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Everything posted by Celestial

  1. Okay guys, I've made research on whether Impound lots are busy places or not and here's the answer I got from most websites and experiences... Be prepared to wait in line. Impound lots are typically busy places with long lines full of frustrated people. It can take hours before it is your turn at the window so be sure you have all the information and payment you need before you get there. Tip: Bring your car keys to the impound lot. It can be easy to forget them in the confusion and frustration. Therefore! It's only logical that you wait at Impound for hours, you should be thankful if you even wait 30 minutes. Realistically, they are busy as hell and people wait in lines there. As far the the 'robbery' rules goes, you can't rob people in places which are supposedly public/crowded because people walk there, Impound Lots are public and lines should be expected there. Waiting is not an issue! Let's shift away from the the player-to-player roleplay and think of how an Impound lot would realistically be crowded. You're not waiting there for a long ass time because no cops are available to assist you, it's because cops are providing good rp and you're expected to understand there's a big line in front of you! Automation will only ruin rp experience! Think about it, is it realistic to get your vehicle out in a matter of seconds compared to how long it would take to get it out in real life? No. Like DOC jail time, times are supposed to be as close to realistic as possible.
  2. If nothing is going to be changed, I say remove the 'you can't force your own death rule' and have people kill themselves before getting arrested to avoid the jail time punishment! My friends, join me in this #KILLYOURSELFTOAVOIDJAIL movement!
  3. People should understand that these *simple* suggestions being made are to counterbalance the time it will take to implement the suggestions in Chunder's DOC suggestions thread because we already know that *big* updates take a while, not that we are against it, hate it, or being crybabies. So please support suggestions that backbone and recompense the big suggestions out there. If people hate something, add temporary small suggestions that makes a change to the way people think of something and are affected by it towards a positive direction. Once the DOC update (if it's even being worked on or considered) is finished, add it and revert what was changed because peopld won't have a reason to complain. Unless small changes only happen to make the player's experience terrible on the server like how the first nerf of the Drag was and how we can no longer carry bags/crates/briefcases while driving (even though staff issued punishments to people who didn't rp putting a crate on passenger seat and things were fine). Final thoughts, this small change won't impact players negatively whatsoever and will make us stop complaining until a big update towards certain subject happens and things can get reverted.
  4. Yeah but it won't work if the phone is off even if you have a gps. and these annoying powerball notifications that I wish had different sound than vehicle break-ins +1
  5. +1 but i no think this is possible
  6. It should only work like that while the player is on a different character and not if fully offline, that's so bad. You say there's nothing to do in DOC, agree with you, but you definitely have other things to do on a different character. This makes us roleplayers develop multiple characters further. I personally don't care to be honest and know that this isn't DOC (the faction's) fault so +1 anyway.
  7. I respect that the founders are not giving us any updates. I think they're waiting for GTA 6 to come out so ECLIPSE can move there where we will have huge surprises and opportunities! Just wait guys, it won't take long!!! GTA 5 version days are over for the server, we just play to increase our xp. But again, let's wait for GTA 6 ECLIPSE RP, I AM PRETTY SURE AND CONFIDENT THAT @NBDY and @Osvaldon HAVE HUGE PLANS FOR US THERE!
  8. @Puzzling β€” this can be merged with the suggestion linked below, both of them have correspondent ideas which go towards the overhaul of the safe furniture item. And +1
  9. @Puzzling β€” This can be archived/merged with the one linked below, same idea.
  10. @Puzzling β€” this can be merged with the one linked below, pretty much the same idea.
  11. Celestial


    @Puzzling β€” This can be archived as the op has already made a suggestion a while ago which was accepted.
  12. +1 Anything that sells shit would definitely sell them in packages.
  13. @Puzzling β€” Archive/merge either of those suggestions because they are basically the same thing to make the suggestions section less messy. Thank you.
  14. Yup lets not change the gamemode of the server ECLIPSE Roleplay > ECLIPSE Cops & Robbers
  15. You should be able to see your tickets in /PayTicket wherever you are instead of receiving an error saying you need to be at the desk to pay a ticket
  16. Not a bug mate, just two speed cams and it unfortunately won't be changed or removed, just gotta slow it down.
  17. Damn. I was expecting to see one of these trillion good suggestions into one suggestion post, you tricked us! +1 though
  18. I can't really -/+ 1 this but I have an idea. The alias command should be repetitively dynamic and not just fade away after a period of time, here's an illustration Ivy_Eriksen meets James_Eriksen for the first time. After a conversation, she aliases him 'James Eriksen', and the command goes on cooldown for 3 hours. The alias remains saved for the next 24 hours. If Ivy_Eriksen meets him again within the 24 hours after the 3 hours, she's able to alias him again, resetting the 24 hours to 72 hours, and can go up to a years based on how many times that person had been aliased. Players will basically have to get used to aliasing others multiple times because this is how it should be. You can't just /Alias, remember forever. An /AME to appear above the player who is aliasing another player 'Ivy_Eriksen takes a look at the stranger's face, recognizing his facial appearance and scans him/her from head to toe.' After that, a message is sent to the chat or as a pop-up notification at the top of the screen saying that the alias will be saved for XX hours and that the command will go on cooldown for 3 hours to prevent spamming to reach the maximum alias duration possible. Other than that and during the /Alias cooldown, you should rely on manual recognition.
  19. -1 You are not allowed to go AFK in public, only inside your homes and properties, and maybe if you have a partner with you but not for more than at least 3 minutes. You have /Logout which sends you to authentication. You have around 15 minutes to come back or you'll be automatically set off-duty.
  20. I have an idea. Make calls work when you call offline players, very realistic.
  21. Not a bad idea but I'd rather see a new wheel in Eclipse that includes favorite set animations, unlocking/locking vehicle/radio binds/cruise binds/etc. than this.
  22. Lets be visionary. Here's mine, I see too many dogs swarming the streets and hunting cops or baiting them to get their shit. We all know that it is not going to go well on Eclipse because of the players mentality and hopelessness. I don't hate the idea at all, or even if it would just work on wounded cops, but it just won't work out. People will create stupid reasons and bait cops if they have the numbers to get what they want. It's not going to work because the players with a brain on Eclipse already know the shit that happens from time to time.
  23. Celestial

    The Saints

    Woah, very nice. Good luck!
  24. @PapadakisI'd assume unlocking a vehicle while handcuffed for an officer after rp is also unrealistic? But people need to be cooperative OOCly to make rp fun. The /Dice command has been used over the years to fairly decide the outcome of the performed rp, and it's completely optional; players ask each other if they want to dice. The coinflip would be another great chance calculator method, or it can be used for IC decisions better than a dice and @DoubleAhas already provided an example but here's two: Heads, I'll finish him off. Tails, he lives. Heads, I'm going to use the Komoda today. Tails, I'm using the Raiden. etc. On the other hand, the dice can be used for multi-option decisions. What I find annoying when it's used in deciding rp is that people rely on it to see if they'd fail or not, without creating a reason of why they would have failed or not, and rather end the rp there. For example, kicking: Vixxey swings her right-leg backwards, then swings it forward at the man's groin. She lost the dice/coinflip and failed. So she adds a reason to why she might've failed, like slipping, etc. Anyway, +1 from me. It's another good alternative.
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