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Everything posted by namoli

  1. You are all right about what you say man , I only want them to add more features for criminals like banks or jewelry and stuff , It might be more fun . I always agree that low reward high risk robberies should not happen . Robbing a civilian for no reason is really stupid .
  2. Again a new life example... can you please stop telling what would people do In real life ? just really stop it man , cause this servers are never going to be like real life just accept it , They must find a way to balance this , that's all Im trying to say , and of course people shouldn't rob others in daylight in public places , When did you see a gang member run away when someone robbing someone in this server ? You can literally get robbed while robbing someone because you are robbing someone This will ALWAYS going to happen in this server because there is less criminal activity and when people with guns ( gang members , criminals or who want to do criminal stuff ) see a guy robbing someone , they will just stop and rob that guy . And their reason will be " You are robbing someone " . And this is never a Fail RP in this server . But if we think this about in your " real life style " just imagine some bad guys stopping other bad guys while they are doing their bad thing Its even funny to tell it but this is where the server Is going .
  3. @Trenix And just stop this real life thing , Im pretty sure you don't even RP when you mine ores or other jobs . Everyone running around with 200kg of crates on their arms around like crazy , that doesn't look like real life scene to me . But when someone comes and robs you " oh no this is roleplay think real life bla bla " just stop it man … All my point was to say that , all in all this is a game which we try to act like real life . So they should make a balance and make it feel like a real life , In real life people don't obey the rules sometimes so what about that . That's why I say rules shouldn't be so strict because sometime people start thinking the punishment they gonna get OOC cause of their IC actions . They should be worried about the punishment IC not OOC . That's what this server should make us feel ...
  4. @Trenix How can you tell Im a griefer ? Why you fuckn so mad man? Im saying that there can be more rules that makes criminal life more fun , all in all this is a game . You are so obsessed about real life . Currently the thing you said " luring people into lowkey areas " are the only option . If they add more stuff to do in lowkey areas would it be griefing ? In real life there is no place that is dangerous but people still work ? Stop it man have some logic … You get robbed a lot and It hurts maybe ? Its a game learn to lose aswell ..
  5. When there Is so many cop players in the server , so many criminal and robbery restrictions is really lazy , I don't say people should get robbed in daylight everywhere . But people can still should rob people on the streets , its just weird that the place MUST BE A LOW-KEY place to rob . So this means no one will go to a lowkey place anymore . And if you bann robbing people In every place that we interact , then there is nowehere else to go,. Why would you go to a middle of desert alone if there is nothing to do there ? you Wont . I suggest they put more stuff to do in LOW-KEY areas then it might be more fun , because there is no point going to a LOW-KEY area currently there is no risk doing anything in town besides drugs .. You can literally run around in the city and cant get robbed … Adding more activities in lowkey areas can be a really good solution , for example adding extra steps to some jobs which requires you to go and maybe refine your mines before sell them , and they should put more then 1 spot for this so people want to rob should look for them , Or you can get paid more if you willing to take the risk and shine your diamonds in a weird place you can get robbed or something .. Its really lazy to just add this rule .. so many things can be done ...
  6. There are rules because so many players LITERALLY DOESNT KNOW WHAT ROLEPLAYING IS . If everyone was playing and acting by the roleplay standarts , we wouldn't even need these rules . Just be realistic and roleplay it out . Making strict rules like " CANT ROB IN CLOTHING STORES " makes people think they are %100 safe In clothing stores but that should never be the Issue , you can never be %100 safe (except NCZ ) . The rules should be more simple and wide rather than being straight away like " cant do this or that " it should be " If realistic roleplay provided it can be done " there must be an open door for more experienced roleplay players .
  7. No its not . Losing Money will be much better . It will make people think a lot before doing something bad . Gangs just robbing people for a single pistol . So that means they are robbing a guy for 6k 7k worth pistol . If they go to jail and payfine minimum 10k That would be much much better .
  8. There should always be a fine for prison sentence . Minimum should be 15K for every prison sentence . Spending too many hours in a single time is kinda bad because but still it should be more then 2 hours of jail . The fine system for prison sentence should be implemented because no one cares if they go to prison . Only thing they lose is OOC hours nothing IC is getting lost , So the city is turning to a crime fest nowadays .. People have to lose something IC and that should be Money . This way we can prevent so many unnecesery crimes happening in the city . Number are debateble of course . If you go to prison for tickets or reckless driving that should be low but still they have to make you pay some of their tickets worth 10k or something . Sending us to prison for tickets and releasing us after 2 hours without paying anything doesnt make any sense at all .
  9. There should always be a fine for prison sentence . Minimum should be 15K for every prison sentence . If you decide to rob a bank and get caught you should get a fine of 40K at least or more . Spending too many hours in a single time is kinda bad because but still it should be more then 2 hours of jail . The fine system for prison sentence should be implemented because no one cares if they go to prison . Only thing they löse is OOC hours nothing IC is getting lost , So the city is turning to a crime fest nowadays .. Oh and also , you cant even rob markets without 2 cops online in the city . So that is doable . There should be always X number of cops to rob a bank or jewelry store .
  10. Yes and the official gangs do that , when they supposed to have serious roleplay . I tought to be an official gang they have to rolaplay pretty good but they just rob everyone they see for no reason , and ask us to STOP while we are driving from /shout .. maybe my Windows are up so I cant hear it . It kinda sucks . Then they shoot the car and make it stop and kill us because we didnt stopped . Amazing official gangs .
  11. So @Flucifial , Are we going to see robberies rather then market ? like jewelry store and bank robberies and some other illegal activities ? Because so many criminals are in the town and you always get robbed after you leave an NCZ . So many peoples roleplay is limited to " STOP THE CAR OR WE SHOOT" then they shoot and kill while we drive or you stop and get robbed . Same happens 4-5 times everyday … Have to give criminals some other stuff to make them busy instead of robbing everyone they see for no reason ..
  12. namoli


    Selling drugs to a drop off point is not bad but it should be harder as there is no challenge doint it so . And all the official gangs are allies with each other so there is no competition between them they go to different drug labs and produce and sell . Dont understand how they are having fun . Just making Money to buy new guns for what ? to kill lonely farmers and stuff ? because they dont have any gangs to fight with they are all allies thats kinda stupid as well .
  13. namoli


    they do already have benefits but also have negative effect aswell . Heroin gives you armor but it makes you addicted and sometimes you crave for it so your hp starts to go down . You can use couple of heroins to boost your armor and run around with some food to fill your hp
  14. Yes ! Robbing only markets is kind of boring , so many criminals running around so there should be other options , Bank robberies could require a hostage like in nopixel , and there should be the jewelry store aswell and both of the robberies should alarm the police . People WHO are doing this robberies should have a great escape plan for cops . Bring more robbery options please !!
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