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Page 3

Wild Life


Wild animals are less wild and more human than many humans of this world





There are three things which if one does not know, one cannot live long in the world: what is too much for one, what is too little for one, and what is just right for one.




If you ever need help, just ask. You know I have your back.




I don't want to live in the kind of world where we don't look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I cant change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit.



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                              Notebook - Page 4.

Its everyday bro


Kronos used to struggle a lot with the parking lot's location as it was far from all of his activities,not to mention, not a safe place either.

One day, Jessy heard about my problem as I could not use my car for labs safely as I always had all my stuff in it, deciding to surprise me with something that will help me a lot to grind up. He has given me the keys to his house, also to the garage where I could park up to 3 cars, clearing out the problems with the storage of my items, cars, and myself. It does not seem much to him, but for me, it meant a lot and for sure will help me from now on. Having a warm place you can call home is great.




Bad money drives out good.

Money is like sea water. The more you drink, the thirstier you become.

So, what's better than making some money in the free time? Time is money.





Certainly there is, for the American Negro artist who can escape the restrictions the more advanced among his own group would put upon him, a great field of unused material ready for his art.






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Since the beginning, Lamar was a lonely man, he met some of his kind which made him join The Russian Mafia since its beggining. He was always loyal, honest and promised to stay in the Mafia until it collapses. The reason why he joined his russian brothers were because they were strong and had good relations with the rest of the gangs in the city. After big mistakes the leaders took, they started a war with everyone in Los Santos. Lamar didn't want the war and didn't want to kill innocent people, but he promised to the Mafia to stay and fight until it collapses. Unfortunately that is exactly what happened couple months after, Lamar didn't have a place to stay or to retreat because everyone hated the people who were in the Russian Mafia. Lamar had to change his identity. That's when he changed his name from Vladimir Glazkov to Lamar Scott, did plastic surgery and decided to start things all over again. Ever since he had been a lone wolf, making money on his own, but things got harder, he couldn't keep up with the modern circumstances. Unexpectedly, an old friend, Darius Davis called Lamar saying that he joined The West Coast Assasins and he wanted to help Lamar survive in this cruel world, so that's when Lamar joined them and found hope again. One thing he promised to his new gang, like in Russian Mafia, is to be loyal to death.

After starting his new life in the gang, he got orders to always attack The Misfits and The Mexicans. He never understood why they are fighting eachother and wanted to find answers. But as times was passing the war with Misfits stopped, yet the war with the Novo Los Aztecas was far from over. Lamar never had life problems and was always staying strong but then everything changed when he was charged and jailed multiple times with big fines, as he started losing money slowly.



Lamar then he had multiple thoughts of leaving the gang scene for awhile. But all these ideas changed because Tyrese Davis was always there for him and helped him when he was having problems.


Lamar was still looking for answers such as, why are we still fighting NLA but everything changed when Zetas, NLA and WCA had a meeting about this ongoing war. The war was stopped and after a long time, WCA is now enjoying a well deserved peace. After that, Lamar's life turned around and he finally has the answers. But the peace didn't last for long as now there is a new rival called The Fog City, but thats not a big problem as every gang is fighting against them.

Who knows what awaits him now? He is working night shifts as a money transporter trying to earn some money, as cops always watching him for being a well-known murderer and drug dealer.


Edited by Vubey
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I've sacrificed everything, what have you given?


Kronos was once a young boy on the streets of Los Santos, working any job he could get in order to have a decent life. Things went hard for him once, when he was in desperate need of cash, him and his few friends decided to rob a local store from Idlewood, at night. As everything was going well, after breaking in, they focused on breaking the store's safe and take any cash they would find. A local men was passing by and called the cops as soon he has seen the store's doors smashed, we had no idea that we've been spotted. Before leaving, Kronos ,Diego and Lance heard sirens coming to them. There was only one exit from behind, on the bathroom's window that was very small and no time enough to get in that in time, that's when Lance decided to go directly to the cops, surrendering and buying time for us to escape in time with the money, we never forgot what he did to us and always prayed for him to get out as soon as possible. 


Years passed, things changed...


It was a normal day for Kronos and his fellow gang members, robbing people around labs, also stores...




Everything was going just as planned, things were clear, no sing of any danger, snakes and frogs were hiding in the grass.





Then something bad happened, someone called the cops on us after being robbed, they came like rats to cheese, knowing that we got a very good amount of money on us after robbing every store, I knew there's only one thing I can do, taking them on me, so others could escape. After making sure everyone left, I sped up in the opposite direction, taking every cruiser to follow me, "into the Abyss" , a hell of a chase that you only see in movies. 

One hour later, after a long chase, I almost escaped since they couldn't keep up with an skilled driver, drag bikes and helicopters left their marks, as they usually do, knowing that my people were safe and far away, I knew its the time to accept the fate, just like my good old friend once taught me,"The greatest of all sacrifices is the sacrifice of time"




A hard time came after this, in prison, for 5 years, where he has made friends, forged relations, and made enemies, but he knew he did something good, as the gang was succeeding, they would of reunited soon after this.



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19 hours ago, ama2on said:

Tyrese Davis

"In The Dark"

Tyrese entered the city not too long after his half-brother, Tanjiro Osaka, took his flight out of the city. He wasn't truly alone when facing this new city. He was left with some of his half-brother's assets, and quickly found Tanjiro's close friends: Ray Woods, Keshawn Black, and Dom Presky. They took Tyrese under their wing and was quickly recruited into WCA by Mike Laurie. He entered WCA in the midst of their war with the Ballas, Misfits, and NLA, but it didn't phase him.


Tyrese was getting used to rolling with the crew, and running into rival gangs became less intimidating for him. He was achieving his goal of becoming more than what he is now. He lived his life with a gun in his hand at all times.


Tyrese began to climb the ranks of WCA after putting an immense amount of effort into the gang and putting his life on the line for his brothers. He learned quick that being in a gang required one's dedication and personal life. He began to realize why Tanjiro had flown out. Even so, he didn't let it get to his head. WCA was his family, they had his back and he most definitely had theirs.


To Be Continued...

I love the video keep it guys 🙂

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Please keep this thread respectful and focused on the efforts of the posting faction members and gang. We would like to see constructive commentary as opposed to any OOC negativity. Should there be any concerns do report the post as appropriate. All of us are here to promote good roleplay within the server and increased opportunities/development. Please maintain that approach even in times of IC wars especially considering this thread is OOC.

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Notebook - Page 5

Unite to move forward




The gang grouped up for the big fight of the day, where people from all around Los Santos came to show off their fighting skills.




It was an awesome night, our brothers showed us that they are real street-fighters as they knocked down a lot of people, getting out with some injuries and few scars. Even though we had the potential to win this fight, our old enemies, that became more than friends to us now, deserved to win it, and they did. 

"Congratulations Carlos" - everyone was cheering. 




Meeting some old friends, it is always good to be on good terms with the people that once kept a watch your back.




Who comes first, grinds first.

Night has settled, but there is no time for sleep. Teaching and forming the new prospects on how to make money was my first mission of the day. 




Winning isn't everything - - but wanting to win is.

The gangs decided its time to wipe out the competition, as they only know to play dirty, we showed them they can't handle us together, they are nothing to us. 

After stealing some of our cars, we went to search for them and a good chase started from Los Santos, across the map, to the North, never knew they actually know to handle a car, atleast.




After a successful hunt, seems we could not just leave with the pride, as the cops have gotten an "anonymous" call, reporting that a green contender was carrying dead bodies from Paleto. Knowing there is no reason to make any beef, we let them search us and thankfully, we left with no trouble as the hint was fake.


The Mexican war was a hard one, and never believed they are such kind people, of course, with the people they want to.




I asked for a ride as my car was in Los Santos, and they did not hesitate to hand me one. 

You can demand courtesy but you have to earn respect, for sure, they got mine's .




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