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Plastic Surgery = Forget Alias

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4 minutes ago, kenichis said:

Logically it would make sense though

Logically, the namechange and records wipe command at the LSPD, would've only been used when you CKed, to reflect the fact that you're a new person. However people abused it and added one letter to their name, roleplaying the same exact person, but with a clear criminal record. Some of them even tried applying for a gun permit. As far as I know, no one received a punishment for this.

In the same community, how many people would change the shade of their eyebrows and then reset aliases for everyone? "Oh it could be me, but it also could be my imaginary twin brother with slightly darker eyebrows, you don't know."

Until such silly scenarios get punished severely by the administration, I don't see how we can welcome such easily abused systems.

Edited by alexalex303
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16 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

Logically, the namechange and records wipe command at the LSPD, would've only been used when you CKed, to reflect the fact that you're a new person. However people abused it and added one letter to their Until such silly scenarios get punished severely by the administration, I don't see how we can welcome such easily abused systems.

Well, I didn't really think that much. I just thought maybe it could be usefull because sometimes people have a different skin tone or different face (not CK) and people still recognizes them. But thank you for shedding some light on to the abuses of the system.

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Plastic surgery can be done to make small alterations for your character's features while still keeping their overall look the same. For example, if somebody comes to the hospital for a nose job that surgery will not realistically make them completely unknown by people who knew them prior.

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