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Emulsify last won the day on April 9 2022

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  1. As it stands the current time to IRL time is 4:1. This means that no matter what the time will always loop to be the same the next day. Currently, I have been on the server for over 3 years now and I have always played at the same time of day every day. I believe the vast majority would also play at the same time every day. However, this means that I experience the same time in game every time I log on. This is specifically annoying for me since whenever I play it is always night in game. I can go weeks without even seeing daylight in game if I don't play at the weekend. I have put up with it for 3 years at this point, however it is really on my nerves recently. I suggest that the time is sped up slightly to an unproportionate amount so that the same in game is not the same every day. This would mean that everybody experiences different day / night cycles over the course of say a week. Thank you.
  2. Currently, banks are only open during the day in game. I believe they should be open all day since it is stopping a large amount of players from starting RP. I realised one day when I rushed home from College so that I could could get my money out of my bank that something was terribly wrong. As I play at the moment, I come one for two or three hours after I get back from work each day. This however is always night in game. This means that I can never get my money out of my salary unless I want to change my schedule IRL. At this point it is limiting myself and I could only assume countless others from many roleplay opportunities. While banks many not be open 24 hours IRL, there isn't really such a thing as salary. Everyone has access to their money whenever. I have recently started playing much more on my criminal character and honestly, it is really frustrating seeing thousands in my salary and not being able to join any RP that is going on since I can't use the money to get my car out of the impound. I could play so much more on that character is only the banks were open 24 hours a day. Thank you.
  3. Does this issue still happen?
  4. The vehicle is no longer linked to your character. If this is still an issue in game please create a /report. Archived.
  5. Please create a new post with the correct format. Archived.
  6. There is a random chance that a table will explode no matter the temperature. If the temperature is higher then there is a higher chance it will explode. Lower the temperature then lower the chance. This has been a feature since they were introduced. Archived as this is not bug.
  7. James Harrington. 4 Entries. (Full screenshot would be too large to see chat due to res, and the last bit it scribbled out due to admin chat.)
  8. This has since been changed back with the latest update. Archived.
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