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Phone Overhaul

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It would be very nice if we could have instagram or twitter to post our photos just like #fashion or just tweet some stuff that everyone could see.

Think it could be a very interesting feature.





Edited by Ohad
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+1 Ic twitter rip off would be nice aswell, people shit posting some shit would be really funny icly, could bring more rp aswell like "if i roll a dice and land it on a bigger number then yours u have to tweet something out", also crim rp would be better aswell, like in wars when u kidnap someone u could force them to tweet something out to everyone icly and stuff like that would be nice i guess, thoughts ?

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+1 literally get inspiration from any other Rage/FiveM server, copy and build on that. There are so many aps that could be used. Things like pinging location to a contact for a meeting point. An application that would work like twitter or a lesser known weazel news where people can post updates about their life or where you can buy/sell things. An app that would encourage racing by allowing someone to set up a custom track and setting up races where people can join, etc... Other servers have done this, if ideas are needed just do your market research, easy as that.

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1+ I am a UX Designer and I can agree that this has bugged me since I've been on the server. Not only is the functionality bad, but the UI is as well. I'd love to see implementation of how some other servers have iPhone UI, or maybe something custom.

If the server ever decides to update the UI to something custom, I'd be more than happy to assist in designing something as a professional. 

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