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  1. +1 I can't find the thread Yputi is talking about but if it's there I'd like to +1 that too.
  2. +1 This would give more use to boats and lots of interesting scenarios could transpire.
  3. And that's why I proposed money from robbing stores start being counted as dirty money after someone robs 2-3 stores within an hour or like 12-15k within an hour
  4. You don't have to -1 the whole idea. It could be implemented while keeping true to what you said. For example, chopping cars and selling drugs could count as dirty money but robberies could be excluded from that. Also I believe every dollar has a serial number so if you robbed a store and used the money right away you would get tracked sooner or later, at least if you did it frequently or on a big scale. On that note, the money could start being counted as dirty after robbing like 3 stores within an hour, giving you the freedom to be a small time robber and the ability to use the money awithout laundering it since it's a small amount.
  5. Absolute +1 I don't know why hasn't this gotten any attention so far. This would give perks to citizens as you won't have to worry about laundering your money. It solves the problem of cops vs robbers on the server. Criminal jobs won't be seen as an easy way to get money anymore, it will require effort, careful planning and RP. The way I think criminal jobs would work best is high risk-high reward. They could increase money intake but you have to work harder and risk more to actually get it. There should be a new category on the phone labeled "Dirty Money" which would basically be pocket money that can be stolen but not able to be put in your bank account, as you have to launder it first. It could be stored though (car, boxes, your house) which gives so many more options. I love the idea.
  6. Definite +1 I really wanted to be a legal citizen with a legal job. I started doing trucking, courier job, money transfering, garbage job and bus driving. They were all the same thing with a different tag on them. As you can imagine I got bored of that pretty quickly. Then I tried going around selling tacos and that excited me as an idea. Guess what, nobody wanted to buy my tacos (even though I lowered the price quite a bit) because nobody really needed them. This is where a hunger system would help. If there was such a system food making and selling jobs could pop up. Have restaurants and fast food joints instead of selling everything at the general stores. Anyways, in the end I ended up fishing because that was the most well paying job there is as a legal non-government job. Well I don't need to tell you that this became mundane really fast (and didn't make THAT much money, really). So a choice was presented to me: Either become a criminal or a government official. And that's why the server is "Cops vs Robbers". That pilot job is an excellent idea. I have seen a helicopter only once throughout my time in the server and never an airplane. It could provide a more difficult job that needs more requirements and could offer a high-end more well paying legal option. More jobs could definitely help the server a lot. In the state it is right now I'm getting bored of it quickly while I really don't want to.
  7. Absolute +1 I don't know if it's because RAGEmp can't handle different animations, but I saw a smoking animation on a FiveM server and it was absolutely amazing. I'll link a clip if I can find it.
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