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Job's automatic promotions

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I think there should be some kind of leveling system for jobs, for example if your doing courier job and you deliver X amount of Postal packages you get a promotion (level up) so you get higher quality of packages to deliver and cause of that you get like X% increase on your Salary. So there should be like 5 level, getting from 1 to 3 would be easy but 4 to 5 takes a lot of work. I saw this system on some old samp server i used to play. It also invite more players to come and do these kind of jobs as hardcore players want to max everything.

Thank you for your time and sorry if there is any grammar mistakes. 

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I would also add a "minimum time in job" pre-requisite to prevent unrealistic rapid promotions. So perhaps, in the OP's example of delivering parcels, you could deliver x parcels for the first promotion, but for the next promotion it would have to be x parcels delivered + n days in job. That way your character is showing dedication to the job ((and the server) loved by real employers) and the character won't earn ridiculous amounts of money from promotions if they're able to deliver enough parcels for several promotions in one day.

Perhaps also include a kill feature for promotions in one job if you change jobs at any point. So for example, if you start life as a courier and you get promoted to level 4 after days/weeks of working and then quit to work as a bus driver then decide at some to go back to being a courier then you have to start at level 1 again. I think that this encourages realistic career progression.

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+1 this was a good system in the samp server I used to play, it wasn't OP but it definitely helped the grind. The bonuses wouldn't/shouldn't be huge as you wouldn't want it paying more than gov. jobs but it should be enough of a boost to work as an incentive to stick to one job

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20 minutes ago, Steve1098 said:

I would also add a "minimum time in job" pre-requisite to prevent unrealistic rapid promotions. So perhaps, in the OP's example of delivering parcels, you could deliver x parcels for the first promotion, but for the next promotion it would have to be x parcels delivered + n days in job. That way your character is showing dedication to the job ((and the server) loved by real employers) and the character won't earn ridiculous amounts of money from promotions if they're able to deliver enough parcels for several promotions in one day.

Perhaps also include a kill feature for promotions in one job if you change jobs at any point. So for example, if you start life as a courier and you get promoted to level 4 after days/weeks of working and then quit to work as a bus driver then decide at some to go back to being a courier then you have to start at level 1 again. I think that this encourages realistic career progression.

those are really good suggestion but i think both of them can't be put together it needs to be one of them, like you work hard for days and weeks but in blink of eyes you lose everything. It's not OP as like for each promotion you get 15% or 10% on it like if you get to level 5 (75% to base income) and we suppose you deliver to far point at map for 1000$ then it would be like 1700$ something(drop points are random and its not like all time you get 1000 drop points) and if its 10% each level up then you would get 1500$

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13 minutes ago, AamirT said:

those are really good suggestion but i think both of them can't be put together it needs to be one of them, like you work hard for days and weeks but in blink of eyes you lose everything. It's not OP as like for each promotion you get 15% or 10% on it like if you get to level 5 (75% to base income) and we suppose you deliver to far point at map for 1000$ then it would be like 1700$ something(drop points are random and its not like all time you get 1000 drop points) and if its 10% each level up then you would get 1500$

I would say that the pre-requisite of having to work x amount of days for the next promotion would be more beneficial to the game, so I think that that is what should be added to the game.

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17 hours ago, Mako228143 said:


why hasn’t this gained more support?

I for one don't support it, because the pay is already pretty good for these jobs. And government jobs are lower at the start (and often at higher ranks as well.)

In order for this to work, those jobs starting pay would have to be lowered to around 4k and hour...which I am against.

Unless they finally raise pay across the board, there is not much room for promotion systems in the starter jobs.

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11 hours ago, Jasmine said:

I for one don't support it, because the pay is already pretty good for these jobs. And government jobs are lower at the start (and often at higher ranks as well.)

In order for this to work, those jobs starting pay would have to be lowered to around 4k and hour...which I am against.

Unless they finally raise pay across the board, there is not much room for promotion systems in the starter jobs.

work progress=more RP
you cant compare gov jobs and delivery jobs, the reason is lack of fun and content, you can do 3 hours police RP or any gov job and not get bored but can you say the same for delivery jobs?
in what world police traine, taxi traine and...(faction jobs) earn the same exact money? so its not about reality or money here, it's about RP content, so if you like to do ems RP or COP RP you can make it and earn almost same money as the guy who let's say do the mechanic job and at the same time have FUN,
the problem with delivery jobs is not the pay its lack of fun and content in it, if its gonna stay as boring as it is now it has to pay more! 
lets face it what kind of RP you get when you do the delevry jobs
1 only when you  getting robbed 
2 crash in someone and call EMS 
the point is not much of RP or fun
but lets say there is a promotion system
where you get like a better car a different uniform, more package not nececerly more money per drop!
more fun like every IRL  hour all deliverys get freezed and you get a call to gather in HQ and and talk to other co-workers and you have to stay there for like 10 min and you get like job XP boost or something that don't discourage people to join meetings it Bring so much RP and FUN,then it should pay same as gov jobs.
worked in SAMP can and will work like a charm here.


21 hours ago, Steve1098 said:

I would also add a "minimum time in job" pre-requisite to prevent unrealistic rapid promotions. So perhaps, in the OP's example of delivering parcels, you could deliver x parcels for the first promotion, but for the next promotion it would have to be x parcels delivered + n days in job. That way your character is showing dedication to the job ((and the server) loved by real employers) and the character won't earn ridiculous amounts of money from promotions if they're able to deliver enough parcels for several promotions in one day.

Perhaps also include a kill feature for promotions in one job if you change jobs at any point. So for example, if you start life as a courier and you get promoted to level 4 after days/weeks of working and then quit to work as a bus driver then decide at some to go back to being a courier then you have to start at level 1 again. I think that this encourages realistic career progression.

I think thats the best way of promotion system so people dont jump ships.
and also get rid of people that just use a job vehicle to go from a point to b point so annoying to see all the buses near mors :23_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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1 hour ago, Dictator said:

work progress=more RP
you cant compare gov jobs and delivery jobs, the reason is lack of fun and content, you can do 3 hours police RP or any gov job and not get bored but can you say the same for delivery jobs?
in what world police traine, taxi traine and...(faction jobs) earn the same exact money? so its not about reality or money here, it's about RP content, so if you like to do ems RP or COP RP you can make it and earn almost same money as the guy who let's say do the mechanic job and at the same time have FUN,
the problem with delivery jobs is not the pay its lack of fun and content in it, if its gonna stay as boring as it is now it has to pay more! 

I spent more hours than most as ATM runner, there is just as much RP to be found as a cab driver. 

Besides that, you are saying improve the side jobs so they are more involved and fun - Agreed, that would be great.

You also want a promotion system. Meaning these jobs would end up making much more than the gov jobs. - This is where we disagree.

The gov jobs have requirements, some of them SERIOUS requirements, like half your playtime on duty, increased responsibility off-duty to fix spreadsheets and talk about how to improve the faction, while on-duty there is much more responsibility, and a higher standard (as an example, cabbies can not AFK for more than 5 minutes). I still run the ATM truck, because sometimes I just don't want the added hassle of dealing with customers, calling in radio codes, having managers hound me about getting calls, and being able to take more than 5 minute breaks.

I honestly think you have it backwards:

Side jobs should be easy, simple to apply and do, and low standard for lower pay.

Gov jobs should have increased responsibility, time requirements, and RP requirements, and therefore pay more.


What you are suggesting is to make the side jobs more fun, with fun little perks, and get more pay with promotions. Which I am against.

If you are looking for all of those things, join a gov faction, or ask devs to make more fun and interesting gov factions to join.

Side jobs in ECRP (not worried about what SAMP does) serve a very simple, effective purpose: provide new citizens with a simple, easy way to make a little cash while they decide where their character goes from there. And I believe it serves an important role in the server.

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+1 huge plus 1. I wish this was a thing before I had a faction job, it honestly felt like a chore since the only starting job that encourages RP is the bus job, but no one really rides the bus and most people who do don’t RP very much. The starting jobs are really only used to get some money to buy a car / house to get props for the character you want, I wouldn’t mind having that process fastened a bit.

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1 hour ago, kenichis said:

Now that I think about it, this actually might overinflate the economy even more since spawning in money will be easier. -1

Why you guys think by doing this everyone gets millionaire? how much do you think it increase the income? Wouldn't be more than 1500$ on whole income. The way i see how economy is, they really should increase these kinda jobs salary, when with 20 burgers you can buy a car! And when the water price is 200-300$

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