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NEW amazing FISHING system DETAILED  

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NEW FISHING SYSTEM(like the mining one)

Hi im Franci and its been only  1 week since i play here.. its amazing all jobs are great except fishing.. it is so white like no colors no fun nothing.. so i came up with an idea which on the future i hope become a reality: Detailed dynamic fishing system.

This is just an idea but a damn good one from the feedback that i saw once i asked others in game.  (idk how possible it is or if im saying bs that cant be done because i have no knowledge about scripting)

What i will talk about here:

1.New fishing system (and probably make it a real job).

2.Fish types + 2 surprises.. read below to find out!!

3.Fish sizes

4.Fish prices(which i wont decide but moderators or whoever owns server+scripters)

5.How to fish (deep waters vs near the shore fishing)


1.Making it a real job: Instead of being always the same price 198$/1fish lets make it different like the miner job. about 8 types of fishes, the possibility to catch each one is random, so is the sizes. 


2.Fish types:  Eigh types of fishes.    ->       Cod / Mackerel / Sea bass / Swordfish / Turtle / Octopus / Dolphin / Shark...

AND the surprize... a sunken treasure which is like super rare to be caught....

oh ANDDD a whale.. which once you catch it, it will break your fishing rod. 


3. Sizes:  all random .. like rn 1 fish takes up 2inv space.. So we can make that some fish are small and take 1.. and others are large and take 2 or 3.  some even take 4 if they are rare and huge. The surprise Whale which should be super super rare should take 10 inv slots.. if no slots are avaible than the player is forced to release the whale and also lose the rod. 


4. Prices: rn 1fish=198$.. always the same price.. boring!!   So now depending on the size of the fish and the type of it the prices vary, like the cheapest a turtle for e.g and the most expensive the dolphin. and the whale ofc should not be the most expensive but somewhat pricey because it take 10 slots.   [ofc the prices will be so its equivalent to mining or somewhat more or less rewarding depending on your catches.]


5. How to fish:  There should be 2 ways of fishing.. 

With a fishing Rod near the shore:  which is like we are already fishing nowdays...         and 2nd: with a BOAT.. Yes boat should be bought with money or ingame cash i dont really care. Just make it that when you fish far away from shore with a boat you get a 20percent chance that fishes that you catch are of a higher quality.. like you get a 20percent higher chance of catching a dolphin or a shark or idk... but not for whales and treasures they should stay the same. (or make it that those 2 can only be caught from boatfishing).


Thank you.


Edit: the Boat fishing idea can be like this :

You get a permit for fishing

 You get a boat which is the slowest in game but you can find them unlocked like the farmer job maybe, and that boat will have only 50 inv space.

E.g.  You get the boat, fish and your inv is full. Then you go and sell them at a dropoff Water location.. so you can sail your boat at dropoff not go sell fishes at the bank like it is.. 

Player can buy more expensive boats if they can afford.. 

Medium boats : 200 inv space

Big boats have 500 perhaps.. like it is at the mining job. 

People can also fish randomly around map but when you fish near the shore the fishes should be kinda more average types , and never have the chance to catch whales, dolphins or sharks.


Edit #2: Payment.

It should be a salary and not a cash on hand type of payment when you sell your fishes.  This to not create a chaos like the Nonrp bs that happens to the miners where they get robbed 100 times eveyr hour and there is NEVER an LSPD patrol at the factory or at the mine which should be logical if we r RPing it. 

If people want to rob you then they better have a faster boat than the one you are driving .. Nowdays its super easy to rob people just wait them at the dropoff and thats about it.. nothing gonna happen no cops no nothing.. so to avoid this BS make it straight to salary system $, so the robbers feel motivated to buy faster jetskis or fast boats if they really wanna put time into robbing others and RPing it.


Edited by Franci_King
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What do you think about selling fish illegally and legally?


I agree we should add more fish with different prices but make some of them illegal such as sharks and whales.


What i think is that at some point deep in the ocean there will be illegal fish, like sharks and whales, which sell for more money and are harder to get.


And for this you would need a separate fishing drop (like drug drop off) for all the illegal fish you caught.

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+1 to this, 

I've seen a similar system used in the past in other places and it worked really well. 

I like all aspects of this other than the "whale" that would break the rod. 

In addition to this, any body of water deep enough to drive a boat up should be fishable, e.g. Canals etc. 

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@InvestedCereal @CallumMontie

Fishing should be legal.. you just have to get the rod and a fishing permit at the city hall maybe...  All fishes should be legal, as long as you have a permit. The idea of the boat fishing should be perhaps so that you can fish and carry more fishes... and the sell point for fishes should be Water related and not near the bank!!   Perhaps Fish dropoff should be at the container Docks south of los santos or near the Pier.. or Even somewhere remote outside the city.. 

The whale concept is something unusual that i didnt see anywhere, but it is a good idea because you break your rod but in the same time you caught and "expensive" rare fish which also takes up 10 slots.

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Would it be done like mining where you are given cash for all of the ores you turn in or will it be done by giving it straight to your salary? Even then it will cause a massive spikes in robberies again, like what happened when the mine opened up. This is because there will be a few place where to get fishes and everyone will be going to one place to turn them in for cash/salary. So even though the idea is good I feel like it will have a longer negative affect than a positive one on the community of people who fish right now. 

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Just now, IAmTurtle said:

Would it be done like mining where you are given cash for all of the ores you turn in or will it be done by giving it straight to your salary? Even then it will cause a massive spikes in robberies again, like what happened when the mine opened up. This is because there will be a few place where to get fishes and everyone will be going to one place to turn them in for cash/salary. So even though the idea is good I feel like it will have a longer negative affect than a positive one on the community of people who fish right now. 

It should be like a salary thing. So if people want to rob you they better rob you before you sell your fishes.. Like it is with the farming job... Because there is nothing RP with mining job robberies... if at the mine there is 500 robberies a day.. a RP logic would be that 1 LSPD car is always at the mine patroling.. but i dont see that happening.. same goes with hunting. 

so my idea is that they sell and it goes as salary. If people want to Rob you then they better have a faster boat than you do..  thats how RP works.

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Huge +1, I've always supported the idea of a more diverse fishing script. Would make use of the boats and create a lot of interesting RP. Imagine being robbed on a boat and PD with a boat came as a response, or even the MD Lifeguard unit which I've seen a couple times.

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Fishing should be legal.. you just have to get the rod and a fishing permit at the city hall maybe...


Im not saying fishing should be an illegal job, im saying it would be cool to have an illegal side of fishing which makes more money.

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31 minutes ago, InvestedCereal said:


im saying it would be cool to have an illegal side of fishing which makes more money.

imo nope. There is plenty illegal stuff and even the legal ones have 1 billion robbers. Today i got robbed 3 times while selling the meat at the factory.. the cops never came.  so no id say keeping it all legal is best way to go

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7 hours ago, Franci_King said:

It should be like a salary thing. So if people want to rob you they better rob you before you sell your fishes.. Like it is with the farming job... Because there is nothing RP with mining job robberies... if at the mine there is 500 robberies a day.. a RP logic would be that 1 LSPD car is always at the mine patroling.. but i dont see that happening.. same goes with hunting. 

so my idea is that they sell and it goes as salary. If people want to Rob you then they better have a faster boat than you do..  thats how RP works.

I am not a cop on any account but from what i know from past rp is that cops are not allowed to come to hot crime zones with out a reason. Like the can not just sit there and wait and nobody is going to want to sit there on patrol for hours.

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+1 to the idea in general, but i think it should not be as easy as a water drop off, as that would just make it too easy for people to sail out, get fish and then easy money.

Additionally, while criminals might not like this, PD boat needs a buff, it is incredibly slow and with any deployment and response time, you might as well never call PD if you get robbed in the water.

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15 hours ago, IAmTurtle said:

I am not a cop on any account but from what i know from past rp is that cops are not allowed to come to hot crime zones with out a reason. Like the can not just sit there and wait and nobody is going to want to sit there on patrol for hours.

Actually cops can come to the mine, farm or fish drop off since they're not actually crime hotspots, they're legal jobs that just happen to get picked on by criminals, a lot. So they're doing their job by protecting them. But yes PD cannot come to drug labs etc., but for legal jobs its a different story.

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or they should at least give fishing a dropoff at water location/ an increase of 15percent  or a decrease of fishing time by 15percent.. idk  but right now fishing is something u do only when ur bored from coronavirus and from roleplaying  😄 althought a new fishing system should be done because the one rn is bad xD

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