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Hey Criminals, you want some RP?? Sell drugs! Oh wait... you have an NPC to sell too which makes it easier, but who wants to sell to an NPC dealer??


Remove the NPC dealer to open for drug RP. That will cause SO MUCH RP to start. 


We should also be able to grow weed in our old house, no reason why this shouldn't be a thing as you'd be surprised how many people grow their own weed IRL. 



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Don't think removing the NPC altogether is a fix. Think that's abit drastic. I think the drugs should have more appeal to them where they can be sold and bought for. Some funny, some with perks like pick locking a vehicle faster because you're on cocaine or something like that.

Think removing the NPC will not create a demand for drugs on the road. Their needs to be demand for the product itself. That needs to outweigh selling it to a NPC.  

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4 hours ago, Yputi said:


I even liked the drug deal job in the past. It's not that much more RP than it is now, but the fact you had to drive around, deliver illegal packages and recieving cash was quite exciting as a new player 😄

Oh yeah, it was definetly my favorite job. We need that back. 

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It used to be really fun in old days to have real drug dealers. This was one of most popular job for new recruiters to test their loyal. But the thing is by removing npc you would remove for majority of criminals income. . Already criminals dont have much choices how to make money and introduced SD its now more than ever hard to make drugs and make it profitable.  So its pretty difficult  topic and not so easy to fix just by removing NPC and not doing nothing else.

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To be honest, yes maybe drug RP needs more adjustment but in my opinion:

  • Location of drug labs need to be dynamic, more information needed to be found (more RP involved)
  • Every market shouldn't have the same set prices, every market has their own market values
  • While selling, timer needs to be added.. in reality you wouldn't do an exchange under 1 second.

Just my opinions. 🙂

Edited by PhenomenalX
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Problem is that no criminal would buy drugs from another, being that they have no use for it. The only people buying drugs from other players are people who want to RP as an addict. Criminals who want to make money wouldn’t buy this and unless a scripted method to generate money from these things exist not much will go down by removing drop offs really.

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16 minutes ago, kenichis said:

Problem is that no criminal would buy drugs from another, being that they have no use for it. The only people buying drugs from other players are people who want to RP as an addict. Criminals who want to make money wouldn’t buy this and unless a scripted method to generate money from these things exist not much will go down by removing drop offs really.

That was my point exactly, in order to enhance RP in drug RP is by adjusting certain features. 

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I think removing the NPC drug dealers would cripple criminals even more, as there would be nowhere near the demand from people to match the $ they get from the dealers.

Personally i think the drugs should have some form of benefits and maybe downsides.

Weed - could remove stress (add stress to the game)

Cocaine - give a small speed boost (addiction is already a thing)

Meth - give a small boost to HP (addiction is already a thing, could decrease health by a lot more if in withdrawal)


Point is, while sure it is not all that realistic to have happy pills give you powers, it is still a game and having drugs provide some form of benefit would actually create a demand for them. If there was a demand for drugs then the dealers could be looked at.


Additionally - the dealers could stay at their prices and people could buy drugs from them to sell them to others. Simply because not everyone will have access to a drug lab to produce drugs, while other will not have the time to look for players to buy drugs and would prefer to just sell it at a dealer. Example of how this would work.


Person A produces drugs at a lab > sells them at a dealer for 500$

Person B buys drugs from the dealer that would have a supply of drugs based on the sale of A at 600$ a pop > goes to sell drugs to people for whatever he chooses.


This would create more RP, as not everyone wants to go to a lab as it is risky. Not everyone would want to go buy drugs from a dealer for the same reason. But other people would have more options to sell drugs and with the added benefit of drugs, there would be a demand for them.

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I don't want to have criminals income removed, but that doesn't make me any more opposed to the idea of removing the NPC. This is an RP server, we should be making RP and just because money is easier to get from an NPC than it is selling it to another player in RP, that doesn't make it good in an RP server. Find people that will roleplay buying drugs, I promise there are, and there is your income. 


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