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Mikkel Christensson

People calling cops on labs?

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So what is going on with people randomly rolling around a lab and calling cops on labs? How come that is allowed? I just had a situation, where i was cooking and a random biker just came by and called cops, so i went to another lab and he came by again doing the same shit... How come that is allowed? Do anyone in the criminal world really call cops on eachother? My personal opinion is, it should not be allowed, like a rulebreak. It's so frustrating, and it's really just ruining it for everyone. I like making drugs instead of mining because i feel more "free". 

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+1 Totally agree with this. It has ruined so many times where people with the intention to go cook but see other people has taken the lab and just call cops. Especially with the limited way how criminals can get money and labs put criminals for a limited amount of time out of a good source of income. Maybe it should be that the guy calling in should actually go to Mission row/SD office and report the crimes in with evidence. Where they need to take pictures of the happening and report them in. I think especially if its a known criminal it should just be deemed NONRP

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It can be annoying at times however I feel this is more of a IC issue. If you know who is calling them you should find a way to handle it ICly. In real life you would also have people "take care of" people who "snitch" to the police about their illegal activities.

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To be honest during my time as SD 5/6 months, I would see ALOT of new players or randoms call 911 when they go lab to lab. Sometimes we used to respond but sometimes when we seen the same doing the same over and over again in a pattern we closed the call. I can understand your frustration as I do agree it can be an issue but it falls to into a very cloudy grey area.

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13 minutes ago, Chapman said:

It can be annoying at times however I feel this is more of a IC issue. If you know who is calling them you should find a way to handle it ICly. In real life you would also have people "take care of" people who "snitch" to the police about their illegal activities.

The problem with this is that. 1 we need OOC/IC evidence to find them calling. 2nd they can run to NCZ as they didnt commit a crime and cant prove they called cops. For example when someone pulls in the druglab and 2 minutes later SD arrives its obvious they called. But we dont have evidence of them doing it so we cant hit them and they can run to NCZ. I have actually one of my friends who got a DM punishment for this. A rival gang car pulled up into our lab left and 2 minutes later cops arrive. They shot him which is his bad but when he made a report it showed him calling cops. But we dont have OOC/IC evidence so we can barely do anything about it. I feel this stuff where gangs or people who were wanting to do something illegal but then call cops should start falling under rulebreaks like NON-RP

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It's a little bit silly yes, but yes I am sure in real life there are snitches everywhere however the problem here is not people calling 911 on drug labs the problem is that the drug labs locations are stationary and it has got to a point now that drug lab locations are very public knowledge where you can see players with new player tags wandering around so it's expected that such situations are gonna happen. I'm actually gonna suggest it soon to make drug lab locations either dynamic or make drug labs craft-able (I think already suggested before)

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Calling cops on a drug laboratory shouldn't be an issue since it's the person's decision to do so. It's evidently an In-Character issue. There shouldn't be a reason why they cannot call the police if they see a crime or something illegal happening. -1

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Not to mention, that if we make a rule that prevents criminals from calling 911 about drug labs, PD/SD will pretty much never be able to raid a drug lab then, as that is the main reason we get to know about drug labs, in my experience. The only other reason we can enter a drug lab is if someone's breaking a law and we try to pull them over / pursue them, and they pull into a drug lab and jump out. So you can see how PD/SD would, with a rule like this, rarely be at a drug lab, meaning it is an illegal job with hardly any risk in regards to police showing up.

I am also fairly certain it is stated somewhere that criminals should prevent snitches from calling the cops. However if you are a lone criminal grinding at a drug lab, then chances are you will not have the assets available to prevent snitches from calling.


Overall, -1

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49 minutes ago, TheBrohman said:

Not to mention, that if we make a rule that prevents criminals from calling 911 about drug labs, PD/SD will pretty much never be able to raid a drug lab then, as that is the main reason we get to know about drug labs, in my experience. The only other reason we can enter a drug lab is if someone's breaking a law and we try to pull them over / pursue them, and they pull into a drug lab and jump out. So you can see how PD/SD would, with a rule like this, rarely be at a drug lab, meaning it is an illegal job with hardly any risk in regards to police showing up.

I am also fairly certain it is stated somewhere that criminals should prevent snitches from calling the cops. However if you are a lone criminal grinding at a drug lab, then chances are you will not have the assets available to prevent snitches from calling.


Overall, -1

The issue is that you can't really prevent it.

Let's say 10 zetas are cooking at LSD. A guy that hates zetas drives by, goes to Sandy MD and calls 911. How do you prevent that?


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I honestly wouldn’t be opposed to something being enforced until drug labs get a revamp. Lab locations are stationary which have a massive drawback. Anybody who is having a bad day or anything can just go lab hopping and call from outside without even knowing if anybody is inside or not just to get labs destroyed - they can even go to Sandy MD and call from there while receiving NCZ protection. It’s a bit of a broken system for 911 calls and labs. I wouldn’t be opposed to having to physically go to SD or PD to report it or something else that would make things a bit more fair.

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4 hours ago, TheBrohman said:

Not to mention, that if we make a rule that prevents criminals from calling 911 about drug labs, PD/SD will pretty much never be able to raid a drug lab then, as that is the main reason we get to know about drug labs, in my experience. The only other reason we can enter a drug lab is if someone's breaking a law and we try to pull them over / pursue them, and they pull into a drug lab and jump out. So you can see how PD/SD would, with a rule like this, rarely be at a drug lab, meaning it is an illegal job with hardly any risk in regards to police showing up.

I am also fairly certain it is stated somewhere that criminals should prevent snitches from calling the cops. However if you are a lone criminal grinding at a drug lab, then chances are you will not have the assets available to prevent snitches from calling.


Overall, -1

Well an easy way to get around with this, would just be for you guys to question citizens about labs. And lets say you have to do that after every tsunami (restart). So instead of the poor rp with people just checking labs runs away and call cops, you guys actually have to either do some detective work, or question citizens, i think that would be a great system. It's kinda fucked that we cant do labs because new players run around and call on every labs, and they are then gone for 3 hours. 

Edited by Mikkel Christensson
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3 minutes ago, firsty said:

Well i've witnessed them camping legal drop off points, chopshops and a few labs. Although not as common.

Where's the problem here? Does anything say that they are not allowed to?

If they receive info about a drug lab location why can't they camp it and catch someone before destroying it?

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7 minutes ago, TheCactus said:

Where's the problem here? Does anything say that they are not allowed to?

If they receive info about a drug lab location why can't they camp it and catch someone before destroying it?

This has been seen without any calls or witnesses, so its pretty unrealistic. Nobody else around, but they sit there anyway.

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This is one of the largest issues tied in with current criminal RP. Due to the labs being static this makes them an easy target for everyone to focus on and essentially ruin for at time between 4-8 irl hours. 

As a potential IC fix for the labs being phoned in, personally I feel that it should only be IB divisions etc who can respond to these calls where further investigation is forced to be carried out prior to the decommissioning of the lab. As currently the moment, you can drive a cruiser you can respond to these calls and destroy the lab solo of it calls for it.

When it comes to known criminals reporting drug labs I would class this as NRP, along with many other criminals who agree and the rules could be potentially adjusted to require proper RP reasoning & recorded evidence for phoning in these labs as when 3/5 are down for 5+ hours each day it kills off one of the remaining factors of criminal roleplay. 

Another common issue of the labs is the fact that law enforcement have "no IC knowledge of them" but you consistently find cruisers parked near or even at entrances to the labs attempting to bait chases inside of these utilising their OOC knowledge of the lab to get it shut down. 

Tldr: to fully fix this, the already in works dynamic drug lab update needs related. Along with potentially adding some form of OOC rule that require RP reasoning & evidence, under the NRP rule. 

Criminal roleplay is in a very poor state no matter what side says, and there should not be ways to further diminish it at the will of any player for little to no reason.

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3 hours ago, TheCactus said:


Sounds like something you can solve ICly, especially if you are 2+ and the dude is alone.

That is such a cop answer lol

Later on you mentioned to wait the guy leaving Sandy MD ? 
We both know the DM rules , i guess you know whatever . Im not allowed to blast the guy on the bf just because he called the cops from a mountain .( thing that i cant know for sure , but your friends from SD agreed that people are doing that )

I need to chase him 1 hour in a non rp chase jumping from left to right on a bf just for my whole team to get a charge and prison because of course the random will call PD and they will chase and hunt us down . But no officer will do his RP job and ask the dude : Nigga what where you doing in a drub lab hello? No they will just roll up and blast us for being in a drug lab 

gg wp feel free to get offended , but you think straight as a cop you just want to win , including forum posts lol



The other issue is the labs profit is low anw , now with the randoms calling PD is even more harder . Criminal RP already suffers from a so many points of view , on the other hand i dont see PD having any issues , but why you should be nice and give us a +1 because if a rule will be set on this you will have one less reason to blast people with them free heavies 

Edited by DimaDan
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On the one hand, it's a risky business using a lab. Part of the risk is that the police show up.
On the other hand, it's kind of meme-y that a criminal operation is in random but specific locations around the map.

I get it, the system isn't overly complicated and it's pretty simple to use once you have the information but inevitably it leads to issues like this.
I don't think adding rules on this is any kind of answer and I don't think 'taking it IC' necessarily solves it either, because I imagine it verges on the borderline stupid.

Imagine someone goes around to every drug lab to get them shut down, in real life the cops would detain him and be asking him how he knows all this stuff. 

Mobile Drug labs is the way forward, it even makes the  snitching more of an art form.

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