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Phil McGee

Black out support chat in evidence.

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I think in the quest for clarity and fairness evidence containing " staff chat" could be easily just blacked out using open source tools within YouTube and numerous other ways. They are extremely easy to use and not time consuming at all.

Audio  segments can also be muted if the staff chat is VoIP for some reason.

I've seen numerous reports where people can't defend their case due to this policy. If you were to use a court room as a comparison this would be unthinkable that a person could be convicted on undisclosed evidence. 

And I've seen numerous reports that have had text blurred out on it that have been accepted as evidence before somebody quotes the " footage can't be edited" as this has been interpreted as cutting up 20 mins of footage in some cases. 

Thanks for reading.

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Its not that easy for people without editing skills.

We then need to hide:

Support chat, admin chat, incoming reports, report chat. incoming logs, Admin commands, Support Commands. Moderator commands. And a lot more. And their all over the screen. 

It would be 90% black screen for people not experienced in video editing.

We shall talk about this in our next meeting.

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-1. I'm not about to request that any staff member who wants to report somebody EDIT their evidence, firstly because editing evidence isn't allowed, secondly because it takes way too much extra time, to the point where supports may not even report because of the amount of time it takes. 

You shouldn't need to see evidence of acts that you did, you should remember it and if you don't that's your issue. Evidence at the end of the day is more for the staff member than it is the reported party. 

Wouldn't be worth it, and it's not reasonable to ask every staff member to edit their evidence. 

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+1 to the suggestion. Players should be able to view the video that could potentially get them banned or in trouble. Not only will it benefit the server by showing an example of a rule break (or what's within the rules), but it will also benefit all parties involved in the report.

 If it's too hard or too tedious for admins to add a blur or square box over their chat logs, perhaps the player(s) being reported should be privately sent the video of their alleged rule break (just like the admins get sent the video privately).

1 hour ago, Flucifial said:

You shouldn't need to see evidence of acts that you did, you should remember it and if you don't that's your issue. Evidence at the end of the day is more for the staff member than it is the reported party. 

That's unreasonable. You can't be expected to remember every situation that a rule break may or may not have been involved in and on top of that at the very least the party that is being reported should be able to view the evidence held against them. How can you defend evidence against you if you don't know what the evidence is?

To use an example that happened to me, I got punished for failRP because of a video a support member sent to an admin. Everyone involved in the report were unable to view the evidence and we all got punished. I made an appeal showing my POV, that completely disproved the FailRP charge I got. But if I was able to view the evidence of my alleged rule break, I would have been able to defend my side adequately and save a lot of admin time. All the past appeals got deleted when the forums merged otherwise I'd post the thread of my appeal.

I've seen threads get accepted (and rejected) with edited chat logs before, an exception could be made for support members to blur their chat logs I'm sure. If that's impossible then maybe sending an admin a video of the unedited copy and then posting the edited copy could work as well.

❤️ to flucifal still

Edited by Dashingly
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2 hours ago, Flucifial said:

-1. I'm not about to request that any staff member who wants to report somebody EDIT their evidence, firstly because editing evidence isn't allowed, secondly because it takes way too much extra time, to the point where supports may not even report because of the amount of time it takes

It's not a massive edit at all. It's literally a 30 second task. And I've seen blurred out footage before so why is that allowed?


2 hours ago, Flucifial said:

You shouldn't need to see evidence of acts that you did, you should remember it and if you don't that's your issue. Evidence at the end of the day is more for the staff member than it is the reported party

It would be unfair to assume every exact detail. Should you remember everyone's ID etc. While yes people should be able recall roughly what they did the devil is in the detail when it comes to form a defence for oneself. 

I suppose my main point is it helps keep people honest. Not to say that there are dishonest staff etc but if everything is dealt with out in the open it stops the old boy mentality that caused the last mass exodus of Admins that thought they were untouchable etc.


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Huge +1. 

It's insane that reports can be accepted where the reported party cannot defend themselves as per the evidence. 

Eclipse is full of desync situations and 90% of the time, stuff is accidental. Not being able to see the other party's perspective on what you supposedly did is completely unfair. 

As @Phil McGee said, it's not a hard edit at all, literally just a shape dragged over the text box region. There is no other area of the screen that needs to be covered. 

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I'm not a lawyer, but in court information that is only relevant to the case is shared. Everything else is essentially 'edited out'/removed. This information is also not usually shared with anyone else until the case is closed, therefore it's not public until a judgement has been made. Privacy should be respected and protected. IC and OOCly.

Edited by Xoza
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Hey, thanks for the suggestion.

As it was stated by many people, it takes low effort to edit a blur or black box over their text chat, and in general support chat is not shown for the same reasons as mentioned in another comment above.

Suggestion Locked & Archived.

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