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Everything posted by Osvaldon

  1. Will be fixed upon the next server restart.
  2. The smoke grenade launcher does not have it's own icon, but it should show in the weapon wheel without one.
  3. Reported as no longer reproduceable.
  4. Will be fixed upon the next server restart.
  5. Will be fixed upon the next server restart, you filthy rich person.
  6. Seems to be intentional. Masks are not meant to have any effect over radio as they hide your face and that is not relevant over the radio.
  7. I've tried a different method, there are just conflicts between other systems. Will be fixed upon the next server restart.
  8. You should not press 'E' multiple times because you restart the loading process. The loading process will be slightly more smooth upon the next server restart, but spamming 'E' will still reset the loading process.
  9. It may be that the item does not have door functionality setup by the GTA developers and the door just acts as a solid object. What is the inventory name of the furniture item? It will need to be removed from the furniture store.
  10. This affects only free VIP (staff, streamers). Will be fixed upon the next server restart, but not today.
  11. Will be fixed upon the next server restart.
  12. I'd suggest that you wait for the character customization and clothing updates that are coming next month. The barber system is planned to be overhauled too, so everything will be different and there might be more options.
  13. I believe this was changed a long time ago.
  14. Potentially fixed or chances of this occurring had been lowered. This will apply only upon the next server restart.
  15. Could be related to RAGE siren sync, this is not fixable at this time.
  16. Other players are also unable to reproduce this issue. I believe it may be a client-side issue (3rd party mods, video settings, etc.). Try to change some video settings and tag me at the LSPD Discord.
  17. The background is meant to be blurry as the camera script is supposed to focus on the vehicle/weapon. Now, the vehicle screen looks normal on my PC. Ask others if they share the same problem, also it could be visual mods or video settings.
  18. Will be fixed upon the next server restart. Gun store weapon previews may be also affected (fixed too).
  19. It would be helpful if someone tried to force this repeatedly, maybe some clear reproduction steps could be identified. It is difficult to identify the cause at this moment.
  20. Osvaldon


    Will be fixed upon the next server restart.
  21. Osvaldon

    Fishing bug

    Will be fixed upon the next server restart.
  22. Will be fixed upon the next server restart.
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