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Angel Ceez

Raise amount of $ earned on everything

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price of ammunation guns went up, and the prices of houses seem to be uncontrolled on how the prices are skyrocketing upwards. The price of water/food is high. With all these prices being so high at what point is it considered to raise the earned income on everything? The cost of living in the server has gone way up but I don’t see the amount of money earned being increased. Faction jobs need a massive raise/restructure, civilian jobs need a raise, EVERYTHING needs a raise. It’s not fair that someone who is grinding gets rewarded with so little including criminal jobs. Now guns are sky high about 3x as much to buy. I suggest every job including civilian and faction jobs have a raise along with welfare getting a bump too. It seems unfair that everything around the city is going up but the actual earned income has not went up. Please leave suggestions below and how else we can improve the economy because right now the economy feels a bit unbalanced. Please note, I’m not suggesting everything be easily earned, in stating that all ways of income need a slight bump upwards. 

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The guns were on sale, houses are used as investments by some people so they are holding to them, thus creating more demand. Food/water is the same price for me and some stores are always cheaper than others. IG economies are tough, but I think this one isn't bad, you get what you put in. 

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I don't agree everything needs to be increased, as I know there's real good money to make with factions (in particular), though I think certain points are valid.

I think the normal jobs (ie money transporter, postal, bus driver, etc) should be increased as most people doing these jobs are newer people just trying to find their feet in the game. They are also an easier/slower target for robberies, hence lose their inventory a lot more often. Combine that with the fact that GPS and Maps are now necessary to these jobs, its certainly an expensive exercise to re-buy all the time.

I think the price on house, although may be tough, is really a roll-of-the-dice game because I've seen countless listings asking $300k for example, only to be offered, and accepted, a lesser amount (this can of course go the other way too), so I think that adds some realism to everything. My Wife and I purchased a house not long ago that took us 2 yrs to find. Same applies in game. If you search and negotiate enough you'll find what your looking for.

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Having thought more about my statement above; Another suggestion on the wages for money transporter, postal, etc would be for the GPS & Maps to be fixed in the company vehicles. I've worked as a parcel courier before and I certainly didn't show up for work requiring my own GPS or maps to drive their vehicles and make their deliveries. This suggestion would eliminate my thoughts on wage rises for these jobs because of the easy inventory theft issue.

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increasing pay for everything would most likely just cause inflation like in the real world; everyone has more money to spend and so demand for goods will increase, putting prices up 


the main thing I think could work would be to slightly increase the pay of starter jobs and give courier, money transport and maybe truckers a GPS fitted to their work vehicle

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Like already mentioned, the reason for prices being increased on things was to combat inflation. 

The cash in(faucet) needs to be similar to the cash out(sink). 


If the Faucet is greater than the sink then you have inflation and cash becomes worth nothing and then the price of houses and cars goes up anyway. 

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Another reason why I think IC promotions should be implemented for people who stick to a job for around an in game mounts. Is a pay increase for being loyal to your job really that hard to understand or implement? You would unfortunately still have to do the same in engine commands, routes, etc. every time for work but the longer you stick with it the higher the pay and if you’re working like 12-14 IC hours a day I’m sure you’d get promoted like once every ic month (once a week) OOC.

Edited by Mako228143
Change phrasing and correct spelling (it’s 5 am over here give me a break lol)
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