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Better communication from staff and developers

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I have been on this server for quite a while now and have spent over 700 hours in game in my time here. I have noticed that the is a big problem with communication between the staff and players, especially now more than ever i believe.

I will start first with the official factions issue. When the team that runs ECRP has decided to create this system for official factions to improve the server everyone was happy about it and all for it. We were told it is going to be a month before decisions are being made and then we will be informed on the process of becoming official. Well now it has been over a month and as one of the leaders of a faction that is aiming to obtain official rank personally i have received very little information on what is actually going. While our handler is very helpful with questions that we ask but i assume because of orders from above they are not allowed to answer questions like "when will the applications will be available" and all they can say is "we are working on them" . In my opinion such responses are just bad and do not work. When members of your faction keep asking when will the official application will be coming out and all you can say is "soon" its not good. 

I understand admins work for free and do this in their free time and have their lives and so on. But some sort of communication should be held. For example if the process is being delayed then make an announcement about it, it will be more understandable when there is an official announcement being made from the staff team.

The next point is about the information being shared through private chats and rumours. So currently everyone knows that there is a lot of content being worked on. but no one really knows that because all of it is basically rumours and nothing is really confirmed. Again i know that people are busy. But i think some sort of official communication should be held between the staff, developers and the players. 

When players are asked to improve their rp standards and change how they act in game its perfect that we want to clean up the community but we as players also need feedback from the staff on what is being done right or what is being done wrong. If there is no communication, then players lose sense of something actually being done, they get bored and lose faith and start falling off to the "i am bored lets go shoot" side 

Another example is that apparently now bleets are only available to be done every 20 minutes. Now either this is rumours or very poor communication from staff as this is a rule change within the server and as far as i know there is no official updates about it at all.

Second example is the chop shop prices, they were not announced at all and a lot of the community have expressed an issue with it but nothing has been said by anyone at all. Chop shop is currently dead content, especially with the impound being there too. No one bothers chopping any cars anymore because its not worth it. I understand if the developers think that it might be too op to receive 7k for an expensive car but also have to think it from a balance perspective that currently while new content is being worked on. there is nothing to do with the chop shop being gone drug labs is the only criminal activity realistically available especially if following RP standards of certain criminals as certain factions who are rping as mid tier or higher are not going to be robbing grocery stores. Making the chop shop useless basically leaves only drug labs as only source of some sort of activity but then those are also overcrowded with people 

Hope we can have a civil discussion about this and achieve something.

Edited by shiroq
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@NobodyLTU is replacing the old voice system with the one RAGE implemented, if the new system functions properly, most of the existing problems we experience with the old system will disappear. I will forward the chopshop complaint too, but as long as the owner of the car pays more to get their vehicle back from Mors Insurance, then there should not be any problems to increase the pay.

I could make a topic explaining what my current work involves, it includes warehouses, shipments, keypad locks and container construction. It will take me some time to implement everything properly, that's why I don't talk about it publicly, until I have something solid to show I don't want to raise peoples' expectations. I've also added a cooldown timer for bleets, because there used to be a rule on how frequent a player could message those, now there is no need for staff members to enforce it.

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7 minutes ago, Osvaldon said:

@NobodyLTU is replacing the old voice system with the one RAGE implemented, if the new system functions properly, most of the existing problems we experience with the old system will disappear. I will forward the chopshop complaint too, but as long as the owner of the car pays more to get their vehicle back from Mors Insurance, then there should not be any problems to increase the pay.

I could make a topic explaining what my current work involves, it includes warehouses, shipments, keypad locks and container construction. It will take me some time to implement everything properly, that's why I don't talk about it publicly, until I have something solid to show I don't want to raise peoples' expectations. I've also added a cooldown timer for bleets, because there used to be a rule on how frequent a player could message those, now there is no need for staff members to enforce it.

it's good but at least from my perspective there is issue on communication. its hard to say on how it could be improved but there should some sort of improvement because keeping the community completely in the dark can hurt the overall community in the long run. I mean for example with the snow we know that you guys are experimenting with it. its a bit weird that it gets turned on and off. but could also make such announcements like from X to X there will be snow all the time for the winter period. Just some kind of information. Sometimes even bad news are better than no news at all. going completely dark is worse than sharing little bits. It is possible to update the community without over promising stuff. But i am glad that this post wasn't ignored so thank you for your reply

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I have a question, @Osvaldon, how are 'Official Factions' going to work?

Are you guys basically dividing the city into turfs and warehouses and giving ultimate control to some 'Official Factions' forever?

Or will up and coming, new gangs, be able to steal these warehouses / turfs away? Without being an 'Official Faction."

I recently joined this server almost a month ago, and I have no idea how warehouses or any of that ever worked, but if this is the only time to ever become an official faction and there are no real fights over the warehouses or anything, than whats the point of it all? To just make the people at the top richer and have a unlimited supply of weapons and $?


Also, got a question about real estate, for example 'Carwyn Realestate', do the admins just give them free houses so they can make millions off the community and than use all that money for criminal ventures and for their personal char? If so, than the servers entire economy is bullshit and not fair for literally everybody else who is not profiting off admin spawned goods. 

If anything, these auction things should not be player owned, but admin owned, oocly owned, and icly operated with some type of bullshit backstory, but the money should never stay in the economy, thats just straight up bullshit. Make's everybody else's grind mean nothing. 


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1 hour ago, 2cannnn1 said:

I have a question, @Osvaldon, how are 'Official Factions' going to work?

Are you guys basically dividing the city into turfs and warehouses and giving ultimate control to some 'Official Factions' forever?

Or will up and coming, new gangs, be able to steal these warehouses / turfs away? Without being an 'Official Faction."

I recently joined this server almost a month ago, and I have no idea how warehouses or any of that ever worked, but if this is the only time to ever become an official faction and there are no real fights over the warehouses or anything, than whats the point of it all? To just make the people at the top richer and have a unlimited supply of weapons and $?


Also, got a question about real estate, for example 'Carwyn Realestate', do the admins just give them free houses so they can make millions off the community and than use all that money for criminal ventures and for their personal char? If so, than the servers entire economy is bullshit and not fair for literally everybody else who is not profiting off admin spawned goods. 

If anything, these auction things should not be player owned, but admin owned, oocly owned, and icly operated with some type of bullshit backstory, but the money should never stay in the economy, thats just straight up bullshit. Make's everybody else's grind mean nothing. 


Im the owner of carwyn realestate. I am one of the highest ranking medics in MD and on that character I own carwyn realestate. I either buy houses cheap and auction them. Or sell other peoples houses for a small fee. All the money is earned from my medic duties and I made less then 250.000 profit in the last 3 months. (The rest go to company funds.) The discord is owned by NobodyLTU and we have IC And OOC sections. The IC parts are seen as ingame websites. As nobodyLTU owns the discord. It could be used IC on some parts. 

Admins cannot spawn in items or houses. Only head admins or the owners can. I just go around all ingame houses twice a day to check for new once on sale for cheap. 

I also got a IC license to operate a real-estate granted by the los santos commisioners that can be contacted with IC emails on the police/md forums

If you got any questions about my Real-Estare or how it works I feel free to answer them in PMs either on the forums or on discord. 


-Musket ECRP Senior Moderator.

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2 hours ago, 2cannnn1 said:

I have a question, @Osvaldon, how are 'Official Factions' going to work?

Are you guys basically dividing the city into turfs and warehouses and giving ultimate control to some 'Official Factions' forever?

Or will up and coming, new gangs, be able to steal these warehouses / turfs away? Without being an 'Official Faction."

I recently joined this server almost a month ago, and I have no idea how warehouses or any of that ever worked, but if this is the only time to ever become an official faction and there are no real fights over the warehouses or anything, than whats the point of it all? To just make the people at the top richer and have a unlimited supply of weapons and $?


Also, got a question about real estate, for example 'Carwyn Realestate', do the admins just give them free houses so they can make millions off the community and than use all that money for criminal ventures and for their personal char? If so, than the servers entire economy is bullshit and not fair for literally everybody else who is not profiting off admin spawned goods. 

If anything, these auction things should not be player owned, but admin owned, oocly owned, and icly operated with some type of bullshit backstory, but the money should never stay in the economy, thats just straight up bullshit. Make's everybody else's grind mean nothing. 


Osvaldon isn't in charge of the new system, @BallinByNature and @harmdone are. 

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2 hours ago, senix_69 said:

Very well explained @shiroq

I agree that we need more information, especially when you are a faction leader. Members keep asking me about the official faction system applications, and i don't have any answers for them. People are losing interest.

Back in the day the warehouses used to give the gang who owned it treasury money it was a on  weekly basis and j think it was 50k aweek or something.  Also with the warehouse you can import guns, bullets, silencer and other weapon parts and drugs in the past. With the new drug system I don't think that will be possible. 

Also other gangs with rp reason goin to war with your gang could tske the warehouse from that gang to another gang. With the new system what's coming out all I can say is let ballin and Harmdone do their awesome work and if theirs any bugs report it.

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4 hours ago, Osvaldon said:

@NobodyLTU is replacing the old voice system with the one RAGE implemented, if the new system functions properly, most of the existing problems we experience with the old system will disappear. I will forward the chopshop complaint too, but as long as the owner of the car pays more to get their vehicle back from Mors Insurance, then there should not be any problems to increase the pay.

I could make a topic explaining what my current work involves, it includes warehouses, shipments, keypad locks and container construction. It will take me some time to implement everything properly, that's why I don't talk about it publicly, until I have something solid to show I don't want to raise peoples' expectations. I've also added a cooldown timer for bleets, because there used to be a rule on how frequent a player could message those, now there is no need for staff members to enforce it.

I think the best suggestion would be to offer some PR positions for someone in the staff which will be responsible for dev-blogs, communications about various changes and QOL stuff, since the server is lacking of that information. I would guarantee there would be volunteers who would make news about "whats going next in the server" things.

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I think that every time the developers chose to share information, it's nice (just like the above post) but the issue is how random it seems to the average member.

In my opinion, there should be a set time and date (let's say once every two sundays, at 8PM GMT) one, or both developers share what they've been working on, what they plan to tackle next and if they have any ETAs on when it will be patched in the game server.

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There were some cases where some staff members were reported for breaking fearp (etc.) and higher ups gave them a punishment and the punishment itself wasn't shared with anyone, not even their own moderators and I feel like the community should know what punishment was issued 


also I think chopshop was bad BEFORE the change and I felt that you need to get more money for risking stealing a car and then risking your life while choping it (if you are not a member of a larger gang there is a good chance you will just get shot) and then thinking how are you gonna get to the bank or to the town. So I think the chopshop prices should be x3 of current prices and I have no problems with mors prices being increased.


And I believe that we should get to vote what do we want and what we don't, like in my opinion the impounding system is terrible, I've been wanted for 12 days and my main vehicle has been impounded for 10 days which just sucks, and I would be okay with this if there was a way of me getting it back by doing criminal stuff, for e.g. making an officer get it from the impound for me but I can't because its a NCZ and I heavily dislike that 



Edited by verydoge12
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28 minutes ago, verydoge12 said:

There were some cases where some staff members were reported for breaking fearp (etc.) and higher ups gave them a punishment and the punishment itself wasn't shared with anyone, not even their own moderators and I feel like the community should know what punishment was issued 


also I think chopshop was bad BEFORE the change and I felt that you need to get more money for risking stealing a car and then risking your life while choping it (if you are not a member of a larger gang there is a good chance you will just get shot) and then thinking how are you gonna get to the bank or to the town. So I think the chopshop prices should be x3 of current prices and I have no problems with mors prices being increased.


And I believe that we should get to vote what do we want and what we don't, like in my opinion the impounding system is terrible, I've been wanted for 12 days and my main vehicle has been impounded for 10 days which just sucks, and I would be okay with this if there was a way of me getting it back by doing criminal stuff, for e.g. making an officer get it from the impound for me but I can't because its a NCZ and I heavily dislike that 



Big + from me about the chopshop,

Also i want to add, the mors insurance price is already higher then you are getting from chopping a car, simple example - v12 schafter - i chopped it and got 2500 and taking form mors the price is 4125. I am really interested to hear on what basis you have lowered the price of chopping cars, because we talked about chop shop topic in the past and you have raised the price you get from chopping and suddenly you decided to decrease, without any explanations why. As I can see what is happening at the moment is that you are adding taxes to everything, lowering money income. How can this thing help economy ? As someone from the admins said "It will effect only the rich people". Sadly , but no, ONLY middle class is being effected the most, which is a big bullshit, because: 1. if you are hurting middle class, then there is no way they gonna catch the rich people. The rich people who has already 20-10 mil in their bank accounts, doesn't feel anything, because they already have mansions, business, super cars and they don't care or feel anything about the changes. You are just killing the middle class which has the most people in it and if you are killing it. I don't know how you counted everything, but now the situation is worse then it was before. I really like this server and I wouldn't like to leave or join another one, but at this time if you want to get more money, you need to grind all the time and lets be honest, there isn't much what to do in town. Chop shop is now not worth spending time on, drug labs is being destroyed, robbing stores also not worth it and also if you are roleplaying higher class gang you wouldn't go to robe stores. So what to do? 

You probably have seen like 1 month ago, i organized a party and thought about doing it every weekend with different themes, which would bring some life and activities to players. but i stopped doing it because i realized how much it cost (IC money), time (OOC) and energy. From one party i went to minus for 120k so if i make 4 parties in one month it is 460k, it is good thing that one guy helped me out by RPing that the club belongs to him and that he can sponsor the event, but if i would be on my own it is pure -. The reason is that people didn't want to pay 2000 for the entrance, people didn't want to work at club for 6000k/1hr and with this new "economy thing" people 100% will not pay that money for the entrance or work at the club (which requires high RP) for the money that farmer can get.

The question is how to bring some life to the city if you can't afford it, because the money income is really bad.
Also wanted to ask, where is the taxes going? is the money being destroyed or is it possible to use somewhere, for example , even organizing a parties.

Edited by ViktorR
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Hey, thanks for the suggestion.

Adding onto what Osvaldon said, we currently tease updates and upcoming features in the ECRP discord development channel. If you have concerns regarding chop shop pricing, please create another suggestion under the appropriate category.

Suggestion Locked & Archived.

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