she had placed her glasses on her head as she stood in the shade. 

They pulled up at the arrivals lounge with the Tornado at the front with an empty seat. Kevin jumped off his bike and ran over to hug Jade. Her eyebrow raised as she looked at the detail that had arrived. Alicia stepped out of her car and walked over to her, putting out her hand

“Alicia Rodriguez, I have heard a lot about you. Can I take your bags?” 




Speaking flawless Spanish she responded, much to Alicia's delight, she had not had a chance to use much of her mother tongue since arriving in Los Santos.

"Jade Reyes, likewise."

Jade nodded and she grabbed the two bags at her feet and placed them in the trunk of the car. 

“Let’s go speak somewhere more quiet, but first, would you like a tour of our city?” 

“I hope you don’t mind the wind in your hair in this car mamacita” 

Jade stepped forward and took a seat in the car before looking behind her again. They pulled out of the airport, each vato carefully following and watching for federales and undercovers or an enemy and drove towards the streets of Los Santos. Alicia could sense a tenseness from her. 

"These people are here to protect us." 

She placed her glasses over her eyes and looked ahead. 

"Let's Go."




To be continued......


"Nosotros nunca nos rendiremos"

Mi Familia Sobre Todos



Edited by MissDeeds
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El Trato (Part 2 of 4)

"The Deal" 

As they pulled out of the airport Jade’s glasses gleamed with the morning sun. Los Santos was beautiful in the daytime. They made some small talk and Alicia drove her through the city followed closely by her detail. 




They made their way to their city HQ and Alicia tried to make her feel at home surrounded by the beautiful artwork and spray painting that the Aztecas had done to mark the concrete surroundings. 

"This reminds me of home. I can see why Kevin loves it around you guys." 






After about an hour of driving they pulled down a small alley behind some apartments and stepped out. Jade followed her to a small discrete door which Alicia held open and motioned for everyone to go inside. As they entered she whispered to Gabriel and Jack 

“Watch the cars, watch the doors, radio if anything happens” 

Knowing outside was safe, they went inside and grabbed a seat at the bar. 





When each of the vatos were introduced, she pointed to a private booth

“Shall we talk business?” 







As they moved out, they shook hands and walked back to the cars parked outside. 

“Where to?” 
“Back to the airport, I have a flight to catch.”

She nodded and they drove in convoy back to drop her off at the departures gate. 




They drove back to the City HQ and called on the radio for the rest of the Aztecas to come. Plans were to be made, until they heard from Jade again. 



To be continued......



"Nosotros nunca nos rendiremos"

Mi Familia Sobre Todos


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32 minutes ago, MissDeeds said:

El Trato (Part 2 of 4)

"The Deal" 

As they pulled out of the airport Jade’s glasses gleamed with the morning sun. Los Santos was beautiful in the daytime. They made some small talk and Alicia drove her through the city followed closely by her detail. 




They made their way to their city HQ and Alicia tried to make her feel at home surrounded by the beautiful artwork and spray painting that the Aztecas had done to mark the concrete surroundings. 

"This reminds me of home. I can see why Kevin loves it around you guys." 






After about an hour of driving they pulled down a small alley behind some apartments and stepped out. Jade followed her to a small discrete door which Alicia held open and motioned for everyone to go inside. As they entered she whispered to Gabriel and Jack 

“Watch the cars, watch the doors, radio if anything happens” 

Knowing outside was safe, they went inside and grabbed a seat at the bar. 





When each of the vatos were introduced, she pointed to a private booth

“Shall we talk business?” 







As they moved out, they shook hands and walked back to the cars parked outside. 

“Where to?” 
“Back to the airport, I have a flight to catch.”

She nodded and they drove in convoy back to drop her off at the departures gate. 




They drove back to the City HQ and called on the radio for the rest of the Aztecas to come. Plans were to be made, until they heard from Jade again. 



To be continued......



"Nosotros nunca nos rendiremos"

Mi Familia Sobre Todos


Glad to take part of this rp , love it

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23 hours ago, Moda_Montasser said:

Liked the story, keep up the good work vatos 
much Love here ❤️


23 hours ago, CalvinKlein said:

Glad to take part of this rp , love it

Thank you so much for your kind words! Was really fun RP and hope to continue to have such cool storylines for our characters! 

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Makin Money

In the past Aztecas had made their money selling drugs, robbing banks and even hitting money trucks but the cops had caught onto all of that. LSPD had stepped it up, Detective Jason Steel breathing down the neck of The Aztecas, just waiting for them to make a mistake, making their goal of swelling the bank account harder and harder. Angelo remembered an old contact he had from his life in Italy, a man who could take anything you needed to sell and turn it into cold hard cash. But what could they steal that would be worth his time? What was the one thing that could be stolen and turn huge profits, Jewelry and lots of it....

Months were spent scouting the location noting shift times, pick up times, guard positions, everything. Once Angelo had that information a plan began to form. The target, Rockford Jewelry store right after a huge sale day. This was a HUGE risk, do or die for some of the Vato's including Angelo as he faces life in prison if caught. The call went out and all the Aztecas were gathered and the plan laid out in front of them. "If this is to heavy for anyone here now is your chance to back out and stay here" belted Angelo right before they left, not a single Vato did so much as blink. He nodded and they were off. 


The Vato's left the meeting and changed clothes, heading to "Checkpoint 1" setting up the car swap team and sending off the scouts to head down to the area and get reports of the police activity. The store group left shortly after, taking their time going the speed limit not to draw attention to the three cars as they pulled up to the store. The scouts giving them the all clear they jumped from the cars and made a line for the door Angelo entering first and screaming for everyone to get down. Red following close behind her swift violence taking out the guards and immediately disabling the cameras the crew flowing in and breaking the cases packing their bags full of jewelry and the cash. 




Once they had everything packed up they took off getting in the cars and taking off to the swap point then the radio rang out... "Swap point is comped we got SD here" FUCK.... "Go Palmer Taylor fast" the convoy immediately turning off and changing course. 



Once the change was made and the hot cars brought to a hiding spot the convoy continued to the final location where Lin waited for them. As they approached LSI hanger 12 Alicia let out the call to make sure the Aztecas put their best foot forward as this connection could be very important in the future. They pulled into the hanger the twin prop plane waiting the tall man waiting by the door. As Angelo got out he smiled at his old friend giving him a hug before getting down to business. they laid out the bags showing Lin the take. as he looked everything over he offered an out right payout for the goods.. the offer.... 3.5 million dollars.  Angelo looked back at Juan and Carlos for confirmation then accepted the offer. The cash was loaded into the kamachos and they sped off back to [REDACTED]. 



(other pictures taken throughout the heist) 









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Josh - Backstory

Chapter 1 - Ballas



It all started as most things do, a man in a new city, experiencing something different for the first time. When first moving in, I did not know what part I wanted to play while in the city. Bouncing from job to job I never really felt myself, I felt out of place. I started looking for different "opportunities" in the city. So I started building my record with the government. First month in the city I got caught robbing a store and made the "Smart" decision to shoot at the police. Once inside the city's prison I met a man named [REDACTED]. We started talking and he told me he had the opportunity I was looking for. He told me he was a high command in a group called the Front Yard Ballas. Skip ahead a few months and things are going perfect. I joined the gang and started getting higher in the ranks and started to get a small name for myself. This did not last long as Vory and WCA moved in. Over the next month Ballas were in and out of war every day with Zetas, Vory, WCA, and an impersonator group called the Royals. At the time I was ignorant to the future and stuck with it all as brothers should do and continued on doing what I had to do to make ends meet.




Another fast forward, Ballas are near their end. Internal drama eating away at the inside of the gang and the constant fighting and loss eating away at the outside of the gang from WCA, we were dead in the water. In a last ditch effort to end the war and try to rebuild, our leader [REDACTED] cut a deal with WCA leaders. The deal was simple, [REDACTED] was to give WCA key grove street houses at a discounted price for them to "stop" the war. But WCA only kept their side of the deal for 7 hours, then the war was back on. At this point we were depleted, our block was gone, we were losing members quicker than we could recruit and our internal economy was gone. So we did the last think we felt was necessary before laying the name to rest. We fought WCA at their home.



Chapter 2 - Crimson


After Ballas fell, the leftover members did not know what to do. During my time in the gang I had gotten very close with the person who originally brought me in, [REDACTED]. Over the next week we started talking with another member we were close with, [REDACTED]. During this time we were all feeling the pain of what happened and not wanting to let the spark die out, so we got to work. We felt that even if the name Ballas died out we would not let the energy and brotherhood die with it. This is when me, and two high ranking members from Ballas decided to form Crimson Syndicate.

This became a passion to get started by us three. We started with the groundwork. We decided our goal’s, our motives, our colors and looks, and who we wanted to bring on first. This starting process lasted about three days then we got into recruiting. The first round of recruitment was easy, we already had trusted members from the Ballas era. So within the week we were pushing 10-15 active members. But around this time we got into our first conflict with another group. The name is so forgettable I don't remember it now but it was over colors and claims. With our first round of explosive recruitment we felt strong and started throwing our weight at people who stood in our way. This led to over the next few months being in and out of “war”. This was also about the time I was starting to mature in the city and started seeing a pattern with this group of people I was rolling with. Then in the same fashion as Ballas, Crimson started going down hill. We started getting into wars with bigger groups along with a clap crew formed with ex WCA.

War with the Shelby’s:




War with Murda block/Book club and the Explosions AKA Donut Gang:






All this war, I started disagreeing with, started to lead to internal problems. Me and the “leader” [REDACTED] started having disagreements which lead to problems between us followed by uncertainty. Being one of the three founders and being second in command you would think I should have “power” and “authority” over the ranks below me but [REDACTED] ran things in a different way. [REDACTED] started to feel I did not deserve what I was. For example, when we started building a gang funds, [REDACTED] the “Leader” could not hold it because he was in and out of jail. But when I offered to hold the money because I had a big safety-net of money in case I went to jail and in general stayed out of prison I was denied. Instead it was given to a recruit called Jordan Baxtor, Which I disagree with but [REDACTED] insisted. Lone behold, Jordan spent the money on a new car for himself and left the gang. After this situation I was denied again from holding the gang money after offering. This is about the time I started losing interest in the gang as a whole and wanted to distance myself from the people I called family. But like a “leader” I was trying to be, I stuck with it. But I was never given any grace for my choices to stay around because time after time [REDACTED] put lower members and even non-member ahead of me with power and say. Even in situations where [REDACTED] put people in front of me that the Zeta’s said if they were caught around us it would start a war, [REDACTED] still kept them around and allowed them to down talk me and make calls. [REDACTED] after I constantly pressured them to tell me why I was being treated the way I was decided to hold a “meeting” to tell me why in front of the whole gang even though I wanted it to be a one on one conversation to degrade/belittle me. This led to them basically telling me if I don't agree with everything they say I was not going to be able to do what I should be able to do. After this mentally I was hurt, the people I called family started turning on me because they only wanted one say with no other opinions. Just like Ballas. So I started to be complacent, I just went with the flow for the most part but continued to be a “leader” with the little power I had.

Sadly this all ended in the worst way It could. One night when me and a few other member were sitting on a freq after we just change it, I heard Will, a person who was a lower ranking member, non-command, and a person [REDACTED] put over me said on the radio “Hey, Don't give Josh the frequency” to me responding “What are you talking about” to just hear laughing followed by silence. This hit hard, I was betrayed after all I did for the people I felt were family for such a long time. This sent me into a depression. I had no future insight and nowhere to go, and even after trying to talk to [REDACTED] about the reason this happened, told me

Good luck with where you try to go.

Even though I know they had a part in it.


Chapter 3 - Lost


After I put space between myself and my old family I felt lost. The only people I trusted did not trust me, they did not want me around, and they threw me out to the streets alone. Over the next few days I felt weird, no freq to get onto, nobody to speak with and no goal to work towards. So I started sleeping a lot more. This lasted weeks until I heard of a new splinter group forming from Triad command. This group is called Four Seas Order, or FSO for short. So I started texting Jay, the leader of FSO, to try to become a trial. In my mind I felt if people from one of the most successful groups form a splinter group they are bound to succeed. I was dealing with group’s that went nowhere fast. So when I got the text from Jay to meet him at Triad HQ. I got excited, When I arrived it was only me and Jay and we started talking. He said “more people will be arriving soon so hang out”. I was eager and ready to do what was needed, well until I saw who the “other” people were. My anger grew when I saw the people driving in, all the people who treated me like trash from crimson. Then to add a cherry on top, the leader of crimson [REDACTED] said “Oh, so all MY members are coming here” when he saw me. This sent me into even more anger, But because of the opportunity at hand I let it go. Live and let live I told myself. After having a meeting with everyone who arrived, we all got given trial colors and told our plan/goal. For the next few days things went off without a hitch, we were making moves as a group. Helping the Zetas, Triads, and Aztecas. From my Point of view everything was going as it should, until I started hearing negative things about me from some people here and some people there.

On our last day as trials, Jay pulled me aside and mentioned how other trials had told him that I was going in with nothing and leaving with stuff I did not earn and how I was stealing from others. I was taken back by this and was even more thrown off when he told me I would not be moving forward with the other trials. Somehow, I was the only person who “messed” up during the trial week. But then it hit me, I overheard some of the old Crimsons members talking to Jay before this meeting and during the week, along with a few people telling me the same group was basically running my name through the mud. At this point I wanted to be mad, I wanted to be angry and go tell them what's on my mind, but I didn't. At this point I had given up, lost hope and all around did not know what to do with myself. Even when trying to get a new family the people I tried separating myself from stabbed me in the back again. I got so frustrated and sad I wanted to end it all but I could not do that to myself. So I left. I bought a one way ticket out of the city and did not look back. Month after month went by and I never set foot in the city. I paid my bills for my houses but never used them. I would get text after text from the very people who made me leave asking when I would come back and if they could have my assets. Again, cherry on top.



Chapter 4 - Acceptance


About 5-6 months had passed since I last stepped foot in Los Santos. I had forgotten all the anger, pain, and grief the city left me with since the last time I was around. I was browsing the internet when I got an ad for cheap one-way tickets to in and around the Los Santos area. I decided it would be nice to fly in and see how things are going. After flying in massive differences were apparent immediately. I went from being considered “poor” in the low tax brackets to being in the highest bracket in the city. I had a car waiting in mor's that was usually a 3k job which was now 9k. But this was just the money, there were no more Zetas or Triads in sight. I soon found out the Zetas disbanded followed by the Triads. This was weird to me because ever since I got my green card, both these groups had been the “rulers” of the city.

After spending a few days here and there adapting to the city I got the itch again to start making moves and working towards a goal. My personal goal was to start making money again but mainly to get into a new group, with new faces who I can start building a family with. Even though Alicia was not a new face to me, she was the first person I contacted. Within the day I got a text back and over the next week or so we would message back and forth, talking about opportunities and possible recruitment. She informed me that at the time recruitment was closed because Aztecas, LFM, GD were at war with Triads and others. So in the meantime I made money while waiting for recruitment to open up. I started making money from renting my places and working at DCC. I was able to get my bank up and get a few key vehicles, along with getting my BLS license to help once I become a recruit. Then I finally got the text that would start my next chapter in the city.

“Hola vato! Recruitment is open again if you are still interested! Come up to Paleto so we can get things worked out!” - Alicia

Things started moving quickly, and within no time I was a trial and started working with all of the Aztecas and LFM.






Here's to the chapter's that will come and go!


((Thank you everyone for reading, This backstory is a shortened summary from over a year of being on Eclipse. Hope you enjoyed!))

Edited by Ultra3D
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La Colección (Part 3 of 4) 
The Collection 


Part 1 “La Coyote”

Part 2 "El Trato"


As Jade left Mexico she left her number with the Vatos and told them she would contact them when arrangements had been made. One night they were counting ammo and stocks around their barrio when a text came through. 


It was from the burner phone number Jade had given Alicia, one word


She called over Carlos & Gabriel and let him know the time was coming. This had to be a clean operation. They gathered around the Kamachos in their car park and Alicia explained to them what they were about to do. 


Carlos began giving directions on what people needed to do 

“We need people on security scouting the area, people to help these people off the boat and drivers for each vehicle and space for those arriving.” 


Some of them looked with shock with what was about to happen, others understanding the perils and rewards from what they were about to undertake. They  grabbed supplies from the warehouse including taupes and blankets to cover the backs of the Kamachos. 


The 2nd text came through with a location, one they were familiar with, the port they usually collected their imported cocaine from. 


“Boat shed at Elysian Island”



The vatos loaded up 3 Kamachos and began their silent journey in the darkness. 


The radio, usually full of chatter, was completely silent. These were people’s lives, and a time for seriousness. 




As they pulled into the dock, the soldados got out and began scouting the area, preparing to call over radio for any federales or civilians that may see what was happening. 

Carlos, Gabriel and Alicia entered the dock and saw Jade sitting at the top deck of her boat. 


The wind howled through the shed and the coldness began to grip them. She nodded to them and unlocked the door, faces peering out squinting at the fluorescent lights. 



Alicia called on radio for 3 of their detail to come and help these people from the boat. The people looked tired and drained from the long boat journey, their stomachs grumbling. A very young boy looked at the High Command quickly casting his eyes down to the ground and became frozen in fear. One of the Vatos who were escorting him pushed him roughly. Jade tilted her head looking at him 

“These people are here of their free will, they are not animals.” 



Carlos took a step inside the container and looked around to ensure no further stowaways had come along. It was completely empty except for the couple of wrappers from food that had been left, an empty shell. 


The 3 Aztecas Soldados, heavily armed with AKs, Shotguns and Micros escorted the 15 people back to the Kamachos, 1 sat in a free seat in each and 4 sitting in the back. They placed blankets over them to protect them from the cold, and hide them from any federales. 

Carlos and Jade made some small talk and agreed a future deal, shaking hands to seal the business. 


He motioned to Alicia to hand over the final part of the payment. She took the envelope and threw it to the woman.


As they turned to leave, Alicia watched the woman return to her quarters on the ship wondering would she arrive home safely. “Of course she will” she thought to herself. 



As the Azteca High Command left the shed, they walked out to see their detail ready to leave with 1 sicario standing alongside each vehicle to ensure that none of the people tried to run. 



The immigrants did not make a sound, but she caught the eye of one of the women in the back of her Kamacho, the corners of her mouth turning up with a small smile, quickly fading as she heard Carlos’s words. 

“Make the call” 

They held their weapons on their laps as they pulled out leaving the dock. The young boy sat in the High Commands Kamacho with his eyes wide watching them lay down their AKs in the middle of the seats. Seeing his nervousness Alicia leaned over and spoke to him

“Where are your parents?” 

His eyes glazed over. 


“Why did you come to Los Santos?” 

“To make money and escape the cartel who killed my family.”

She could barely hear him whisper over the roar of the engine. Her heart began to sank, he had come to this city to find a new life, and come directly into the world he had just tried to escape. 

“We will keep you safe” she smiled to him. 

He never spoke for the rest of the journey but his eyes told a million stories. 



To be continued....





"Nosotros nunca nos rendiremos"

Mi Familia Sobre Todos



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On 12/4/2020 at 2:56 PM, MissDeeds said:

La Colección (Part 3 of 4) 
The Collection 


Part 1 “La Coyote”

Part 2 "El Trato"


As Jade left Mexico she left her number with the Vatos and told them she would contact them when arrangements had been made. One night they were counting ammo and stocks around their barrio when a text came through. 


It was from the burner phone number Jade had given Alicia, one word


She called over Carlos & Gabriel and let him know the time was coming. This had to be a clean operation. They gathered around the Kamachos in their car park and Alicia explained to them what they were about to do. 


Carlos began giving directions on what people needed to do 

“We need people on security scouting the area, people to help these people off the boat and drivers for each vehicle and space for those arriving.” 


Some of them looked with shock with what was about to happen, others understanding the perils and rewards from what they were about to undertake. They  grabbed supplies from the warehouse including taupes and blankets to cover the backs of the Kamachos. 


The 2nd text came through with a location, one they were familiar with, the port they usually collected their imported cocaine from. 


“Boat shed at Elysian Island”



The vatos loaded up 3 Kamachos and began their silent journey in the darkness. 


The radio, usually full of chatter, was completely silent. These were people’s lives, and a time for seriousness. 




As they pulled into the dock, the soldados got out and began scouting the area, preparing to call over radio for any federales or civilians that may see what was happening. 

Carlos, Gabriel and Alicia entered the dock and saw Jade sitting at the top deck of her boat. 


The wind howled through the shed and the coldness began to grip them. She nodded to them and unlocked the door, faces peering out squinting at the fluorescent lights. 



Alicia called on radio for 3 of their detail to come and help these people from the boat. The people looked tired and drained from the long boat journey, their stomachs grumbling. A very young boy looked at the High Command quickly casting his eyes down to the ground and became frozen in fear. One of the Vatos who were escorting him pushed him roughly. Jade tilted her head looking at him 

“These people are here of their free will, they are not animals.” 



Carlos took a step inside the container and looked around to ensure no further stowaways had come along. It was completely empty except for the couple of wrappers from food that had been left, an empty shell. 


The 3 Aztecas Soldados, heavily armed with AKs, Shotguns and Micros escorted the 15 people back to the Kamachos, 1 sat in a free seat in each and 4 sitting in the back. They placed blankets over them to protect them from the cold, and hide them from any federales. 

Carlos and Jade made some small talk and agreed a future deal, shaking hands to seal the business. 


He motioned to Alicia to hand over the final part of the payment. She took the envelope and threw it to the woman.


As they turned to leave, Alicia watched the woman return to her quarters on the ship wondering would she arrive home safely. “Of course she will” she thought to herself. 



As the Azteca High Command left the shed, they walked out to see their detail ready to leave with 1 sicario standing alongside each vehicle to ensure that none of the people tried to run. 



The immigrants did not make a sound, but she caught the eye of one of the women in the back of her Kamacho, the corners of her mouth turning up with a small smile, quickly fading as she heard Carlos’s words. 

“Make the call” 

They held their weapons on their laps as they pulled out leaving the dock. The young boy sat in the High Commands Kamacho with his eyes wide watching them lay down their AKs in the middle of the seats. Seeing his nervousness Alicia leaned over and spoke to him

“Where are your parents?” 

His eyes glazed over. 


“Why did you come to Los Santos?” 

“To make money and escape the cartel who killed my family.”

She could barely hear him whisper over the roar of the engine. Her heart began to sank, he had come to this city to find a new life, and come directly into the world he had just tried to escape. 

“We will keep you safe” she smiled to him. 

He never spoke for the rest of the journey but his eyes told a million stories. 



To be continued....





"Nosotros nunca nos rendiremos"

Mi Familia Sobre Todos



Out of all the RP stories i have read on this faction thread, this has been the most exciting to read so far. It definitely resonates with real world realities and the way it was roleplayed is excellent. Shame i couldn't be a part of it this time, but hopefully next. Very well written! Always a pleasure reading!

Edited by Arabella Kirk
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La Fiesta del Paleto

Abilio and Alicia sat talking about the state of the city and the things that were going on, lamenting on the past and looking forward to the future. After talking for a brief time, Abilio suggested 

“Well with everything going on, why don’t we have a party for the Vatos and their friends” 

Alicia knew how much work the homies had been putting in and was excited to part take. They chatted about some further plans and both went back to let their familia know of the upcoming party. Abilio created a fabulous poster and the vatos went around Paleto sticking the flyers to the fronts of doors and polls around Paleto and handing them out at various locations throughout Los Santos. Alicia sent some texts around to the major gangs within the city along with some smaller ones to invite them up and allow them to network and meet more people. Every one of them was excited to attend. 


LFM & Aztecas worked hard rolling blunts for days in advance preparing for the big event. The Vatos pulled their cars out from the garage and gave them a shine down and a polish, ready to show them off at the party and lounge around Paleto in them. They were excited and the morning of the party you could feel the electricity in the air as everyone prepared. 

The Vatos gathered first in the Church, each one driving their lowrider and carefully parking their show cars. The city had recently imported some beautiful new lowriders to the motor stores and they were more than ready to show off their shiny new toys. Crowds of people gathered outside the gates of the Church in awe at the beautiful cars bouncing in the light of the moon and the snow, showing off their hydraulics. 




The party was a huge success and people came from all around and every group imaginable to see the Goblins new home, their BMX ramp and listen to the tunes. 




Many Vodkas and Tequilas were handed out and they were enjoying dancing and drinking with their friends and families. The Goblins had setup a beautiful bar area, place to dance and people were whizzing up and down the BMX ramp. There was a wonderful atmosphere that was a pleasant break from all the negativity that had been forced upon them lately. 



Suddenly the whir of trucks appeared and they were surrounded by SD in SWAT uniforms. The reason? Apparently one of the cars had been bouncing too close to the Mors Mutual. Seeming like a bit of a ridiculous reason for this raid to happen, they stood side by side with their arms in the air, protesting this injustice. 






Carla was pulled over by one of the SWAT who refused to hand over his badge number and placed into cuffs. The Vatos surrounded him, phones pointed and questioning. The man had nothing to say. Deep down he had to know this was completely uncalled for also. After much discussion and rebuttals, she was freed and allowed to continue with the party. 



This raid had killed the mood so the vatos decided they would drive through the city, showing off their old and new cars, much to the delight of everyone they passed. They received huge numbers of compliments and the smiles across their faces was evident. There was nothing nicer than showing off these beautiful vehicles that they had pumped so much money into making beautiful. 









They returned home, parked up their cars and shivered in the snow. The hoods down might look good, but in the snow it was cold. They jumped in their Kamachos and returned to work, preparing for the next event that was to come.. Work was never ending for these homies but they take it in their stride, with the love they have for each other and the loyalty they show, nothing could stop them. 



Edited by MissDeeds
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