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Unhide the archived forum reports section

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Recently, I've noticed that the archive section of the forum reports has been hidden. I suggest unhiding these reports, as I don't see any benefit in hiding them. I know myself and many other players have learned so much from this section of the forums, about what is allowed and not allowed on the server. I think hiding this only hurts the community and its players, as learning rules will become more difficult and can lead to an overload of new forum reports + punishments/bans for the new generation of players.

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I've learned a lot through the report section which made not break any rules or ruin other players experience through a LOT of different scenarios.
I get the point behind it making it private, but it makes little to no sense. The punishement is gonna be issued if it exists, either people see it or not so who cares.

Edited by ChenZen
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+1, a lot of unwritten rules are created in those report responses. Not allowing the player base to view these decisions only serves to hinder the player's knowledge of how we should be expected to approach RP situations.

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Reports section has too long been the court of public opinion and it fostered a mentality of the report section being weaponised to discredit a person or faction. You don’t necessarily need to be proved as a rule breaker to be assumed to be one, just be reported enough times basically and it’s one of the negative aspects of ECRP. 

As a result, I get the feeling that some staff feel pressured into making the popular decision rather than the right decision and with people less focused on setting or what precedents are set, they can review each report as they should, individually, on a case by case basis according to the rules we all need to act by.

I agree with you OP that there is a potential issue there but I feel that can be resolved by staff coming out publicly when precedents have been set privately and communicating how something will change and why moving forward. 

We don’t need to be privy to an individuals rule breaks. That’s between them and staff. We just have to be aware if it may effect us moving forward. Report section doesn’t have to be public for that.

Edited by Bala
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+1 this can lead to unfair treatment or biased treatment as the result of the report can't be compared to previous similar scenarios where the result may be conflicting. I do think privacy is nice but ultimately the transparency is key to uderstanding rules, punishments, decisions behind the punishment and if the decision reflects pervious similar situations. To balas point, staff should not being making decisions based on public opinion but rather rooted in cold hard facts and previous rulings as well as accordance to the rules.

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43 minutes ago, PurplePlant said:

To balas point, staff should not being making decisions based on public opinion but rather rooted in cold hard facts and previous rulings as well as accordance to the rules.

Yes, but it's a gaming community, not a court of law. Not every one is comfortable being the bad guy and no one is paid to be. Decisions don't need to be judged by the player base. As long as you know what rules you need to follow, it doesn't matter what happens to other people.

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Big +1.

I was kind of shocked when I seen that it has been hidden. As others have mentioned this is something that I've learned quite a lot of information on the rules of the server over the years by watching actual potential rule breaks being posted, and the outcomes and reasoning behind them clearly written for the community to see by server staff.

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53 minutes ago, Bala said:

Yes, but it's a gaming community, not a court of law. Not every one is comfortable being the bad guy and no one is paid to be. Decisions don't need to be judged by the player base. As long as you know what rules you need to follow, it doesn't matter what happens to other people.

I'm sorry I completely disagree with this statement. As staff you are required to make hard decisions based on the evidence and the rules, not emotion. If staff are using emotions to decided a report because they don't want to "be the bad guy" they shouldn't be taking the report at all. Having reports open just shows the community that there isn't any special treatment or wildy varying decisions based on the same evidence and that's super important.

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1 hour ago, PurplePlant said:

I'm sorry I completely disagree with this statement. As staff you are required to make hard decisions based on the evidence and the rules, not emotion. If staff are using emotions to decided a report because they don't want to "be the bad guy" they shouldn't be taking the report at all. Having reports open just shows the community that there isn't any special treatment or wildy varying decisions based on the same evidence and that's super important.

Basically this. 

OOC reports have OOC consequences, up to and including bans from the server. this has nothing to do with being the "bad guy."

Players should have access to pending and archived reports to keep themselves up to date on what and how the rules of the server are applied. and in the case of themselves being reported, being able to reference other similar situations and their outcomes in either their report or any subsequent appeal. 

This is SUPER important to relations between staff members and players. I cannot stress this enough. Hiding the reports system will only foster rumor mill, suspicion and paranoia.

Lets keep it transparent.

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+1, going to see a lot of people unsure with how to follow the rules in certain situations or a lot of unnecessary reports due to the random change. Reports and ban appeals have 0 reason to be hidden from the community, and doing so just draws the line of communication between staff and players even wider than it already has become.

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On 1/23/2024 at 10:21 AM, Bala said:


Reports section has too long been the court of public opinion and it fostered a mentality of the report section being weaponised to discredit a person or faction. You don’t necessarily need to be proved as a rule breaker to be assumed to be one, just be reported enough times basically and it’s one of the negative aspects of ECRP. 

As a result, I get the feeling that some staff feel pressured into making the popular decision rather than the right decision and with people less focused on setting or what precedents are set, they can review each report as they should, individually, on a case by case basis according to the rules we all need to act by.

I agree with you OP that there is a potential issue there but I feel that can be resolved by staff coming out publicly when precedents have been set privately and communicating how something will change and why moving forward. 

We don’t need to be privy to an individuals rule breaks. That’s between them and staff. We just have to be aware if it may effect us moving forward. Report section doesn’t have to be public for that.

So your saying staff are un able to make the right and un bias decision in the fear of getting backlash? Dose that also mean that people have been wrongfully punished by staff who where to afraid to set precedent?

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23 hours ago, Bala said:

Yes, but it's a gaming community, not a court of law. Not every one is comfortable being the bad guy and no one is paid to be. Decisions don't need to be judged by the player base. As long as you know what rules you need to follow, it doesn't matter what happens to other people.

do you not think that if someone is scared to look like a "bad guy" for punishing someone then they shouldn't have been put into the position where they are able to do so? also, with the way ecrp rules are set out, looking at report decisions does help a lot as there are no real set in stone guidelines as a lot of punishments are down to staffs opinion so looking at past reports is a good guideline for players to base these guidelines off of.


another thing that i would like to mention is the endless amount of clips that people can find through reports, whether its to look back on memories with friends that they can't find the video of, or to try and show someone what an example of a rulebreak is to educate them.

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For Factions its harder to keep track on rulebreaks,  as of now members are fully able to lie about their punishments unless we ask them about admin panels each time reports come their way.  


+1 people also learn alot from looking at the reports, to see whats allowed, whats nrp, whats DM, etc etc. Major L removing our access.   If staff is afraid to give the right answer, they should simply be removed as staff instantly

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