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Retired Administration Staff
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Everything posted by BallinByNature

  1. This has been suggested in the past and discussed. Scamming OOC is against the rules, scamming IC is not and is an in-character issue. You should not hand over assets to people you dont trust ICly, and we will not make protections around first time deals. Thanks for the suggestion!
  2. We have added new robbery rules about populated areas. Thanks for the suggestion.
  3. Scamming OOC is against the rules in the current rule book. Scamming with property IC, is an IC issue. Thanks for your suggestion.
  4. Admin jails are used in situations where the RP is not able to continue and punishment is necessary. Before that, admins are taught to teach and inform players and use other tools like resetting RP if necessary. In the case where they're getting one from the forums, unfortunately that may interrupt their future RP situations as learning about the rules is considered more important than their current RP scenario. Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. BallinByNature

    New rule

    This is an in-character issue and a moral choice for your character which we will not make for you. Players downed are injured and do not have the ability to fight back, taking advantage of that is an IC choice. Thanks for the suggestion!
  6. This has been removed in the recent release of the 2020 edition rules. Thanks for the suggestion.
  7. We have implemented new robbery rules since this suggestion. Thank you.
  8. We have implemented robbery rules which will help with this suggested issue. Thanks for your suggestion.
  9. This is an in-character issue and will stay that way. Thank you for the suggestion.
  10. Unless OOC was involved in scamming, we do not limit or stop IC scamming. Players should be expected to build a repor with other players before trusting them just as they would in real life. You wouldn't hand your Lamborghini to a stranger in real life and hope he will go to the bank and get you a million, so don't do it in the game. Thanks for the suggestion!
  11. The treasury log is in-character for those who have access to it. The menu itself and the use of it, is OOC, therefore, players are required to RP at a computer before accessing the information IC and OOC rules surrounding the menu still apply. Thanks for the suggestion.
  12. Even with bullet proof glass, people still fear for their lives while being shot at behind it. Thanks for the suggestion!
  13. KOS rules have been removed for quite some time. Thanks for the suggestions.
  14. We have implemented robbery rules to resolve these issues, thanks for the suggestion!
  15. We have implemented robbery rules regarding public areas, which should help with this issue. Thank you for the suggestion.
  16. Hello, we have implemented robbery rules to eliminate some of the excessive robbing of random civilians. Thank you for the suggestion.
  17. Vehicle to vehicle discussions while moving really are not very realistic unless driving window to window, same applies with FearRP. Demands made from moving vehicles are not plausible to inflict Fear RP and thus are not plausible demands made for any sort of Death Matching rights. Thank you for the suggestion and hopefully this clarifies things. If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to me on discord.
  18. We do only ban with valid proof, there is little reason to share IP addresses with another player but if you do, ensuring you both follow the rules is the best bet because IP is something we use for player verification. Thank you for the suggestion.
  19. Moved to Game Suggestions.
  20. Moved to forum suggestions.
  21. Eclipse Roleplay Server & Roleplay Rules 2020 Edition was released.
  22. Added under 8. Metagaming Players may not have any interaction or knowledge of their alternate characters. (Clarification for LifeInvader only, was always considered a rule)
  23. 01/JUL/2020 Changed Removed unnecessary extra wording of some rules which did not effect the meaning / minor formatting differences to keep rules in-page. Moved Metagaming to 8 and Non-RP to 9 for formatting purposes Added under 7. IC and OOC Interactions Players may not use real world images depicted as their character or post in-game images not possible to be taken from Eclipse RP.
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