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Everything posted by Mopop

  1. Mopop

    Criminal Update

    I thought the territory idea was cool. If you've played black dessert online you fought other guilds for the territory and then you'd collect funds from it every week till you lost it. It could be a way to add to the treasury of a gang and possibly work on their territory adding labs, chopshops, etc. Also once a gang goes official maybe they can pick specialization too. Like one gang would be the gang you sold manufactured drugs to, one is the gun runners, one have illegal mods, one can be the people who run and deploy chop shops too. I was thinking about all the gang run legal stores too, how the license would have to be held by someone legal, so you could even have people who are like semi-criminals. I remember a scene from the wire where they found out the guy who held their club license was messing with illegal shit and well it didn't turn out well for him... Just ideas I've had.
  2. Text RP is terrible you tend to get ignored in most conversations or not even noticed. No one tends to look at the text box if all the other people are using VOIP.
  3. +1 so many potential spots in the city to cook meth, plus it well help criminals have more spots to craft drugs. Would love to see an overhauled drug and chopshop system.
  4. It hasn't even been a month since the last law thread. Sounds great on paper but I just don't see it working as much as I would like it to. Sometimes its hard enough to fill legal factions just to have appropriate staff during certain hours. Also a lot of lawyers will just advise to take a plea anyways, you have to tell them the truth, as lying to your lawyer is counter productive. Which would probably in the end lead to more charges. Trust me we all want a law/judge system in but if done poorly it could make for a uncool time. Though I wouldn't mind hearing some official word on it, if it's even something they intend to do so we can get hyped for it.
  5. Even though IG I work at LSC I know little about cars. What kind of illegal modifications can you do to a car IRL? Only thing I know is you can make your window tint too dark (I had to go over court over that FML)
  6. Contractors are real crooks though Sounds cool if it was able to be done. I know I'd buy a home there.
  7. +1 means you can also send them warrants to their home muwahahahaha In all actuallity sure why not? Even though mail is so uncommon now with paper less I only check my mail every couple days unless im expecting something, and its usually just all junk ads...maybe you could pay to have fliers mailed to homes too like weazel ads, dunno just kicking ideas back and worth.
  8. I'm guessing by the year it is in game its pretty common with all the vehicles I see the road to have a light. Plus with the /setgauge 0 option you can say your junker doesn't have a fuel light, but damn does running out of gas hurt the wallet and ego.
  9. I'm not sure about you but sometimes you're just living your live driving and then suddenly...you aren't, you're are out of gas! It would be nice to get a notification like our cell phones telling us to charge, for us to know if our fuel is low. Even bonus cooler option would be for us be like /setguage 10 so at 10 percent it will start giving that notification. Really not a whole lot to discuss here, honestly my check gauges light came on when I was driving home an I thought dang wish I had that in GTA cause I'd probably run out of gas IRL without it!
  10. Mopop

    Poker in prison

    I always thought a DOC commisary account would be nice, could have people from the outside load it up for you. Can get you some snacks, and water. Could even get yourself a business flipping that stuff for stamps to get out faster. I know this has nothing to do with your suggestion but yes the poker table needs fixed badly. I would have loved to see a group of inmates shit talking and getting into fights while I worked DOC cat walk, but I've never seen a single person play
  11. Prison does need more to do. I wrote about how the stamp system needed reworked to make prison "fun" at that point it's up to the DOC. As ex-DOC I made sure I was available to RP criminals in the cells. A lot of them had neat back ground stories or were nice to talk to. Though -1 to changing the sentencing there is a reason they changed it to begin with. On my crim char I got caught twice and only got an hour as each sentence because I complied and didn't run. I chose to remain silent and just did my time. We get people who start 200kmph pursuits over a freaking reckless charge, hop out on foot and start opening shots on cops...you know over a reckless driving charge.
  12. Mopop

    Name changing

    They should bring back the free one and actually move it to city hall. You'd do this more in a county clerk based on a US system. Could even be a system people review and accept your name change.
  13. Mopop

    LSPD vs LSSD

    One takes calls in the city area and on takes calls in the county area. You can do a ride along with each of them to see.
  14. So you're saying just from one crime you committed you got 10 hours?
  15. Make a new topic I'd +1 it, not like that matters but still might as well get some others ideas on it
  16. just have it only work when there are no medics online.
  17. +1 Almost got scammed on my char after first joining, I would have probably quit. Person was acting to eager to sell to me at that moment in cash so I backed off. Later I learned from a rule announcement scamming is allowed...so yeah.
  18. I was actually talking about this with someone from Bayview last night. Basically I would think of them more as government contractors I suppose? Though I understand what you mean by it being kinda weird that they do have government IDs for badges and what not.
  19. I'm confused why would this increase RP?
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