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Angel Ceez

Add CIVILIAN Helicopters to the server

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I know planes are a no no due to desync but I know both PD and EMS have choppers. It would be nice to be able to purchase a helicopter and have use of the airfields, a civilian chopper with no mounted guns or artillery on it just another way to get around. DCC could do chopper tours and use choppers as a means of service to people in an executive fashion, vehicle shops can mod them gassing a chopper would occur at an airport/airfield. I’m not sure on the server stress it would cause but comment below on any better ways to improve this idea. Just a random thought I was pondering. Also the addition of a helicopter license would be required which should be expensive to get. 

Edited by Angel Ceez
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+1 all the way baby. This should require owning / renting a hangar at either the airport or the airstrip and taking flight lessons in multiple sessions, like maybe 3 IRL days to complete, to make it realistic and avoid license ownership saturation. In total it should be very expensive to avoid getting everyone a flying license and maybe if you have certain felonies you’re not allowed to apply. Generally a great idea and I would be pumped to see this!

Edited by kenichis
Removed some clutter from quote
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2 hours ago, Touchsky said:

Speaking about desync. Have you ever been picked up by a medic in a helicopter? No, you should see.. That's considered desync. You wont even see it flying, it just teleports all over the place. So i think it's gonna be a big no no.



I dont really mind personally, its not like you're gonna crash in mid air with another vehicle. As for the passenger, if I was one I would just continue with the RP.

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I'm all for civilians getting things and improving the server but this one just isn't it. Not only is desync an issue but then you're also looking at air traffic control not being possible, aircraft being stolen by criminals, obstruction to the flow of emergency aircraft, etc. The aircraft in the server are not for fun - they are emergency vehicles that respond only to emergency situations. 

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Civilian aviation has been suggested multiple times. Also, Weasel News has a Heli.

It would definitely not be a free-for-all as air traffic would be priority of government entities. Additionally you would require extensive training and licensing.

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I don't see any huge RP potential coming from this, and I do see a lot of added strain on the staff team that will have to then deal with constant reports due to people crashing and then dying on log-in or refund requests when they have to pay a fortune to get their helicopter out from insurance after it desyncs crash. 

It'll just lead to constant ridiculous RP scenarios, like the police having to chase helicopters or, as somebody already said, people repeatedly using helicopters to break their friends out. Which just isn't happening in a maximum security prison, at least not very often.

No thanks, I want less action roleplay, not more.

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Having read some of the results of this. I gotta day I don’t agree with using choppers due to desync alone. Also on a side note, what is you guys’ opinion on an unweponized version of the flying deluxo and both oppressors and treat them like we would choppers, expensive, rare, and a lot of work with the government to obtain. 

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3 hours ago, Angel Ceez said:

Having read some of the results of this. I gotta day I don’t agree with using choppers due to desync alone. Also on a side note, what is you guys’ opinion on an unweponized version of the flying deluxo and both oppressors and treat them like we would choppers, expensive, rare, and a lot of work with the government to obtain. 

Terrible idea, every vehicle in the world should be obtainable by regular people, not just gov. Why would faction only be a proper thing in a game were trying to make realistic?

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