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Mikkel Christensson

New Illegal Faction System

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So yesterday i thought about something i remmembered from back in the days where everyone could make a faction. So i thought about why not bring that idea back but with a twist? I would love critique on this but no hate please haha. 


My idea is that, i would love for everyone to be able to make their own faction again! But with an unlock system.

- Everyone will be able to make a faction for the cost of 100k

- When you have created a gang you will see a segment called "unlocks".

- In the unlocks you see all the things you can unlock which i will come to later, and you will see the requirements for it. 

- So for each and every unlock you need members and money. 

Unlock 1: You will need 10 members and 250k. This will give you the ability to get pistol ammo shipments. 

Unlock 2: You will need 15 members and 500k. This will give you the ability to get pistols. 

Unlock 3: You will need 25 members and 650k. This will give you the ability to get smg and shotgun ammo. 

Unlock 4: You will need 30 members and 850k. This will give you the ability to get smgs and shotguns. 

- Unlock 5: You will need 40 members and 1mil. This will give you the ability to get assault riffles ammo and body armor. 

Unlock 6: You will need 50 members and 1.5m. This will give you the ability to get assault riffles. 

IMPORTANT: There should only be allowed 5 gangs to reach Unlock 6. To reach Unlock 4 there should only be allowed 3. To reach unlock 2 there should only be allowed 3 as well. 

This is random prices and all but if you think about it, it will take a lot for a gang to become this powerful and it will be more fun growing instead of making a forum post. This will make some good ties with other gangs as well because to get to the last unlock you will need overall 4.850.000$ Which is a lot of money! It will also make the gangs work harder to get to a "goal", instead of how it is now and people gets bored and just wants to go to war. This will mean that if you go to war you will hurt the other gang a lot because they can reach their goal at all. It will be a huge goal for a gang to reach to the final stage. I have tried my best to try and figure this out! Come with your inputs or question and i will answer as best as i can.


Be free to leave +1 or -1. And i would love critique as well!


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Being official is a priviledge that factions earn for providing the community with good roleplay. It's not something that can be bought and its purpose has nothing to do with money. The priviledges official factions have are given for their roleplay, dedication and general enrichment of the community. A system like this wouldn't account for roleplay value, anyone can get money and unlock things. So no, definitely not something that would be beneficial to the server.

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So only 5 can be rank 6, but only 3 can be tier 3/4? 

Now, faction status is a earned privilege. Meaning that no matter your size, you can become official. But you earn it, if it was bought, everyone could do it.

Additionally the numbers are way too high. This would create a bigger situation for people to just join the biggest factions, rather than make their own. Currently only 1 faction is at 50+, 1 is 40+ and then 2 are < 30 (Official criminal factions.) 

I think that currently, the people incharge of factions, are doing a good job. Factions that put effort into their thread as well as IG, get official. Others do not.


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Members and money are not a hard thing to earn, you state that having "4.850.000$ Which is a lot of money!" which in reality it really isn't if you split it between members.  

The system at the moment is fine as it works as intended to with factions showing that they can put in the time and effort to show their standard of RP and show that they are providing this roleplay to the community.



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-1 the big crim factions got unlimited money, zetas for example have over 2 dealerships so yeah the economy is fucked and I know that its unrealistic that criminals are able to to have those assets. but what you suggest wouldn't change a thing. They will just seal club the little gangs as like they always do. All your invested money will be gone. 

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On 12/25/2019 at 11:22 PM, Mikkel Christensson said:



I don't think this is a bad idea at all considering you would have to pay quite a bit of money (possibly all together as a group) to become a faction (albeit unofficial), and heck, you've got to pay a million dollars just to get access to shotguns. That's a lot of money you could be possibly wasting if you don't plan to follow through all the way with your faction. You could make it more $ - if people are afraid of guns.
You could definitely leave the Official Faction system the way it is and possibly have this in place as well with no real affect on it

Like you said 5 Million, even 1 million ( for shotguns) is a lot of money - even if it was doubled it would seem obtainable. At least you could become an unofficial faction or crew actually in the game and not just outside of it. I understand to a degree why the faction system is in place -

I'm not hating on the faction system that is in place right now at all. Maybe the Official Faction System would do even better if Unofficial Factions could at least be a thing. It would hurt bigger gangs profits- so i'm sure many, many will be against this

Perhaps, not give Unofficial Factions access to SMG's as a compromise? (I know they already won't get access to assault rifles)


I think that if people wish to go up against big groups and most likely get decimated - it should be up to them. At least give them a fighting chance. It is easier in real life for an actual felon to obtain weapons in the state of california lol - again not hating on the system - i understand why it's in place.

And I'm not speaking on behalf of just myself but a lot of what I see. Why does every noob have to go to one of the three big gang's say and get ripped off heavily (if they are lucky ) in order to get their hands on anything other than a pistol. How are these little guys (even solo) ever supposed to do anything let alone feel secure -that's my biggest Peeve against that system and it isn't large.

I just think there should be some way for smaller groups to obtain something - even just Pistols.

Disclaimer - I'm not complaining I just whole heartedly agree with this gentleman right now


Edited by Jimmy DiPetro
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