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More Turfs (with maps)

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Hello fellow roleplayers!

Tired of the turfs only being inside the city? Me too!
Well I gave 5 hours of my free time to check for good locations for turfs and warehouses, and I managed to come up with these 5 extra turfs!

Turf map

Turf one:

Turf two:

Turf Three:

Turf Four:

Turf Five:

I picked these locations as they seem the most logical one,
I know paleto bay has a Police station nearby, but I still wanted to add it.

I looked for the following stuff:
-Possible to defend?
-Good Logical warehouse.
-Not close to the other turfs, (as its San Andreas and alot of it would be to open)
And a few more minor things.

+1 if you agree!

-1 if you disagree!

Link this to all your friends! lets make this happen!

Kind Regards

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1 hour ago, MusketDeezNuts said:

Hello fellow roleplayers!

Tired of the turfs only being inside the city? Me too!
Well I gave 5 hours of my free time to check for good locations for turfs and warehouses, and I managed to come up with these 5 extra turfs!

Turf map

Turf one:

Turf two:

Turf Three:

Turf Four:

Turf Five:

I picked these locations as they seem the most logical one,
I know paleto bay has a Police station nearby, but I still wanted to add it.

I looked for the following stuff:
-Possible to defend?
-Good Logical warehouse.
-Not close to the other turfs, (as its San Andreas and alot of it would be to open)
And a few more minor things.

+1 if you agree!

-1 if you disagree!

Link this to all your friends! lets make this happen!

Kind Regards

+1 great thread musket 

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Reading this has made me realize that I actually don't have any idea of how turfs are actually acquired, taken or made. So before I give an opinion on this, can someone in this thread (or reading this thread) kindly tell me how turfs are made, taken and lost?


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