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F4 Panel - like in 2017

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I would suggest allowing everyone to create a group for themselves in the F4 Panel. (like in 2017)

It is fine for official criminal organisations to have special access to illegal imports and what-not, but people that run IC Estate or rental agencies, security services, individual businesses etc. have to resort themselves to creating a discord once they grow higher than 2 or 3 members to keep track and organise their members and to maintain their set goals.

The suggesion is to simply let everyone create a group of their chosing in the F4 panel, restricting them to invites, member list and online/offline status.

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I feel there should be a member minimum for one to be created. A way of adding a "contract" where the person must have roughly 10 people sign it for it to be actually created. This will reduce the spam of factions and keep it neat - Another suggestion could be to reduce the requirements to become official and allow people who have good intentions of RP and good quality members within it.

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1 hour ago, Harry Harmone said:

I feel there should be a member minimum for one to be created. A way of adding a "contract" where the person must have roughly 10 people sign it for it to be actually created. This will reduce the spam of factions and keep it neat - Another suggestion could be to reduce the requirements to become official and allow people who have good intentions of RP and good quality members within it.

Hahahaha ,that's how it works in World of Warcraft when you create a guild! hahahaha KEK!

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I think anyone should be able to create an organization, it should just go through an approval method like the government. Criminals would have shell companies and organizations, and legal people would have the ability to create a group for their personal business. It could also require a cost to apply making the government some tax money at the same time.

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I was really disappointed when the organizational tools given by the F4 menu was taken away.

Agreed though, there was a lot of junk and they should be purged regularly. Better time spent to purge what's not allowed or not used then govern over a groups in their entirety.

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I want to make a group with friends but I don't want to "argue" with community members that the group is good enough to be a group

Let everyone do whatever they want as long as they dont break rules

Edited by SMILE_
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