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Everything posted by kenichis

  1. Yea theres also a barber shop down at Mirror Park but the only thing there is an admin marker saying “barber.” Would actually be awesome if barbers can be player owned and each store has its own “specialty cut.” Imagine this: Guy 1: hey bro where did you get that sick cut / tatt? Guy 2: hey, I got it at the barber / parlor down at Paleto ( example ) Would be much opportunity for IC interactions instead of the ones I usually get which just consists of people asking where their taxi driver got his haircut and theres really only 1 in town.
  2. Would also have some downsides, if you’ve ever tried mining with a truck then you would know that putting your bag 3 meters away from the trailer so that you can properly open the right inventories is quite strange. Now if they we’re to change the trigger area to lets say another 1.5 meter from how it is now then you would be looking at putting your bag 5 meters away from the truck now. Also if you’re paranoid like me then you would be having your heart race every time someone passes by you and your bag is far away.
  3. idk seems kinda gay bro, i mean what if the other person is a dude but I mean we have “prostitution” in the penal code I guess its time to actually enforce that now?
  4. Let me copy it straight from the rule book: Players cannot steal from players with “NEW PLAYER” above their head unless it is in retaliation. Players with the (( NEW PLAYER )) tag that deliberately insert themselves into or start active crime scenes lose their new player protection during those illegal activities. It doesn’t specify that it applies for characters under 5.000XP, it only says that if you have the “NEW PLAYER” tag you’re not allowed to be robbed. Yes it is a bit confusing at first as I was also mistaken when making my first alt character, its also somewhat confusing that they don’t specify until what XP range is the “New Player” tag going to last, but still the rulebook is not incorrect as they never specified such a thing.
  5. kenichis

    NCZ Zones

    A bit mixed with my feelings about this... if they do add more NCZ’s in the middle of the city, lets say Legion Square right in front of the public parking lot. Thats a very busy street, with people going through it all the time, what happens if we’re being chased and we happen to pass by there? Wouldn’t make sense to risk spinning out going 170km/h taking a right when going straight is right open, but then you’ll be ticketed by the NCZ cams and also you would be breaking server rules by going to an NCZ in a pursuit. I think the state of NCZ’s as they are right now are already quite comfortable, I don’t think simply adding more spots to restrict the type of RP people can do is a needed change. -1
  6. kenichis

    Rule Change

    If you've ever been to Asia, then you would know how big of a role internet cafés play in gaming communities, it would also be unfortunate if this rule we're to harm those players.
  7. We're not recruiting people (in a sense). We're looking for people in OOC who can dedicate time to our group and make their characters have the same backstory as ours so we already know eachother ICly and fit our groups origin story.
  8. I agree that it would make sense. It wouldn't only benefit criminals but also legal workers who carry weapons. +1 even though the rest of what you said made no sense.
  9. Right now the speedometer shows km/hour as the unit, which is great I'm all down for SI units. Problem is, the GPS waypoint shows distance in Miles which can get a bit weird when you're trying to explain how long away you are to a friend. Would be just a nice small change to the server, either make it all REAL units or make them all strange American ones. Either way is good.
  10. Update! Please check the updated thread for more info
  11. Why don't we just leave it as it is? If you think hes rule breaking by changing freqs while cuffed / hands are up then report them for PG. Simple as that. I would hate to see people who actually want to do good RP be hurt by this change.
  12. Honestly just tell the person you robbed in OOC not to spawn another one. I robbed people down at DCC before and I always PM them that I'm done and they can spawn another one. Noone really does it on purpouse if they actually want to RP.
  13. Hi there, me and my friend are looking to get our vigilante faction thats been in our head for a while started. Our theme will be knights and expect my RP to be a very disciplined and military-like man. We are looking to fill our leadership positions and need to get someone willing to roleplay at a high standard and is interested in joining. When you join we're looking to make your character have the same origins as the other leaders. If you're interested respond to this thread with your Discord and I'll contact you. Please serious replies only, if you'd like to know more then feel free to ask in the thread. Update! We now have a google forms to apply to! Please fill this out instead if you're interested feel free to fill it out. https://forms.gle/EnBAaG5ZDEowtszg7
  14. Definitely +1. Make it red only when someone is offline or their phone is off. Also maybe implement a system where you can hide if you're online aswell.
  15. +1 Currently the wire transfer feature is only a thing in the Bank and at the bank you can just take cash and pay it to your friend for no tax. Would make sense to be able to transfer money on the go or maybe make ATM's a spot to wire money aswell as right now you can only take/deposit money and would also make more sense if the Devs think mobile transfers are OP.
  16. Doesn't really matter, we get "government funding" anyways
  17. kenichis

    Remove Snow

    Just to show how much of a difference snow and no snow makes
  18. kenichis

    Remove Snow

    yes just saw it as well. The gods have heard our prayers
  19. kenichis

    Remove Snow

    I know that its supposed to be winter times in NA and Europe but snow really makes what I could assume as MOST computers run like trash. I just wanna drive a cab its not that easy when you get constant lag spikes This is the fps I get alone in a parking lot, imagine what its like when we're at the bank with 8 other people
  20. I dont know about you but personally I enjoy prison RP. Both from the viewpoint of my DOC worker and my criminal characters. I do agree that most of the times its only fail RP when you try to interact in the prison but sometimes you actually do get good mates to RP with. You already pointed this out but yes, if prison times were only brief (i.e. 1 hour max) then a lot of people would start doing crimes because theres no real consequense. What if you booked someone in jail after shooting at you and an hour later he is robbing the same store again? What would be the point of massive prison breaks if its only gonna increase your time when you fail and when you do succeed its not even much help since theres only little time to begin with.
  21. Maybe to balance it, make 24/7 store food have less nutrients meaning you need 2 burgers to be full from zero. But make restaurant business food more nutritious so you only need 1 burger/meal to max you hunger bar.
  22. Well, after looking at more comments I agree that the /ame would be nice so you don't have to constantly RP it when carrying an ally who obviously won't mind. However the addition of an /ame should still require you to RP prior to carrying a hostile.
  23. This was a report I made a while ago. In the report, moderator Brawnkoh warned (verbally) my friend for using /carrybody without any /me and /do, ruling that it was minor PG. Usually if I was in the injured situation being unconscious / heavily wounded RPly I would just state in /do auto success to everything since I am incapacitated, however aparently it is still punishable since there is no /ame put out (currently)
  24. I've seen a lot of people get warned for not using /me and /do when trying to carry people. Yes it does promote good RP but rarely does it ever happen and usually it only goes like this: /me tries to carry the man /do s? /do s No RP has been added simply by forcing people to use /me and /do before attempting to carry someone. To streamline it should just be an automatic /ame when you do the command but maybe put an action timer of 3-5 seconds. It doesn't hurt anyone to add it, people who want to RP resisting could still do it. But its just my speculation, I could also think of plenty of reasons not to do so, but let me know what you think.
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