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Everything posted by Paulius

  1. [Items] Added cigarettes pack and cigar packs
  2. [Misc] Fixed fire extinguisher creating bullet casings [Admins] Added /adddebt, /removedebt, /confiscatevehicle, /confiscateproperty [Police] /checkprints /collectprints no longer requires person to be a detective
  3. [Gloves] Bug fixes [Drug Tables] Bug fixes [Drug Tables] Added additional height check for tables
  4. [Misc] Disabled no mask enforcement for drinking and eating if those slots are locked (uniforms) [Cloth] Added gloves [Misc] Added fingerprints [Misc] Added bullet holes, bullet casings items and bullet items [Misc] Added evidence locker for law enforcement [Cloth] Added microfiber cloth that can clean certain items [Misc] Disabled drinking and eating with masks [Death] After death, armor, radio, gloves items will be moved to dead body inventory
  5. [HUD] Fixed certain UI elements not being visible in character selection screen [Speakers] Improvements [Misc] Improved FPS (Optimizations)
  6. [CCTVs] Added CCTVs implementation, currently in testing phase, only available for law enforcement [DrugLabs] Static drug labs take 2x less time to cook [Weapons] Fixed strip ammo bug [Weapons] Fixed ammo not being saved [Weapons] Fixed incorrect ammo amount being set
  7. [Apartments] Added elevator floor indicator to the interiors. [Misc] Added indicator if player is lagging [Apartments] Added the current elevator floor indicator to the main entrance text. [Apartments] Changed regular apartment entrance texts to world interaction texts. [Apartments] Fixed drug tables smoke and fire being created in global dimension [Phone] Fixed phone being displayed over some hud elements [Inventory] Fixed scaling for some resolutions [Admins] /gethouseowner now works with any property [Mining] Increased ore volume [Mining] Lowered ore respawn rate [Admins] Added /amanagelock for admins+ [Admins] /removecharges command is now for admins+ [RVs] Modified scaling of weight to speed [RVs] Lowered the minimal speed RV can drive.
  8. [Weapons] Weapon attachments are synced when weapons are unequipped [Weapons] Changed how equipping weapons works, not its drag and drop [Weapons] Removed /dropgun command, use inventory Drop functionality [Trucker Orders] Fixed an issue that caused trucker orders not to load in the order menu. [Apartments] Security improvements. [CB Radio] Removed stranger names, and now it will show Player [id] [Furniture] If inventory is full and you cancel placement of furniture, furniture won't disappear [RVs] Removed /enterrv, instead there is now WI next to the door handle of RV [RVs] Increased the lockpicking success chance for RVs [RVs] RVs max speed will now depend on the volume of items inside RVs (dropped items and items in furnitures) [Furniture] Attempting to start place new furniture, when old furniture is not yet placed, will not delete the furniture item anymore
  9. /clearunit won't delete car anymore. Also it will not remove the unit from unit list, use /disbandunit for that.
  10. [Phone] Updated UI [Phone] Added ability to block contacts [Phone] Removed calling taxi and added taxi application on phone [HUD] Updated UI
  11. [Misc] Added lifeinvader implementation
  12. [Medics] Added pharmacist at the paleto and los santos hospital that can heal [Items] Added painkillers, that will heal players slowly for some time, however be careful and do not overdose [Police] Fixed /ram command for individual houses.
  13. [Inventory] Added armor slot [Drugs] Temproary disabled drugs giving armor [HUD] Fixed armor amount not being displayed correctly when player has no GPS [Modview] Fixed window tint [Modview] Fixed number plate style [LSEMS] Fixed blips not appearing when going on duty [Fleeca] Fixed being able to aim at clerks while being far away
  14. Paulius


    Drag is not supposed to have suspension
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