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BIlly Neptune

Jail/Prison RP Suggestions & Improvements

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If you are having issues with going to prison then dont commit crimes. Or better yet, rp as a smarter criminal that doesnt indulge in high risk - low reward activities (robbing cars). If you dont want to change the way you rp, there is always the option to donate and recieve vip status. One of the many perks lowers prison time (120 minutes to 90 minutes).

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There should always be a fine for prison sentence . Minimum should be 15K for every prison sentence . Spending too many hours in a single time is kinda bad because but still it should be more then 2 hours of jail . The fine system for prison sentence should be implemented because no one cares if they go to prison .

Only thing they lose is OOC hours nothing IC is getting lost , So the city is turning to a crime fest nowadays .. 

People have to lose something IC and that should be Money . This way we can prevent so many unnecesery crimes happening in the city . Number are debateble of course . If you go to prison for tickets or reckless driving that should be low but still they have to make you pay some of their tickets worth 10k or something . 

Sending us to prison for tickets and releasing us after 2 hours without paying anything doesnt make any sense at all .

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No its not . Losing Money will be much better . It will make people think a lot before doing something bad . Gangs just robbing people for a single pistol . So that means they are robbing a guy for 6k 7k worth pistol . If they go to jail and payfine minimum 10k That would be much much better .

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I am +1 for this, if there is a implementation of this where if someone has 0$ in their bank account at the time of being arrested, they are either being put in negative balance or every time they take salary, they are losing some of the salary to pay for the charges. At the moment, you can just have 0$ money in your bank account and nothing will happen if you get arrested,

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For anyone who's been a criminal you will know that Jail is 90% of the time AFK Simulator. Here are some suggestions to improve it. 

/rob mechanic

This will stop the AFK's basically similar to a chop shop it takes you ~3 minutes to rob someone of their stamps. A massive deterrent to walk away from the screen whilst your jail time is done. I would be staking out players who are "asleep" to rob them vica versa this could also potentially open up a more legal way to have a fight in prison.

Stamp Payout 

Every 5-10 minutes x amount of stamps is paid out. this stimulates the jail economy allows for people to earn a little and also provides an alternative to being killedd and broke for the remainder of your jail time, once you lose your stamps there is no way to really get them back. Also pushes people to use the stamps for RP situations such as getting robbed or being killed for stamps. 


Biggest issue in jail right now is Fail RP most people think because its prison all rules go out the door. The amount of rule breaks ive seen with people just deathmatching and breaking NLR is crazy.

Speaking of NLR

If you die rather then just a simple respawn and you are free to do what you want maybe 4-5 minutes of solitary confinement this way the NLR is kinda enforced and stops people from spawn camping (which i see in jail all the time). The issue is that the minimal DOC presence ( and i don't blame them for this its just a thing that happens) makes players thing they can RP. This will also provide some consequence for DM as its not just a infinite boxing match as it sometimes becomes. 

Criminal business in jail.

Payphones to call outside (similar scripting to the taxi mechanic call $ per second to make calls).

Drug drop offs (smuggling drugs in through visitation and selling in jail at a drop off would be neat)

Smuggling weapons (knives bats etc) through visitation (no firearms.) this would make DOC more into it as well rather then just- processing prisoners things like screening visitors and searching them to make sure things weren't being smuggled in (same with the drugs).


Feel free to add on more suggestions. 


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I dont know if someone already suggested this or not but I think that exchanging 10 stamps for 1 second is kinda absurd, continuous mining for like 2 hours can get you around 5k stamps which ends up being 500 seconds which is nothing compared to being 5k cash if I go out with it. Prison RP isnt that fun and having to stay in there for more than 3hours is kinda boring for most people.

I suggest a change on the ratio, like maybe 3 stamps for 1 second or something that would balance it up to make an easier logical way of getting out of prison faster.

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Prison role-play should be built by you, it should be done by your ability and creativity to role-play. You get to prison for breaking the laws, there is a reason why you are in jail for 10 minutes or 5 hours, and yes, it does get boring in most cases because not everyone always wants to role-play (which is absurd since the server is role-play server...).
Buying your time out off prison shouldn't be a thing, like... 10 stamps for 1 second, sure, it takes time to earn it and what not, but 3 stamps for 1 second is just too easy, too fast. 

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Doesnt have to be 3 stamps for 1 second, its just a suggestion. And yeah I understand prison-rp is a thing but as you said, not alot of people are there to RP. I legit am the only one in prison right now who's online.

Most of the time people just go afk in prison, most of the time I just go mining because no one is ready to interact with anyone, just standing afk alt tabbed doing their own thing until time is up for them to go out.

So making an edit to this thing will in my opinion make more people mine and interact with each other and maybe even fight for them which creates some good quality prison-rp.

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