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Eclipse Mega Update Thread

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+1, I love the ideas that have been presented in this topic.  Would definitely change the way some RP scenarios would be played. Some of the my own ideas that would fit in this topic would to be with the vehicle dealerships and selling cars.

[Overall server change]

[Addition] At the moment the only way to get rid of a car is either by selling it off of the vehicle markets either making more or less money than you bought/upgraded it for or transfer the vehicle. I would love to see an option where you could drive your car someone and sell the vehicle for round about half the price you bought it for. This would basically implement a quick sell option instead of people having to wait days for there car to be sold at the vehicle markets or having to find someone personally to sell the vehicle to. 

[Addition] Another idea is the option to test drive a car before you buy it. You would simply find the vehicle you want and test drive it. Whether it sets you to another dimension and you can free roam with the car and test drive it or teleport  you and the selected vehicle to a test driving course. This would help newer players pick a car as some cars/bikes are different than normal GTA 5 Cars.

[Rework] Along with the test drive option I feel that the vehicle dealership UI needs updating. At the moment its one long page with drop downs and a bar the right side. It would be nice to see a updated UI for this where you could pick the type of car (Sports, SUV, motorbike etc) then it comes with all the vehicle of that type in a alphabetical order. Another thing to help the UI is a search bar for the car you want to buy instead of having to find it. The new UI could also implement the test drive feature as mentioned above. 

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1 minute ago, DrollDolphin105 said:

[Addition] At the moment the only way to get rid of a car is either by selling it off of the vehicle markets either making more or less money than you bought/upgraded it for or transfer the vehicle. I would love to see an option where you could drive your car someone and sell the vehicle for round about half the price you bought it for. This would basically implement a quick sell option instead of people having to wait days for there car to be sold at the vehicle markets or having to find someone personally to sell the vehicle to. 

FYI You can scrap your vehicle for a very minimal amount of cash to just get rid of vehicles but I suppose that's the equivalent of just giving it away. I personally don't think there should be a script easy-sell option to keep things player-to-player.

Same kinda applies to test driving, I'd much prefer dealership owners having more roles within it and have it be an actual business beyond importing and selling, so there could for example be employees at motorsport offering test drives and trying to hard sell for commission etc. However obvious issues arise like using test drives for sus things, but that can be covered by the same stuff as mis-using vehicles beyond their purpose.


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Ranger's Super Epic Idea!


[Rework] Prison Times - Speed up active in-game prisoner activity, when offline prison time is real time. Set it at a minimum of 5 hours. Some people may hop on eclipse for a couple hours after work, when in game the time is cut or just for however much time they may have to dedicate to gaming, so if people cant dedicate time to spend in game at prison for an extended amount of time, they can opt to spend that time offline, with the time being longer and/or the full 5 hour sentence(+) that they were given. It still holds the "punishing" effect for an IC consequence, and they can choose to spend that time in game Roleplaying, or spend longer out of game not playing at all, or developing more of a story on another character.


- More motivation to spend time RPing in prison

- Better fit for some of the people who cant afford to spend 5+ hours in a prison instead of roleplaying (As we all know, prison RP can be hit or miss).

- People still hold the punishment for committing crimes, and at the same time get a minor reward for staying in game to roleplay with the sped up time.


- People may not be as 'afraid' to go to prison as they can spend time offline rather than play the game (although they don't need to play, its still a decent punishment to not be able to play the character you would like to for 5 hours!)

(Its a very controversial topic that prison times are too long, or in some cases people think they are too short. I ask that we don't divulge into that conversation as its not healthy for what the suggestion is, so stay clear of that please. Leave it to a downvote or an upvote.)


Another idea I have is more of a rule suggestion, so it will be posted in the correct section. You can view it and leave comments/feedback HERE.

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Time-stamped phone texts. Useful when you're getting sent a million freqs and not knowing which one is the most recent because theres no date/time.


Text message previews. Often I miss texts because I don't hear the sound. Would be cool to see a preview as it is sent to you, showing the sender and maybe the first line or two of the text that pops up on the bottom right of your screen by the phone. If not this, the option to adjust notification volume, or for the phone to visibly vibrate when receiving a text would be nice.

Edited by KrisBoyd
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22 hours ago, Kazjii said:

Marijuana: [Positive]Increased wellness regeneration similar to being near a hospital. [Negative]Only lasts a few minutes & Hunger sets to 5% when it is taken (MUNCHIES).

Cocaine: [Positive]Wellness temporarily set to 100 (move faster while in critical condition, able to jump if wellness was low, used to get back into the action faster), [Negative]Wellness gets set to 10 after a set duration. (will negatively affect the player after it wears off, shouldn’t last too long, just a quick ~60 second burst of energy then it’s back to the low wellness slowness. A very risky strategy that if used correctly, can provide interesting results, especially after injury)

LSD: [Positive]You feel great, this helps remove addiction to other drugs, but will also remove their effects if still active. [Negative]Easy to get addicted to LSD, won’t affect LSD addiction. (good for if you popped a bunch of other drugs and have all sorts of addictions dragging you down, and want to only deal with one)

Meth: [Positive]Run faster [Negative]If you’re addicted you walk slow and cannot run until either addiction wears off or you get treated for it.

Heroine: [Positive]Give a small amount of armor, [Negative]Thirst Set to 0% So hp will drain slowly. [higher chance to get addicted than other drugs]

Crack: [Positive]Heals the player by 30hp (cannot exceed 70hp total just like passive healing), [Negative]Hunger Set to 0% so hp will drain slowly. [higher chance to get addicted than other drugs]

I don’t think drugs should have any healing positive just little things like boosts in speed etc rolling cool down faster…

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18 hours ago, SmushyTaco said:

+1 but I got some tweaks I think would make sense:

1. [Rework] For the taser nerf the recharge functionality of the Up-N-Atomizer from GTA online could be reused for the recharge.
2. [Addition] I've always thought being able to tackle someone would be cool but I think if it's going to be implemented everybody should be able to tackle everybody. There should be a way to quickly counter a tackle though (Maybe by pressing the same or different keybind in time to dodge a tackle).
3. [Addition] Regarding the helicopter spotlight that'd be dope, it could be togglable with h like headlights can be with cars.
4. [Addition] Regarding cameras around ATMs and gun stores I like that but there should be a way for criminals to mess with the cameras for a short period of time to get them to loop the same footage that way the possibility of going stealthy is possible (The alarm would eventually go off when the footage stops looping but it would be delay it).
5. [Addition] Regarding vehicle tracking devices I like that idea too but there should also be a black market signal scrambler item criminals could buy and put in the glove box to scramble any possible trackers that may unknowingly be on the vehicle.
6. [Rework] The FearRP rule is currently too strict, for instance a cop will almost never shoot to kill and only to incapacitate so FearRP rules when roleplaying with officers and prison guards should be much more relaxed.
7. [Rework] Instead of a drug cooldown maybe taking drugs too fast could lead a high chance of an overdose instead.
8. [Rework] You should find a more realistic debuff for marijuana as it doesn't make your stomach any less empty and same thing with crack.
9. [Buff] Regarding criminal faction sizes to be honest I see no reason to even impose a limit.
overall server change
10. [Addition] Fishing nets should also be a thing.
11. [Addition] In addition to group chats there should be a new addition of video chats, groups video chats, and group voice calls.
12. [Rework] Phone reception in places like Mount Chiliad should be terrible (Add blackout zones, vehicles can't be tracked there no matter what, phones can't be used, only radios would work).
13. [Rework] Regarding to crashes throwing you through the windshield it should almost never happen if in a back seat, seatbelt or no seatbelt. Wearing a seatbelt should also make getting out of a vehicle slower.
14. [Addition] A way for players to share their exact location with other players using their phone.
prison idea
15. [Rework] Hunger and thirst shouldn't go down in the prison as RPly you're fed there.
16. [Addition] There should be ways to make a shiv in prison (With a high chance of destroying the item instead) off of items buyable from the prison store
17. [Addition] There should be ways to make makeshift lockpicks in the prison (With a high chance of destroying the item instead) off of items buyable from the prison store.
18. [Rework] Lockpicking prison doors for a prison escape should be allowed if enough officers and DOC guards are on duty and should also have a 50% chance of setting off an alarm for each successful or failed lockpick. This could get rid of the Senior Moderator+ approval requirement for prison breaks and make them similar to a high risk high reward type of thing like a bank heist. This would also be good because it would mean DOC guards would really need to keep an eye on the cellblock and be careful when in cellblock, because generally it isn't super high risk to enter cellblock.

These are great ideas too especially having oppertunity to break out without having to OOC get permission!

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So right now within ECRP there is kind of an imbalance between cop and crim. Criminals who are playing have a huge risk every time they leave their home with something illegal which is what it should be like but there is no risk for cops, in game cops can pretty much be a crim with no risk if a cop dies they lose nothing but maybe a gps and a radio they are losing nothing compared to if a criminal dies there goes car getting chopped losing guns and everything else. What i believe could be implemented is that if an officer was to die on duty he/she would have to pay for the equipment that 'vanished' maybe like 40% of the import price of the total items or even if an officer dies the hours he/she worked prior to his death would not count as it does not make sense for someone to die on the job and still get paid. This in my eyes makes being a cop much more realist and will hopefully be an incentive for officers to not go into hostile scenarios without thinking twice about the reprecussions.

SD/PD please let me know what you think about this (this is all from perspective of a crim character)

Edited by Krish Roshan
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3 hours ago, Krish Roshan said:


So right now within ECRP there is kind of an imbalance between cop and crim. Criminals who are playing have a huge risk every time they leave their home with something illegal which is what it should be like but there is no risk for cops, in game cops can pretty much be a crim with no risk if a cop dies they lose nothing but maybe a gps and a radio they are losing nothing compared to if a criminal dies there goes car getting chopped losing guns and everything else. What i believe could be implemented is that if an officer was to die on duty he/she would have to pay for the equipment that 'vanished' maybe like 40% of the import price of the total items or even if an officer dies the hours he/she worked prior to his death would not count as it does not make sense for someone to die on the job and still get paid. This in my eyes makes being a cop much more realist and will hopefully be an incentive for officers to not go into hostile scenarios without thinking twice about the reprecussions.

SD/PD please let me know what you think about this (this is all from perspective of a crim character)

While I get where you are coming from, realistically it makes no sense for a government employee to have to pay for their own equipment. While as a criminal you're more like an enterpreneur so to say (i.e. you decide what you do to gain the money for your living), your suggestion is that you're asking from someone who - from a roleplay perspective - puts his own life on the line for his government job to also pay for his own equipment. I do not think that makes any sense at all.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely agree there should be some changes made, but I don't think this one is one as well thought out of as some of the others in this thread.

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6 hours ago, Krish Roshan said:


So right now within ECRP there is kind of an imbalance between cop and crim. Criminals who are playing have a huge risk every time they leave their home with something illegal which is what it should be like but there is no risk for cops, in game cops can pretty much be a crim with no risk if a cop dies they lose nothing but maybe a gps and a radio they are losing nothing compared to if a criminal dies there goes car getting chopped losing guns and everything else. What i believe could be implemented is that if an officer was to die on duty he/she would have to pay for the equipment that 'vanished' maybe like 40% of the import price of the total items or even if an officer dies the hours he/she worked prior to his death would not count as it does not make sense for someone to die on the job and still get paid. This in my eyes makes being a cop much more realist and will hopefully be an incentive for officers to not go into hostile scenarios without thinking twice about the reprecussions.

SD/PD please let me know what you think about this (this is all from perspective of a crim character)

PD/SD have strict guidelines to follow for when they get to deploy and use certain weapons and vehicles whereas criminals can spend all day roaming around in a super with an AK on their back if they had the money and really wanted to. PD don't just choose to use expensive vehicles and weapons unless they're of the rank and the situation they're in calls for it.

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7 hours ago, Krish Roshan said:


So right now within ECRP there is kind of an imbalance between cop and crim. Criminals who are playing have a huge risk every time they leave their home with something illegal which is what it should be like but there is no risk for cops, in game cops can pretty much be a crim with no risk if a cop dies they lose nothing but maybe a gps and a radio they are losing nothing compared to if a criminal dies there goes car getting chopped losing guns and everything else. What i believe could be implemented is that if an officer was to die on duty he/she would have to pay for the equipment that 'vanished' maybe like 40% of the import price of the total items or even if an officer dies the hours he/she worked prior to his death would not count as it does not make sense for someone to die on the job and still get paid. This in my eyes makes being a cop much more realist and will hopefully be an incentive for officers to not go into hostile scenarios without thinking twice about the reprecussions.

SD/PD please let me know what you think about this (this is all from perspective of a crim character)

I believe that there should be some balance and restructuring for sure, one hundred percent. Having criminals with money means more RP for us; HOWEVER, I dont think the fixes you suggested would be the best implementations we could do. On first hand, it would be a development scripting nightmare to find a right balance of the salary system if the previous hours before death were wiped away, but also wouldnt be fair for the players who can only get on for 5 hours in a week which is the minimum in LEO factions. I would push for and wouldnt mind adding to the thread a purposed system that made the deceased LEO player lose X amount of money or Y items. Sounds good in nature but when confronted with the constant DMing we go through, wouldnt be such a viable route.

Possibly if you would like to write up something that entails fairness of not losing hours but rather losing some type of monetary asset, I would add to the thread.

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19 hours ago, Ranger said:

Ranger's Super Epic Idea!


[Rework] Prison Times - Speed up active in-game prisoner activity, when offline prison time is real time. Set it at a minimum of 5 hours. Some people may hop on eclipse for a couple hours after work, when in game the time is cut or just for however much time they may have to dedicate to gaming, so if people cant dedicate time to spend in game at prison for an extended amount of time, they can opt to spend that time offline, with the time being longer and/or the full 5 hour sentence(+) that they were given. It still holds the "punishing" effect for an IC consequence, and they can choose to spend that time in game Roleplaying, or spend longer out of game not playing at all, or developing more of a story on another character.


- More motivation to spend time RPing in prison

- Better fit for some of the people who cant afford to spend 5+ hours in a prison instead of roleplaying (As we all know, prison RP can be hit or miss).

- People still hold the punishment for committing crimes, and at the same time get a minor reward for staying in game to roleplay with the sped up time.


- People may not be as 'afraid' to go to prison as they can spend time offline rather than play the game (although they don't need to play, its still a decent punishment to not be able to play the character you would like to for 5 hours!)

(Its a very controversial topic that prison times are too long, or in some cases people think they are too short. I ask that we don't divulge into that conversation as its not healthy for what the suggestion is, so stay clear of that please. Leave it to a downvote or an upvote.)


Another idea I have is more of a rule suggestion, so it will be posted in the correct section. You can view it and leave comments/feedback HERE.

So I do believe a change in prison times would be a must if this were to be implemented. If we were to count offline playtime towards IC jail time, the sentences will have to be greatly increased. Felony evasion could go to 120 minutes which can be served OOCly for the full 2 hours OR 60 minutes in game when actively RPing. 

- CON, would be promoting serving jail sentence times offline not contributing to any RP.

- PRO, for players that have limited play time, could be served OOCly for more time.

For the crims in the discussion, what is your thought to the change? For possible addition to the thread, react with a heart if you are "+1" and react with anything else if you are against the suggestion. Will be reviewing later for possible edit on the OP.

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As head of the DOC faction, I very much disagree with OOC time counting. Instead, I would much prefer something that makes "time go quicker" through activity in prison such as the ones outlined at the bottom of the main post, so doing these jobs & providing RP will reduce what was originally say an 8 hour sentence down to 2 if you spend the 2 doing activities and providing good RP for other inmates and guards.
If a system was implemented to serve time when on other characters or when offline it would kill the DOC completely. I am pretty confident in saying that people would just log out upon getting into DOC or switch characters.

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[Rework] Vol of each item should be looked over again and adjusted to a realistic volume. We all know that the new decimal counts and did an impact on all the server from Leo/Civ/Crim. For LEOs, detective that holds briefcases full of clothe now be like 12 vol the same weight as a pump which I find it weird. For Civ if they are carrying a lot of items it will be very hard for them to carry stuff and it will be messy. Now for Crims, we all know it made a huge impact on making drugs and getting shipments, so for a bag of weed it will be the same weight of a pump in the bag. It's not up to me but I feel the materials should be lowered to 0.1 / 0.2 depending on it, as 10 weed plants are not the same weight of a .50 realistically. Right now Crates are the same weight as a drill, I would say if the crate can be lowered to 30, this will help Civ/Crim in their daily RP, from mining to cooking drugs.

You would be asking why would they change them you can still cook. Right but now it is very hard to cook, which lead to drug turfs dropping, and as the drug turfs are the majority it will lower the ability for gangs to order weapons ---> Less chance for PD/SD to comp drops -----> hard to make money and people will not be able to afford fines ----> it will become a peaceful city cause weapon prices will go up. (the tables got nerfed too and labs be blowin up every 4 days [personal experience].

I would like this to be added as it affect everyone on the server 

This is My thread for any +ideas: 


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58 minutes ago, DrPathetic said:

As head of the DOC faction, I very much disagree with OOC time counting. Instead, I would much prefer something that makes "time go quicker" through activity in prison such as the ones outlined at the bottom of the main post, so doing these jobs & providing RP will reduce what was originally say an 8 hour sentence down to 2 if you spend the 2 doing activities and providing good RP for other inmates and guards.
If a system was implemented to serve time when on other characters or when offline it would kill the DOC completely. I am pretty confident in saying that people would just log out upon getting into DOC or switch characters.

+1 activities to decrease time would be much better, everyone will just log off when they get sent to DOC. Activities need to be available at all times though, so even if there is no guards around there is something similar to the mining to reduce your time.

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3 hours ago, Kazjii said:

So I do believe a change in prison times would be a must if this were to be implemented. If we were to count offline playtime towards IC jail time, the sentences will have to be greatly increased. Felony evasion could go to 120 minutes which can be served OOCly for the full 2 hours OR 60 minutes in game when actively RPing. 

- CON, would be promoting serving jail sentence times offline not contributing to any RP.

- PRO, for players that have limited play time, could be served OOCly for more time.

For the crims in the discussion, what is your thought to the change? For possible addition to the thread, react with a heart if you are "+1" and react with anything else if you are against the suggestion. Will be reviewing later for possible edit on the OP.

+ 1 
i've wasted so many hours of my day sitting in a virtual prisoon while no one was around, it would be nice to just be able to do something else when there is no RP to be had in prison


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I think in addition to these changes the concept of how drug tables blow up should be worked on as well. I feel like tables should blow up based on human error, opposed to RNG.  For example I have lost 224+ tables in the last two months due to RNG explosions, which doesn't make RP sense considering the amount of drugs that my character has cooked since starting on the server.

I think

The more drugs you've cooked in your players life, the less likely the tables would be to blow up. Ex: Every 1000 drugs you cook, the RNG percentage drops by 2-5%


Implement a system where cooking drugs is more hands on, and more difficult so that explosions can be left up to human error, opposed to being unlucky. 

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HUGE +1 for me on every single one of those ideas! But there is something that I would like to see implemented

[Addition] - All PD Reports should be done on the MDC, from Traffic Stop reports, Impound reports and even Arrest reports, all of those reports would be attached to someone's record in case any Officer would like to open and read it, it could be implemented with a very simple featured UI

[Addition] - We should be able to suspend someone license and add demerits using the MDC instead of using commands, for example, when we open someone record we would have access to a few informations for example, if that person has his license suspended and how many demerits that person has on his license. With a few buttons, we would be able to suspend his license for a certain amount of days or even lift the suspension and add demerits.

I believe that the MDC is a very important tool during PoliceRP and there is a lot of ways that it can get reworked to bring a lot more immersion since it can be used to read previous reports about a certain person and even help during long investigations RPs.


This is my opinion would love to hear any feedback!

Edited by OBhx
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18 hours ago, XxTheIrishGuyxX said:

Big +1 on all suggestions

overall server change

[Addition] 15. Gambling - add more gambling games, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, craps (not sure if this last one can be implemented)

massive +1 for this too, it's sad that we gotta wait untill some person on the server gets millionaire till we can finally gamble

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