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Everything posted by Copperhorse

  1. -1. Go combat roll in first person view, which is necessary in this server for desync issues, and come back to me after you've thrown up and suggest this again.
  2. +1 you should be able to buy it IC AND OOC. Just have a shop at the actual lifeinvader building where you can buy wallet credits.
  3. At this point you should just stop replying to this thread. It's clear you don't know what you're talking about. You said you don't believe police do this and without video you wouldn't say it's the case. I show you that it is the case and you try to change the subject. It's necessary for criminals to know when it's ready to be robbed, as they need to plan and group people together beforehand. It's not necessary for PD to know the time. As stated by other police people on this thread, PD is a reactionary faction. They react to the bell, they shouldn't be camping it based on a timer.
  4. "If there was to be a limit to Law Enforcement, there would also have to be a limit to active criminals as there is no situation anywhere in the world where a street gang outnumber an entire city/states police force. To cap the LEOs would not be a healthy step for the community especially civilian RPers." Official factions have already been reduced from 60 members to 40 members due to OOC cap.
  5. Right I've said already that they need to have an economy just like the rest of the server. Every weapon they take out makes their treasury lose X, when they finish their shift they put them back and it goes back up except for the ammo they used. Their treasury gets increased via tickets, taxes, and prison fines. It would bring about a whole new wave of different RP opportunities. We could have a mayor who the government factions argue for increased budgets AKA taxes and then civilians will be mad because of the increased taxes etc. There's a whole lot that can be built RP wise if we have a full fledged economy throughout the whole server.
  6. Gangs dont target police for their weapons. They would maybe target them if they were working on a case or something, but not over a weapon or two.
  7. You don't want people targeting police for their weapons, would be unrealistic. But the fact that PD / SD loses literally nothing when they do something stupid or just get overpowered is wack. They need an economy just like the rest of the server.
  8. Nothing is going to change. This sentiment has been said by criminals for years, they don't care.
  9. -1 since there's no other way to check if you're wanted. Realistically you would get a letter in the mail and telling yourself to turn yourself in with a list of charges. Right now there's no other way besides to do /payfine. Implement another way to tell when charges have been added (besides having to talk to a police officer) and I'm fine with it being removed, but as for now -1.
  10. 120 minutes is too low. That's 90 minutes for VIP's. IMO 5 hours is a good middle ground. It's enough to make serious crimes have a serious punishment but not enough to make people not want to login because they have to do /afkmath every 10 minutes for 20 hours. At this point I feel like prison is mostly a lost cause in terms of RP. I don't think any development time should be put into it because most people are going to AFK in their cell regardless of what's added. Spend that time developing stuff that people will actually enjoy and use.
  11. The new wave of apartments was way too premature. Give the housing market a chance to fix itself from the newly added 300 apartments before you add another 300 apartments. Seems like it's too late now and the market is going to go to shit.
  12. $200 for ingredients + labor to get a marijuana plant. It's max price is $900. Just cause you don't know how to manipulate drug prices doesn't mean it's broken. You can still profit a ton from Cocaine
  13. Big +1. Can't even drop items near walls / furniture for fear it'll end up inside the furniture then you need to call a moderator. Either have it directly in front of you, or back the old way so it's under your feet.
  14. They don't disappear if you pick them up and then drop them. If you leave them dropped from the table and the server restarts they disappear. I know if I'm picking up the drugs I'm not dropping them on the floor again, I put them in a safe.
  15. No you can't shoot somebody for player theft. You can point a gun at them and make them show fear RP though. If they don't show fear RP then you can shoot them for not listening to your demands.
  16. https://forum.eclipse-rp.net/topic/39197-id-130-and-id-271-robbery-at-mining-spot/?tab=comments#comment-210481
  17. There have been player reports indicating that you are allowed to steal crates / bags left under peoples feet as long as you're not using force. Quickly picking it up and running off with it is allowed even with the new rules.
  18. Date and time (provide timezone): 6/5/20 Character name: Jason Malgotti Issue/bug you are reporting: All apartment buildings with the same interior in the same apartment complex will have smoke at their door when somebody in the apartment complex in the same interior is cooking without a ventilator. Expected behavior: Only the apartment which is being cooked in should have smoke. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Vehicle license plate number*:
  19. As somebody who cooks a shit ton of drugs, the current state of drugs are fine. Fix the drugs disappearing on server crashes bug and then we're all good. Would prefer to have the old system back to make the static labs more active but as for the timers they are fine.
  20. Date and time (provide timezone): 6/3/20 Character name: Jason Malgotti Issue/bug you are reporting: If you drop something while in your car, it will go under the floor and unable to be picked up. Expected behavior: Should be able to grab the item you drop Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Dropped some ammo at route 68 fuel station while on hakuchou drag, it went under the floor and have to call a moderator to clip into the floor to grab it. Vehicle license plate number*:
  21. +1 Another suggestion, which isn't really UI related but falls under the same category: Either make it so that when you drop stuff it goes under your feet again, or make it so that it goes a few feet in front of your character where he's facing. Right now you have to pray that when you drop something it doesn't end up in a wall or a piece of furniture making it ungrabbable without moderator intervention.
  22. The fact of the matter is ~50% of the characters that have been developed on Eclipse from 2017 till 2020 have been either PD or Criminal related. People have put thousands of hours into their characters and their relationships. You're now (and have been for the past year or so) taking away all of the content and RP that we've grown to know and enjoy on these characters. It's not being replaced with anything else to accommodate for whats been removed. As we've seen in this thread prior from criminals and PD members, if you're going to continue to keep killing criminal RP you're going to kill police RP. If you give no content for 50% of the characters that have been developed on the server, don't be surprised when people start fussing about it or stop playing eclipse all together. It seems like there is no input from the community into these changes before they're added (rules & content). The severe lack of communication from staff on what and why certain rules or content is added or removed is also appalling. I've never played a game before in the past 10 years where I've felt such a disconnect between the staff team and the community at large. Stop adding / removing content or changing rules and then 4 weeks later wait for a senior meeting behind closed doors to discuss the impact it has on the server. Start making community discussion posts on what rules or content you plan on changing, take input from your community, then modify / disregard it / put it into force based off of that input.
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