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Everything posted by JakeInnit_

  1. Suggestion has been partially accepted. Outlaw, V-STR, Blista Kanjo, Asbo, Komoda, Sultan Classic, Sugoi, Drift Yosemite, Retinue MK II, and Everon have been added.
  2. Bump. Not having this feature makes stashing so inconvenient.
  3. +1, I agree fully, the timer should only get started if/when the vault door or the clerk-door is opened and equally PD should not just start camping a bank once the timer goes down so to prevent this from happening PD should not see the timer.
  4. At that particular scene there was just 10 people sat in the lobby talking with empty inventories, SWAT stormed the place shortly after bcos they thought a bank robbery was ongoing, when SWAT entered they were aiming weapons which triggered the NPCs to set off the alarm thus triggering the heist.
  5. JakeInnit_

    Group Texts

    +1 absolute pain in the ass to change frequencies over as a criminal organisation, all legal factions either have a protected frequency or the ability to post it on their ic discord channels.
  6. Bump. Issi sport has been added to the credit store and I've seen NBDY has been testing the v-str on the live server.
  7. With all due respect you're talking out of your arse. You can easily rack up 4 hours of charges on one scene. I've had this happen 3 times in a week.
  8. Its 4 hours and I disagree because there should proper consequences if you don't look after your car.
  9. Agreed, feels weird to use drive my car and rack up a lot of miles when I am unsure what affect it will have on me. The mileage counter should be reset when changes are made so that the car is affected by mileage or we should be aware of the affects very soon so that we can make an educated decision on whether to use certain vehicles.
  10. +1, doesn't make sense for your car to break down in the middle of the road and just abandon it there, realistically you would push it to the side then call a mechanic.
  11. My point is someone should be testing things for role-play. Take the portable drug lab feature for example, it was implemented thinking everything would be okay, quickly we learnt that the timers were too long, the selling prices were too low, the laptop regeneration was too slow and the tables were blowing up way too often. Things like this could be avoided with a more thorough testing procedure that involves more senior members of the community such as official faction high command and official faction members who can test these features thoroughly for extended periods of time prior to their release on the live server. You should not be pushing updates to the live server unless they have been tested in a properly controlled environment.
  12. The point I am making is that some players will have far more experience in certain areas of role-play than some members of staff, this will mean that they will be more knowledgeable about what it should, what it does and what it is intended to do. Staff is currently extremely legally orientated and it makes very little sense for them to be testing and approving changes to criminal RP, especially when it won't affect them and when they might not know what it previously did.
  13. I agree, this will stop players abusing the open/close functionality of doors to check locks prior to attempting GTA. If someone tries your car door, it should be visible.
  14. I mean the testing at the moment isn't as thorough as it could be, the staff team is very legal-RP sided at the moment and I think it would be idea to get players from all areas of the community to contribute to testing as they often have different ways of doing things and different play styles based on their background.
  15. The fact you get put in jail for breaking ic laws and you get put in the same jail for breaking ooc rules proves its an ooc punishment. Jail needs a full rework, until then add a time cap or disable afk timers.
  16. Needs to be something you opt into because you would need to remove your furniture etc prior to the upgrade.
  17. Static labs should have the old timers but placeable labs should use the new timers. Static labs are high risk due to other players easily able to rob you and often other players calling cops on you. Whereas placeable labs can be hidden in secluded areas with furniture doors which means players are much less likely to call cops on you or even rob you. Due to the static labs being such a high risk against dynamic labs but having the exact same reward makes very little sense. This is the exact reason static labs are highly underused, reducing the timers would balance the risk and hopefully make people use them more often which increases criminal roleplay interactions such as cooking, lab raids, security and material running.
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